Bar Night

"Crystal, call your brother, you're drunk." Creeper took a sip of his water as Crystal Tsudemon looked at him confused, "Whatt?" she said, her speech slurred and her cheeks tinted pink on her pale, snow-white face from drinking so much alcohol in one sitting. "I'm not drunk enough!" she laughed and put the bottle in front of Creeper's face, "Oh come on Mister Creeper~" she said with a grin, "you're not some cowardly virgin are you?~" Creeper set his glass down, "Princess, with all due respect, you're only seventeen, I can't believe you forced me to bring you here in the dead of night." He said as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm twenty, I am of age, you my lady, are a year away from it, I will be in huge trouble if Jack finds out about this. This is the last time I bring you to the mortal world-" Crystal set her bottle down and gave him a stern look before bursting into a drunk laughter. Creeper shook his head and drank more of his water as a group of three to five men walked over to them. They were dressed in combinations of maroon and black, maybe roughly two of them wore all black. One of the men in a maroon jacket with a lit cigar in his mouth stood on the right side of Crystal as Creeper watched out of the side of his eye from the left. "Why hello there Miss Ivy" the man in the maroon jacket bent over to look at Crystal, "Huh-" she raised an eyebrow and looked at the man, "Who the hell are you?" She asked him as she set the bottle down and rested her head on her hand. Creeper began to tune out what Crystal and the man were talking about until he set his empty glass down and saw Crystal's arm being grabbed by one of the more taller men as they started to drag her out of her seat. Creeper stood up and put his hands in his pockets, "Hey you," he nodded to the man grabbing Crystal who looked up at him, "What do you want kid?" He sighed. "I'm not a kid, I'm twenty, and I'll give you the generous offer of twenty seconds to let her go." The man laughed, "and what are you going to do if I don't? I'm a hammer and I see you as a nail ready to be pounded into the ground." "Fifteen seconds." Creeper said, still keeping his confident expression. The man frowned, "Kid, you're starting to tick me o-" Creeper cut him off, "Thirteen seconds." The man let go of Crystal and raised his fist toward Creeper who stood still, "YOU DON'T INTERRUPT ADULTS WHILE THEY'RE SPEAKING RUNT!!" The man launched a heavy punch toward him, "Eight seconds." he said as he calmly stepped out of the way of the man's attack and grabbed his wrist, flipping him behind the bar and running up to Crystal "My lady," he said, grabbing her arm, "we must leave here." Creeper quickly took off, ripping Crystal from her kidnapper's grasp so fast they fell to the floor but then quickly ran after them as they rushed out of the bar, "Are you alright Princess?" Creeper asked concerned. Crystal froze for a second before regaining her composure to the best of her drunken ability "Y-yes, I am quite alright." Creeper nodded, "Good, because if you weren't either Jack or Queen Charlotte would have my head!" Maybe it was the alcohol, or the fact that she was running so fast, maybe even the cold of the winter night, but Crystal's cheeks were a deep shade of pink, accompanied by a small tinge of warmth.
