The Hospital Wristband

His name was Dr. Ulman. He worked as a surgeon at a hospital, he had just been operating on a young man named Curtis who hadn't survived after surgery, so as he had to do to every patient when they didn't make it, he pulled off the white wristband and put on a red one. To tell everyone that he was dead. Dr. Ulman walked down the hall and threw away the white latex gloves, and washed his upper arms and hands. He hopped in the elevator to head down to the cafeteria and a lady in a white gown hopped in after him. He smiled at her and asked, "where to miss?"
"The doctors are expecting me any time now at the morgue."
He looked at her confused and asked, "What do you mea-" but before He could finish his sentence the doors burst open again and what was outside the doors scared Dr. Ulman so bad he closed them before anyone could get in.
"What was that for, that young man on the other side was trying to get in, why did you close the doors." The lady asked Dr. Ulman.
Dr. Ulman gulped and said, "Because well that was Curtis."
"So?" Said the lady.
"Well I had just been Operating on him about 5 minutes ago and he hadn't made it through surgery.
"Are you sure?" Asked the lady.
"Positive, he was wearing a red wristband." Said Dr. Ulman.
"Oh, something like this." Said the lady as she held up her arm, enough for me to see a bright red wristband around her wrist.
