Merry Christmas (ThaLuke)

OTP: ThaLuke

Ship Thoughts: Who wouldn't ship ThaLuke after reading the The Diary of Luke Castellan, right? I mean.. Gods. They're CANON in their own way.  Anyways.. The next fic was supposed to be my gift for my fellow Thaluke shippers. However, I wasn't able to post it  on Christmas day that's why I'm posting it now. LOL

"Merry Christmas"

The snow had stopped falling when the hunters woke up. They just received a news from the Lady that the monster they were seeking had gone out of the small town where they were. The bonfire was briskly burning in the middle of the silver tents assembled in a semi-circle shape.

While the rest of the hunters packed their belongings, their lieutenant sat in front of the fire. The heat of the fire gave warmth to her tiny body frame. At first sight, people might think that she was just their ordinary teen. She was about 15 turning to 16. Thick eyeliner, black boots, black denim pants and a black leather jacket over her white shirt- she dressed differently from the rest of the hunters but what made her distinct was the silver tiara she was wearing  over her black braided hair.

The blazing flames of the fire reflected to her icy blue eyes. while staring at it, an old memory rushed to her.

It was the same time, few years back when she was younger. She was inside an old abandoned warehouse, sitting in front of the slowly dying fire. The snow was softly falling outside. She was fighting the cold feeling with a shabby blanket she took with her from home when she ranaway at the age of 9. It was almost midnight that time whe she heard a rumbling sound approaching the old wooden door of the warehouse.

‘Monster’ she thought. With wasting time, she grabbed aegis beside her. It was probably an attack, she assumed. If there was a best time of the day for an attack, it would probably this time of the day. She gathered all her remaining strength to stand up.

Just then, the door flew open. A boy about 12 that time entered the deserted place. He had sandy hair and blue eyes just like hers. A feeling of warmth and relief embraced her upon seeing his face as he walked near the fire.

“Thalia!” The boy called and ran to her side. He dropped the box she was holding. “You’re still weak!”

Thalia got badly injured after the last attack they luckily survived.

“I thought it was an attack..” she mumbled. The boy helped her to sit. “What took you so long Luke?” Just mentioning his name gave her a feeling of comfort.

Luke stared at her, like he was memorizing the lines of her face.

“Luke!” Thalia snapped.

The boy looked away, embarrassed. He turned to the fire and noticed that it was slowly dying. He put some chunks of wood he gathered earlier to keep the fire burning. “I looked for food..” When he was done, he dusted his hands off, “But few stores were open and I couldn’t sneak that easily..” Luke was a son of Hermes. And as a son of the god of the thieves, stealing was one of his things. “I’m sorry.. This is the only thing I’ve got.” He reached for the box he was holding a while ago.

“What’s this?”

“A present..” He smiled.

Thalia opened the box and saw a slice of cake inside. She felt her stomach grumbling.

“Where’d you get this?!”

He just smiled. “Eat now!” He said.

“But how about you?”

“I’m done.. Don’t worry about me.” He assured.

“Thank you Luke..” Thalia muttered sincerely.

He smiled again as he messed her hair, “You’re always welcome..”

And she began eating. Not minding how she looked or what Luke thought about her. They had been together for quite some time now, fighting monsters left and right, trying to live normally, and escaping the curse their godly parents had bestowed upon them when they were born. Two runaways who found home to each other.

When she was done eating, she leaned on the wall.

He sat beside him this time. “Are you getting better?” he asked.

Thalia smiled and nodded. “Getting better..”

Silence filled the place for a moment. Both were staring at the fire, trying to comfort each other.

“You’ve done a lot of things for me. I don’t think a simple thank you can pay them off. Someday Luke, I’ll do something big for you. Big enough to pay you all of the things you’re giving me now..”

Luke smiled. “Hey! What are you saying? They’re nothing. Know what Thalia? I’d do anything I could do for you.. You don’t have to do anything in return.”

“Why are you doing this? Why are you so good to me?” She asked.

“Because you’re the only one I’ve got.. I can’t afford to lose you,” his voice sounded so sincere that it made Thalia felt so giddy.

She kissed him in the cheek. “Thank you Luke..”

He looked away, looking so embarrassed. His face slowly becoming red.

“How about.. I’ll watch first. Sleep.. You need it.”

Thalia nodded and Luke started to hum a sweet melody that made Thalia’s eyes suddenly heavy.

After a day of exhaustion she finally found her safe haven—which was beside Luke.

“Merry Christmas Thalia..” Luke whispered to her ears.

“Merry Christmas Luke..” she mumbled before finally going to sleep.

“Thalia!” Delancy, a daughter of Aphrodite interrupted her thoughts. “The hunters are ready..”

“Oh..” Thalia looked at the place, the tents had been packed and some of the hunters had started their ways. “ I’ll be following in a short while.”

Delancy nodded and followed the rest of the girls.

Thalia held her arrow and bow and grabbed her back pack. She stared one last time at the fire.

“Merry Christmas Luke..” she whispered in the air before she put out the fire completely.

And just as she started on foot, a familiar warmth of home covered her. And a faint voice saying “Merry Christmas Thalia..” filled the evening air.
