
A groan rips out of his throat as his eyes spit open in the darkness of his bedroom. Curled up next to him was Emalynn, whom had fresh cuts bleeding through his white jacket. Her breathing was steady with sleep. Four tiny lights stood out in the dark, the angry eyes of his parents. "Out in the guest room. Now!" his father whispered angrily. Tomas stumbled a little while his eyes adjusted, although he could barely keep them open until he downed the coffee handed to him. "Now would you care to explain why you not only brought home a girl, but why she's in your bed?" Tomas's father yelled. He knew what it looked like, and the action of what he was being accused of wouldn't be a shocker of Tomas. "Look, I went up the ring for a cigarette and that little girl was about to jump off. I'd seen her around in school and she'd look pitiful. I dragged her back before she could jump and I was going to dump her somewhere. End of story. But literally no one else cares about that little girl in there. So after hearing about her shitty home life, I took her here." His mother nodded in grave understanding, but his father was still not convinced. "That doesn't explain why she's in your bed." Tomas huffed frustratedly. "She fell asleep in the dining room and I brought in here. I don't how she got in my bed, probably woke up and came in. I don't know how much she trusts me but I'm all she has. I'll be damned if I let that sweet little girl in there die on my watch. She's staying here until I know she's going to be okay." the sudden anger, determination, and boldness of Tomas's words shocked his parents to to point where they stood there with jaws dropped and widen eyes. "What time is it, anyway?" "Four AM." choked his mother. Tomas nodded. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to enjoy my last hour of sleep before school." With the bittersweet conversation still hanging in the air, Tomas returned to the comforting darkness of his room, cuddling the tiny Emalynn with crimson rain pouring from her wrists. "Tomas?" she calls out, barely audible. All that was returned was a large band aid over each wrist as he whispered, "Goodnight, Emalynn." With the words, they both drifted off to sleep once again.

•. •. •

The sharp sound of Tomas's alarm clock startled Emalynn to the point of falling off the bed. "Ow." she groaned in pain. "You alright?" Tomas asks, helping her up as she nodded. "I'm assuming you're going to refuse breakfast." Tomas stated groggily. "Yes I am." Emalynn confirmed. She had no other choice but to either wear what she had on yesterday or barrow something of Tomas's, and Tomas had already laid something out for her. "We'll swing by your house after school today and get you your clothes." he promised. Awkwardly trudging into the bathroom, Tomas chuckled at Emalynn's shy behavior. Minutes later, she returns as a female version of him. His plain red T-shirt was tucked into the baggy looking jeans which only held up by the black belt. The leather jacket swallowed her along with the dark grey beanie with Black rings, only pausing where a moon interrupted. The only thing Emalynn wore of her own was her undergarments and her shoes. "Ready to go?" she asked embarrassedly. "Yeah." Tomas along with a chuckle. Starting to lead Emalynn to his car, he dreadfully found himself with heated cheeks at the sight of Emalynn. He realized, once they were seated in the car, that Emalynn had also stolen a bandana and tied it around her mouth the way Tomas always did. With her feet propped up in front of her, Emalynn crossed her arms over her chest and attempted to look bored. Tomas glanced between her and the road. "Are you actually mocking me?" he asks with disbelief. Emalynn only huffs unamused and rolls her eyes toward to window. Tomas grinned. Two can play at that game! He thought, but didn't know how to mock her without being offensive. Besides, it was much more amusing to watch. Before the car even came to a full stop, Emalynn swung the door open and hopped out, copying Tomas's walk flawlessly along with speed. A few of his friends greeted her with confusion. "Why are you so short? You're not Tom, who the fuck are you!" In panic Emalynn shrunk back, the game over for her. "Hey, hey!" Tomas shouted angrily at his friend. "Leave the girl be, she's with me and that's all you need to know. Back off!" His friends all back away with hands up. "Alright, alright." one of them said defensively. But the one who spoke to Emalynn only smirked with arms crossed. "Little protective over this one, ain't 'cha Tommy-boy?" Tomas only growled and rushed Emalynn inside. "Don't we have several classes together?" Emalynn shakes her head. "No, we have every class together." "We do?" "We do." "Oh." Emalynn leaves him and walks to her locker in her normal walk. "Hey, babe!" greets Ben. "Hi." she returns with a fake grin so practiced, only Tomas saw through it. "C'mon over after school t'day. We have to talk..." Ben says whole eying Emalynn's attire. "Okay." she agrees happily, knowing she doesn't have say anyhow. "Well, catch ya in homeroom." Ben says and kisses her quick on the cheek before leaving. "Ew." Tomas says, startling Emalynn. "Don't do that!" she hissed. With her bookbag away she and Tomas carried on the homebase, one filled with fear and dread. The other overflowing with rage and anger. "So what did he want?" asks Tomas bitterly. "He wants me to go with him after school." Tomas gave a fake grin. "Great, what time we going?" he asks cheerfully but Emalynn only rolls her eyes and shakes her head. The bell rung just as they entered. A few whistles rung through the air, causing Emalynn to shrink with embarressment in her chair. "Hey, wrong seat, pal." Ben hints to Tomas whom had stolen the chair next to Emalynn's. "Class doesn't start for a while, and last I heard...this seat actually belongs to the school. I can see why you like it though. Ya got some nice senery." Ben and Tomas glance at Emalynn. "Tomas..." she hints. In disbelief, he gets up, never taking his eyes off of Emalynn with an angered and protective expression. "What's going on, babe? Wearin'is clothes, him stealing my seat...are you cheating on me?" At this point the whole class is intune with the conversation. Emalynn? The sweet angel of the whole school...cheating? "No, Benjamin. But...I wanna break up." Ben said nothing. The class was silent with shock and fear. Ben silently made his way over to Tomas, whom had a cold look in his eye. "BASTARD!" Ben screeched and reatedly punched Tomas while pinning him against the wall with a fistful of his shirt. "Benjamin, stop! I Change my mind!" Emalynn cried. Tomas was realeased and fell to the ground, barely consious. But what he did see was Ben embracing Emalynn and adding sexual touches while he kissed her. "No,no." Tomas whispered. But it was all he could muster before the classroom faded to pitch black.

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