Stories by: StarsAreLights
10 stories
The Boy Next Door

It never matters how close you are to someone, sometimes they leave. It's a fact of life. But some reasons for leaving are worse than others. Words, harrassment, depression, and possibly suiside attempts. Thats why he left. His first love...not the one that got away but one who had no other choice. Addiss never stopped missing him and ge never would. Not only because Caisey was his first love but in one building they both called hell, there was only a matter of two walls seperating them. One a hard, decorated wall of classroom and the other one being built from the words of the surrounding homophobia.

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Lock & Key

Springtrap x readerUnisex reader (Not just girls)

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It's Me

The Bite Of '87, the death of Purple Guy, the fire, the souls of the dead children. It's all in the past. But whatever happened to the animatronics after they were all solded? Whatever happened to the innocent five children who's souls are trapped in the suits...Gone unfreed. The puppet is nowhere to be found, he's lost to the world when he's most needed. Springtrap has a mind of his own and a hunger more powerful than before.

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Welcome to Chrixtown-----------------------------------------------Everyone has that one special thing they do with their friends-a holiday, an article of clothing to wear on the same day, or a special event. My friends and I have our thing, too. We have a fun combination thing. Our names are Lucy, Garett, Brandy, and Tyler. LGBT. One father is a preacher, as Anti-LGBT as one could get. As far as he's concerned we will all die and go to hell. All of us- just your average group of friends...exiled.

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Welcome to Alasina ------------------------------------Ages 0-12 were no big deal to me. I had a supportive family- Moma, Pop, an older brother, and a dog. Novia got me any setbacks. But it all changed on number 13, my best friend and I were as close as we could be...or so I had thought. It was on my thirteenth birthday that I discovered anything abnormal. A full moon on friday the 13th may have been bad luck. It was the night I had my first kiss. A kiss that destroyed us. Novia was unable to save us this time, for she was stolen away from me. We live in the snow, warmth is rare. The fire that left me homeless was like the sun colliding with earth. All I have is my lost family out there along with my love and most importantly- Novia.

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Crimson Rain

Welcome to Amanorr------------------------------------The Forgotten Trilogy °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Book One _____________________________After about five years of depression you begin to have suicidal thoughts, hundreds of cuts, and you feel completely alone to fight off the world. You feel like the world is out to destroy you, so you never trust anyone. It was only when the time came to end it all that she felt she could trust anyone, although he had done so much wrong at such a young age...but even those made of complete darkness have some light in them.

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The Mysterious Souls

Welcome to Siviniss------------------------------------We all have a religion, a belief, a faith, even if it's the belief of no gods. But as for the non-believers, there must be something for the events the even science cannot explain. Banished from the common life as the average human being, there are those among us who hold the abilities of that of 'fairytales'. Seperated for years, what would happen if these souls were to join in an allience against humanity?

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Just a place for any news, goals, or plans I have that needs to be shared.

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Arrow Heart

Welcome to Arkiana-----------------------------------------------'Saige Thomason has once again been denied from the Hunter's Eye archery team' they scoff. Oh but why would a girl who can hit a bullseye(or close to it) without looking not be on the team. Thats right, its only because I have XX chromosomes instead of the 'all mighty' XY. This doesn't last for long, as long as I get my chance in for the broken arrow, I'll show them what a 'weak' little girl can do. As my mother used to tell me, "Never dout a girl with an Arrow Heart."

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A Demention Of Fear

Welcome to the world of Phobianix-----------------------------------------------Lillia and Coleson were never ones to face their fears in favor of running and hiding from them, however, when they're asked to be tested on for an expriment that may just shut down 'unnessary' fears they enter the worst part of their minds instead of killing it. Trapped in a world of their fears, they lay in the hospital in a coma. The deadline for life is limited to a matter of months. If they are not to awaken...trapped forever in a demention of fear.

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