The hitchhiker

We laughed and sang in high pitched voices to Bruce Channel playing on the static filled radio.
"Heyyyyyyy, hey baby, I wanna know if you'll be my girl!?" I laughed, my hand hanging out the window. I pulled down the sun visor and stared at myself in the mirror, reapplying a layer of bright red lipstick and fluffing up my hair. I turned down the radio a little bit and looked over at Vicky,
"That party's gonna be great tonight."

"Yah." She said and turned to smile at me. I looked at the small mirror again and asked, "Your gonna dance with Robbie, right?" She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. We finally pulled up to the garage party and fixed up ourselves in the mirror before getting out of the Pontiac GTO, it's paint glimmered in the light of the moon, as I shut the door. I was wearing a simple layer of makeup, a nice bright powder and penciled eyeliner, cherry red lipstick, and fake eyelashes. I grabbed Vicky by the arm and we ran to the garage. I spotted Harry in the corner and ran over to him, hugging him and smiling up at him. He was a jock on the football team and was wearing his sports varsity jacket.
"You look beautiful." He said, I blushed and nodded at him. He put out his hand and we walked to the dance floor. The band played "In the Still Of Night" and we rocked against each other dancing ever so slowly. A couple other songs played until it was late and Vicky and I had to leave. I kissed Harry goodbye and ran to the car, looking back once to smile and wink. I jumped in the passenger side and we drove away.

"How was dancing with Robbie?" I asked with a smirk. She smiled but said, "How was dancing with Harry?" I smiled and stuck my tongue and she laughed. We drove along for a while and didn't speak, the headlights shined ahead until they passed over a man holding out his thumb,
"Hey there's a hitchhiker, let's stop and pick him up." She put on the brakes and I yelled to the hitchhiker.
"Get in." He gratefully waved and got in the backseat. He was a quiet man but told us the destination. After sitting there for a while I was getting very uncomfortable, I glanced at him in the rearview mirror and he just stared right back at me, not blinking. I thought of an excuse to get away from the guy for a bit and said out loud,
"Hey Vicky let's stop for gas."
"Fine by me." She said, and I could tell she was grateful. We pulled over at the closest station and got out of the car. The man got out too, claiming he needed to go to the bathroom.
I went up to Vicky who was filling the car with gas and said,
"Vicky let's go, I can't be near him for one more second." She nodded and said, "So we should leave him?" I nodded and she stopped the gas pump, we paid and left.
"Thank God, he was making me so nervous." I said, she agreed and we drove on towards my house.

About 12 minutes later there wasn't much we could talk about except for random things happening at school, then I saw it real quick, the headlights flashed by a man holding out his thumb. I froze when I realized it was the same man we had picked up.
"Vicky." I sad with a gulp, she looked just as petrified.

"How....he......that 10 miles back where we left him." I said my heart racing. She laughed nervously and said, "Maybe he got a ride and dropped off there." She said but even she looked unconvinced. I nodded trying to hope that was true. About 3 miles past that point it had been about  4 minutes and the headlights stared ahead at the road as we zoomed on, and then we saw it again, the hitchhiker stood at the edge of the road his thumb sticking out towards us, we both saw it again and I held in the sound of fear that threatened to come up my throat.
"Vicky, he couldn't have gotten there that quick." I said staring at her. She was silent for a while until she said,
"I know."

After an hour  we had passed him at least 10 times, I was terrified, and neither of us wanted to stop in case he followed us and found us, or got there in whatever way he always did.  That was when the car made a strange sound,
"No, no, no!" Vicky said, as the car came to a stop.
"What's wrong." I said shakily, looking at Vicky with a terrified expression.

"The" she took a deep breath and finished, "Its out of gas." I froze for about the 100th time that day.
"I swear it still had like 10 gallons left in it." She said.
"Then how-" but I didn't get to finish, because the hitchhiker had just appeared in the middle of the road about 30 feet in front of the car his hand outstrechted with his thumb sticking up. I was trembling as he walked up to the car door and stuck his face in the window.
"Going south?" He asked as he held up a knife in his hand, smiling at us.
