Chapter 2 - 2 Days Later

Chapter 2 - 2 Days Later Info :

Chapter 2 takes place on a Saturday, 2 days after Chapter 1. Ocho has finally decided to go outside after being too embarrased to leave his room.

Characters in Chapter 2:

Entire Great 8 ( excluding Mitsuami )


(Ocho's POV)

*beep beep* *beep beep*

"Ugghhhhh, will these stupid b*****ds stop calling me?" I thought, reaching out to decline the 100th incoming call from one of the others. "They make Wire and me do THAT, then ring me over and over to ask if I'm f***ing okay? F***ing r****ds. I swear to cod one day I'm gonna ****ing-".


It wasn't a phone call vibration. It was a text message vibration. "Probably Barreleye asking something dumb like if I've got soap at home and if he can use it.". I slowly picked up my phone and looked at who it was from. 'Wire'.

"Oh s***, what's he gotta say?". I stared at the screen for a moment before tapping on the message to open it.

🟠-'Hey, i hope youre still not mad or something about what happened on Thursday. i just didnt want to risk it incase the others were actually gonna make us ****ing kiss in public'.

I wasn't sure what to say back. I retyped a reply about 5 times before sending one.

🟣-'No im fine. you dont have to be sorry if thats what your saying'.

🟠-'Well yeah im sorry for embarrasing you like that'.

🟣-'and embarrasing yourself? lmao why do you suddenly care about me so much'

🟠-'shut the f**k up'

🟣-'no actually why are you messaging now you pretty much never do'

🟣-'like apart from when were making fun of what barreleye says'

🟠-'you didnt come outside yesterday and i was thinking you'd like died or something'

🟣-'wtf?? i wouldn't do that over you kissing me even if i felt like it'

🟠-'ok yeah whatever. you gonna touch grass today or what'

🟣-'ill think about it'

🟠-'ok bye then'

I put my phone down. I thought about what had happened on Thursday. Yeah sure, I nearly ****ing exploded when Wire kissed me. But thinking about it then, it..

"What the f**k Ocho? Stop thinking that! You're not gay!".

I had two choices. Turn over and just stay in bed all day. Or go outside and have the others try to embarrass me in every way possible. I breathed in a built up the courage to actually go touch grass. Not that I literally touch grass anyway. I got dressed, did some other s**t and left.


(Nobody's POV)

"YO! Ocho! You actually came back. Wire wasn't kidding when he said you'd left your depressed state. We all thought you'd ran away or something.". Hornmet shouted to the octoling. Ocho walked over to where there rest of the group were standing. He positioned himself as far away from Wire as possible.

"What, you worried we're gonna make you two kiss again~~?" Shellmet said in a purposely cringey voice.

"Shut up," Ocho said, blushing and looking away. "And Hornmet, I wasn't depressed. I didn't want you idiots on my ass all the f***ing time.".

"Yeah, suuuurrrrreeeeeee.". 8-Bit rolled her eyes. "You were probably lying in your bed wanting to be in that moment again. Actualllyyyy, you probably wanted Wire to-".

"SHUT THE F**K UP," Ocho yelled.

"Okay, calm down. We'll shut up, " Shellmet said. "But PLEASE just go stand next to your 'boy friend'.". She pulled the embarrased octoling next to Wire. Ocho crossed his arms and looked away, still red in the face. Wire blushed slightly as well.

"Hey, does uh- does anybody know where Mitsuami is?" Barreleye asked, looking around. "Is she sick or something? Or-".

"She said she was doing something and she would come later, " Shady said. "Maybe if you looked at the message she sent us then you would know.".

"Huh? She sent a message? I never saw it!".

(on phone)

🟨-'Hi guys i'm gonna be a bit later today if thats ok im doing something'

"Ohhhhhhhhh, I see now. Did she say what she was doing?".

"What do you think, r****d?" Wire said.

"Uhh, no?".



"Uhh... well.. this is awkward," Hornmet said. "Umm.. you guys wanna get something to eat? I mean I'm just hungry, sooo..".

"Sure. I skipped breakfast this morning, " 8-Bit said. She turned to the others. "You guys coming?".




"Ocho? Wire? You coming as well?".

"Uhh, yeah. Okay," Ocho said.

"Alright. LAST ONE THERE IS PAYING!" 8-Bit shouted, running off.

"HEY! WE DIDN'T EVEN DECIDE WHERE WE WERE GOING! COME BACK!" Hornmet shouted, running after her. The others ran off too.

"I hate these guys sometimes," Ocho said, turning to face Wire.

"Same. You sure you're not still mad or anything?".

"NO. I already said that. Stop bloody asking me.". Ocho walked after the others.

"Okay, " Wire said, shrugging. Ocho was normally like this. And if he was like that, it was better to leave him alone.


Okaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeee, chapter 2 done. I really rushed this-. Also I'm having a s*** day now cuz I had the first S3 book on pre-order and now it's coming next week bruh- . Bye ig.

-Musu :3

818 words
