Remember Reyna (JeyNa)

(Nacha’s Note: I wrote this while I was waiting for The House of Hades and The Blood of Olympus. I wrote this after reading The Mark of Athena.  I really thought Rick’d kill Reyna and so I had this idea on my mind. A Little Fall of Rain from Les Miserables add a little fuel to the fire.)


Remember Reyna

“FOR ROME!” Reyna heard Octavian's voice echoed as he charged the remaining children of Mars blocking his way. The other roman legionnaires followed the augur’s signal.

The battle had been going on for hours. The Greeks were outnumbered. There had been enough bloodshed.

Reyna cursed as she ran for the lake. She was sorry for every Greek demigod she shoved and hit on her way. Her people seemed to be skeptical about her since she was close to Jason Grace, the traitor to their race. They refused to follow her orders and went after the damned Octavian’s. She did not mean to kill, she tried everything to delay their attack. It had been three days.. That had been a long time. Jason Grace should be on this camp right now.

“Grace, where are you?” She wanted to yell his name out loud in her desperation.

She turned to her left and headed for the woods. Spears and arrows were flying over her head. The offsprings of Vulcan fired.

She ducked as she held the hilt of her sword tighter. She hid behind a huge oak tree when a chariot razed the path she was walking. When the chariot passed by, Reyna readied herself to go yet when she heard a spine tingling scream behind her she had to stop. A few yards away from where she stood, a tall, buff guy wearing a full Roman armor was standing with his arms raised and on his hands, a sword. On the ground in front of him was a familiar face Reyna had wanted to hate ever since she walked in Camp Jupiter.

“Piper McLean.” She recognized the girl lying on the ground, unarmed.

The least thing Reyna would ever do in this war was to help Piper, but she was going to die brutally if she would not intervene. Without thinking twice, Reyna ran towards the two yelling, “HOLD IT!”

The roman warrior stopped and turned her way. It was Augustus, the son of Mars who came weeks earlier than Frank Zhang. He was weirdly big for his age, Reyna remembered. His eyes blazed irefully behind his helm.

“HOLD IT AUGUSTUS!” Reyna bellowed angrily.

“What Reyna? You wanted to spare the life of this graecus?”

“I SAID HOLD IT!” She repeated.

His eyes glowered. “Octavian says the truth! You’re a traitor just like that stupid son of Jupiter!” Augustus spat, he kicked Piper.

The helpless daughter of Venus cried in pain.

Augustus turned to her way, “You’re disgrace to the Romans, REYNA! You and Jason Grace should rot in Hell!” He shouted as his spear charged for Reyna.

She had been fighting for her life since she was young, overthrowing this descendant of Mars was nothing compared to the monsters she fought. The catch was, Augustus was bigger, making things difficult for Reyna. She counterattacked Augustus.


She almost got hit by his spear. She rolled over and hit him by his ankle. He stumbled down and his big head hit a huge rock.

Reyna immediately turned to Piper who had a horrid expression on her face. “Y-you’re okay?” She knelt by her side. She was still lying helplessly on the ground with a dagger on her hand, Katoptris.

Reyna was not sure but maybe, Piper recognized her through her helmet. She stared at her like she was a box dropped from Mt. Olympus.

“You saved me..” Her voice trembled as she looked like she was about to cry.

“That’s how it goes for a daughter of Venus. Being too emotional and all.” Reyna tried to hide a smile.

“Yeah, I think I did.”

She pursed her lips, “Thank you Reyna.”

Reyna stood and offered a hand for Piper. Piper was about to reach for it when the weirdest thing happened.

“Get your hands off her!” A voice full of hatred, pain and anger bellowed just behind her.

As soon as Reyna turned for the caller, Piper screamed.


The charmspeak did not work though, the caller continued to charge Reyna. She was defenseless; she did not know what to do. As Reyna tried for defense, the point of his sword struck deliberately to the bare (unprotected by the armor) portion of her body, just below her ribs. She did not feel any pain at first. Yet as she lost her balanced and fell to the ground, she felt the undescribable pain coming from her ribcage. Her vision was blurry. She felt her blood as it trickled from her wound. She panted for breath. Reyna closed her eyes. I couldn’t die here, she told herself.

She could hear Piper screaming and crying beside her while she laid weakly on the ground.

“OH MY GODS! What have you done?!” She could her Piper’s voice asking her attacker.

“Killing your own blood? You’re a disgrace to the Romans!” The voice said bitterly.

She had been called a disgrace to her race two times in a row. She could not care anymore, she knew she was dying. She coughed and tasted blood in her mouth. She would definitely die today and no one would care.

She let the attacker pulled her helmet. It must have hurt but Reyna had been numbed. When she opened her eyes to look for the person who took her life, she was surprised to see Jason Grace.

His face was pale as snow.

“Reyna?” His voice trembled as he knelt down.

When he was still in Camp Jupiter, Reyna had always loved to see him look scared. He looked very scared now. It had been a while since he last saw him with this look on his face.

Her face broke into a weak smile, “Hey.. Jace.”

“Piper! Bring Will here! Or any kid of Apollo.” He ordered Piper and the girl ran for help.

“OH GODS! Reyna! I didn’t. I..” He panicked. He reached for Reyna’s head and gathered her body into his arms.

“Don’t fret. I- I’m..” Reyna winced. “I’ll be.. fine.” She muttered weakly.

Tears started to form in his eyes.  “Rey, I’m.. I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t know. Don’t worry. Don’t close your eyes. Hold on. We’ll treat you. You’ll live..”

“Stop crying. You look ugly.” She teased. Crying made him look less cool but definitely, not ugly. She raised her hand as she reached for his face, “I’m dying Jason..”

“No! You’re not. Rey, hold on.”

Reyna felt tiny droplets touched her face. It had started to rain. Jason tried to comfort her in his arms.

“Stop it.” She demanded.

“You’ll be cold.”

“I don’t feel anything.”

“Don’t close your eyes, Rey. Stay with me.” Jason said with tears in his icy blue eyes.

“You’re the bravest and strongest person I’ve ever known, Jason. Li..” She grimaced in pain. “Live your life well.. I.. I’m happy I’ve met you in this lifetime..”

Jason listened as they got drenched in the rain. He knew the help he was waiting for would be late. She would lose her life soon.

“I.. I love you Jason Grace.”

“I love you too, Rey.” He kissed her forehead.

She smiled for it was the best lie she heard in her entire life. “Would you do something for me, lightning g boy?”


“Save the world for me, will you?”

He nodded, “I will.”

“And..” She cringed in pain. “Don’t forget about me, Jason Grace.” She stared up into his blue eyes, memorizing the blurry lines of his face.

She remembered the day she arrived at Camp Jupiter, Jason welcomed her. When she got bullied by the third cohort, she got strayed in the strange hills of New Rome, Jason came to rescue. The kiss during the Titan War when everything else was in chaos. The hot chocolate drink. She remembered them all too well.

He shook his head, “I won’t. I promise on the River Styx.”

She smiled and gasped one last time before she closed her eyes.
