
The forest had been cleared out to make space for the fight, hundreds of monsters made of black ice were gathered in a condensed location seemingly attacking something. Crystal stood up holding her shoulder and looked over at the large man to her left who spectated the intense battle, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JACK!!" She screamed at him, "HE'S OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT AND YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HELP HIM, WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING" Creeper's powerful and coolheaded teacher stood there, listening to her but he did not have the strength nor composure to respond. The child he watched grow up and saw as a son was in the middle of a battle he could not intervene in, for he was too weak. He knew that he could win this battle if he just focused, got over his hotheadedness and tapped into the strength he knew he had. Crystal was about to jump into the crater to aid in the fight when something bizarre happened, not even Jack who had lived for a hundred years fighting evil had seen anything like it. It was a face. In the sky was a colossal sized figure that was surrounded by a purple silhouette and had glowing eyes that glared down at where Creeper was being beaten down. Jack knew what was about to happen and he quickly rushed Crystal, her brother Jameson, and Vanguard and Rose Creeper who had stood watching the fight, away. Crystal thrashed in Jack's arms begging to be let back to the area of the fight with tears in her eyes as she saw the figure bear a fist the size of a mountain down on where they just stood, as a glowing purple aura exploded and Crystal smiled, "You seriously never fail to amaze me."
