9: Not so bad

Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V


"I'll see you tomorrow." Seoyun quickly said with a smile and Taehyung felt defeated. His eyes again fell on the annoying smirk of the other and he didn't waste any moment in walking...no actually running out of the place.

All the way to his house, he was clenching and unclenching his fists to calm down his anger but the more he recalled the words and that smirk, he couldn't help and ended up crying angry tears.

The door of his house opened by the Chayun.

"Welcome back boy." The man said, and Taehyung just nodded his head, not in the mood to talk with anyone but when he was about to walk to the stairs, a hand grabbed his wrist.

Out of instinct, he jerked away the hand with a frown and faced the now frowning older.

"Hey, calm down. Why you're behaving like that?" Before Taehyung could say anything, Chayun said with a bit louder voice.

"Don't try to be frank with me Sir, now will you excuse me."

"This isn't the way to talk to your uncle, Taehyung." Taehyung was about to leave when he heard his aunt snarl at him.

He frowned in disbelief when Chayun smiled innocently while trying to calm down his furious aunt.


"Yes, we are getting married in two days. So, behave with him." She said, a deep frown still on her features. Taehyung felt very much disturbed by the way Chayun was smiling at him.

"Ok." He simply said and turned back but again halted in surprise when his aunt asked him to do something, he wasn't expecting.

"Apologise, Taehyung." She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What? But why? I didn't do something wrong. He was-"

"I said apologies." Taehyung inhaled sharply, tongue playing with his teeth.

"I won't, he was the one who grabbed my wrist, why should I apologize?"

"What's wrong with it? He just grabbed your wrist, not like did something bad." She argued back with the same frown.

"Honey, it's fine. Let him go. He must be tired." Chayun said but she wasn't ready to hear that.

"No way, he should learn to respect elders. I'm being humble with him and gave him the house on rent at such a low price, but still, he is so impolite." Taehyung clenched his jaw at the false accusations. It wasn't like the rent was too low, in fact, it was high compared to the space in the single room he was renting.

And did she say polite and humble?

"I'm not-"

"Why are you being stubborn Taehyung? Just apologize now and leave." She seethed in anger, slamming her hand over the small table placed near the stairs.

Taehyung closed his eyes for a brief second and clenched his fists again. He was already so much disturbed and now this drama. He just wanted to be alone at the moment.

"I'm sorry." He said in a monotone and quickly rushed upstairs and locked his door.

"What a night." With empty gaze, he just stared at the ceiling, feeling all salty. 


The next day, he decided to leave early, preferring not to face his aunt. He was still angry at the fact that she took the side of the other without any proper reason. He wasn't rude but it was Chayun who made him do so.

He sighed for the nth time and kicked the little pebble on the road. The pebble rolled on a distance and was stopped by a hindrance in form of another stone.

The situation seems so familiar to what he saw last night. The insecurity of being a poor boy bubbles up in his chest.

"She said that she likes me." A sort of whine left his lips as he pouted more.

"Yeah, don't overthink Taehyung, maybe they just talked about some work." He tried to get positive about that.

Soon, he reached the company and his cabin. He put his bag on the side of the table and his phone in the little drawer. His gaze fell on the packet that had the gift for Minho. Licking his lips, he turned to see the other and to his surprise, he was already looking at him with a straight face.

"H- hi." Taehyung started with an awkward smile and waved his hand a bit. Minho narrowed his eyes but nodded his head before turning back to his laptop. Taehyung pouted at that but his gaze again fell on the gift packet.

"Forget it." He mumbled before standing up abruptly and then in the next second, he was standing near Minho's desk.

Minho stopped typing and gave him a look of confusion, making the poor boy more nervous.

"Um- i- actually.."

"Say it, Kim." Taehyung bit his tongue, that Kim sounded a bit awkward this time and sort of unknown.

"I-" He inhaled deeply, not knowing the reason for this much nervousness.. he was just a colleague for crying out loud, so why he was feeling so nervous?

"Ibroughtthisgiftforyou," Taehyung said in one go, leaving the older totally puzzled.


"I- ouf. Come on, this is a gift for you.. a token of our f- friendship?" Taehyung was uncertain about his own words but they were out already. 

"Friendship?" Minho cocked his brow, body leaning back on his chair. Taehyung suddenly felt embarrassed about that.

"We aren't friends?" He mumbled sadly.

"I never said that." With that Minho turned back to his screen. Taehyung felt like a fool for making himself an idiot in front of the other. How he can consider the older one as his friend when the male just helped him out of pity?

"If we aren't, then please don't try to pity me again." Inhaling sharply, he turned back to his chair with brows frowned and an angry pout on his lips.

"Btw, nice tie. Thank you, Kim." He whipped his head to see Minho looking at the tie packet that he gifted to him. He smiled happily when he noticed a faint smile on the older's lips as well.



"But sir-"

"Taehyung, no arguments." Mr. Park said sternly.

"But why me? You can send someone else too." Taehyung tried... at least he did.

Mr. Park slid his glasses down a bit, eyes piercing through Taehyung's brain.

"Do I need to repeat? You're going to the CFO's office and have to help him out for the whole day. That's it, now go." Taehyung was left speechless and defenseless. With a heavy heart, he nodded his head and walked to his cabin to grab his phone.

His eyes searched for Semie or Seoyun, but both were busy with their work. He was already feeling down as Seoyun didn't even try to talk to him in the first place, seems like she was mad at him. But why? It should be him, not her.

"You can do it. it's just-" He looked up at the wall clock and counted the hours he was going to despise the most.

"6 hours!" He wanted to pull his hair in anger. 6 hours? Means 360 minutes of his life? With the person, he wanted to stay away from?


"Come in." The faint yet very cold voice boomed in the office and Taehyung opened the door.

Jungkook was busy going through some papers and didn't even bother to look up.

Pretending to be very hardworking? Hunh

Taehyung internally scoffed and kept standing near the door. Finally, Jungkook noticed the presence and held his chin up, only to smirk.

"See, who we have here." Jungkook mocked and Taehyung held his head up but his eyes were on the walls.

"Mr. Park send me to help you. How can I do so?" Taehyung implied with an innocent smile, pressing over the word help.

Jungkook's smirk faded for a brief moment and Taehyung felt so proud of himself but it also went away quickly when Jungkook threw a file towards him on the table.

"Go through the main points and write a summary about them. Make sure to pinpoint all the digits of the profit and loss in the previous year." Taehyung grabbed the file, ignoring the rude action.

"In 15 minutes." Taehyung's eyes widened.

"15 minutes? It's about 100 pages and also double-sided. I can see thousands of digits already. At least give me a little more time." The brunet protested with a slightly panicked voice. He didn't want to give a false impression to his head of department.

Jungkook raised his brow and started reading the papers again.

"Um- how about 1 hour?" Taehyung posed with hopeful eyes.

"Fine," Jungkook muttered and Taehyung happily grabbed the things he needed and sat on the couch, starting his work quickly. He just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible...




"10 minutes? But I still have about 5 pages to go through." Taehyung mumbled, almost on the verge of crying. He glanced over at the CFO, who was busy with his own work with a pout on his lips, a slight frown on his forehead, and focused eyes.

"You can do it." He again mumbled to himself, not in the mood to have some rotten comments from the other.

Once 10 minutes passed, Jungkook tapped his table with the pen in his hand, catching Taehyung's attention.

"Your time is over." Jungkook's voice was low but his cold aura was back.

Taehyung licked his lips and glanced down at the paper. He was on the last page.

"Just one min-"

"I said, your time is over!" Taehyung bit his lip and grabbed the things back. Walking up to the CFO, he placed the file and the taken notes in front of the other.

"I was almost done, except for the last page," Taehyung mumbled lightly, fumbling with his fingers.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and gave him another file to do the same, while he started checking up the notes that the brunet made.

Luckily, Taehyung successfully completed the next file within the given time and happily placed it in front of the other. He was feeling a bit better in the office with the cold CFO, as both were totally focused on the work.. only.

Time passed by quickly and now Taehyung placed the 4th file and the notes, a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Hm." Jungkook hummed and nodded his head. It was beyond lunchtime but none of them left the office for lunch. Taehyung was a bit surprised that no one had come in the past hours as well.

He heard Jungkook finally calling someone and ordering some food for himself. After a few minutes, his assistant came inside the office and placed the food bag on the table.

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with excitement when he saw the familiar face. He slightly bowed his head to greet the other from the distance and Park Jimin repeated the action as well, with a bright smile.

It wasn't too long after which Taehyung felt very annoyed when Jungkook started eating his lunch peacefully, totally forgetting about his presence in the room. His stomach was also rumbling at the delicious smell and his legs felt kinda numb after sitting for hours. So, he decided to ask to go out for a while, to fill up his tummy.

"Sir?" He started slowly. Jungkook raised his eyes a bit.

"Can I have a little break? I will make it quick."

Jungkook slammed the chopsticks on the table rather harshly and tilted his head with a deep frown. Taehyung slightly flinched at the action, not expecting what the other said... well not this one.

"So that you can see your crush?"

