21: Duality

Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Why he is looking so emotionless? Well, he is always like that, Tae!

"I'm talking to you, Kim?!" Taehyung snapped out of his little thoughts on the stern voice of the raven-haired who was sending daggers through his eyes.

Licking his lips unconsciously, Taehyung stepped forward and hung his head.

Just get it over with, say sorry Tae.. do it..do it.

He cheered himself a bit before opening his mouth.


"Didn't you leave this office on your will? As far as I remember, you said something to me." Taehyung gulped visibly because he was sure that the other was angry, mad at him.

His fingers were entangled with each other as he was trying to make up good words to convey his apology.

"I'm sorry Sir." He mumbled lightly.


"I- I'm sorry." Jungkook chuckled at that and stepped towards the other with his heavy steps.

"For what? Insulting me in front of my whole staff? For leaving after that without any apology? Or- for not coming back?" Taehyung stepped back just as Jungkook advanced toward him. Each step held authority and Taehyung felt like cowering, for the first time he felt like cowering under the gaze of the other because, this time his job was at risk.


"I'm sorry ok. I- I was so tense about many things, I couldn't understand what happened so suddenly and I burst out on you. But please, don't fire me. I- I really need this job." His desperate voice caused the male standing in front of him at a reduced distance to frown.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but Taehyung was more desperate, so he did something very unexpected. He knelt in front of the other who was totally surprised by the antics of the brunet.

"Please, Mr. Jeon. I promise it won't happen again. I'll try my best."


"I- swear, I didn't mean to insult you in front of them... I- *cough* I'll apologize to you in front of the whole *cough* whole staff. Just-" His words stopped as two arms grabbed his shoulders firmly yet gently and helped him up to the couch.

Jungkook went back to his table to grab the lidded glass of water and came back to the couch where Taehyung was having a coughing fit, the aftermath of the cold.

"Here. Drink some and don't exhaust yourself." Taehyung blinked confused but took the glass to have some water in his itchy throat.

"Thank you." His voice was very low, like a whisper but definitely heard by the other who hummed lightly before taking the glass back.

"You still didn't answer me, Kim. Why are you here?" Just when Taehyung thought a bit good about the CFO, he was back on the dreading topic.

"T- to.. to work?" Jungkook cocked his brow at the tone that was more like a question rather than an answer.

"And why?" Taehyung felt his heart almost on the verge of dropping. He licked his lips again and got up from the couch, though his limbs were shaking in utter fear of losing his job.

Jungkook did notice, how the brunet was shaking badly while trying his best to look normal.

"Because.. because there is so much w- work. I can't just take l- leave and let you burden with that." Taehyung softly mumbled while rolling his sweater over his forefinger in nervousness and fear.

Jungkook looked amused at the statement but he quickly hid it behind his cold aura and hummed again.

"But I don't want a sick person in my room." Taehyung's neck snapped up at the words, Jungkook even heard a pop sound.

"Easy Kim! Jeez." He muttered the last word under his breath but when he saw Taehyung's pale face filled with horror, he sighed and went back to his chair.

"Fine. Sit there, make sure to do the work, and then you can go home early." Taehyung frowned. Was he hearing things?

Jungkook himself came to the couch to give the other two thin files and again went back to his chair to sit this time.

"Do it. Take as much time as you want. No hurry." Taehyung was still in shock at the duality of the CFO.

He blinked while looking at the files. It was the thinnest one he had ever seen in the office and also, and he was not given any time limit. On top of that, 'He didn't lose his job'.

A smile spread on his chapped lips with the booster of those positive things, and he quickly started working silently.

The whole day was like heaven for him. His devil-come, boss, was too kind for his liking. He got less work and unlimited time with a break of considerable span.

During break time, he met Minho and Jimin. Both scolded him again for not resting but he was very happy to feel anything. He bragged about how the CFO was being so nice to him.

"He must have hit his head somewhere in the morning." His statement left the other two laughing.

Even after having a good and peaceful day, he still felt empty. Because the certain someone was avoiding him and that just broke his already broken heart.

He did try to talk to her but Seoyun just simply dodged each chance. Guilt was eating him up alive but she looked less concerned about that.

When he was back in his office after a long break, he found his boss busy with the files. From the looks, he looked tired, no, actually exhausted. But at the same time, he looked so handsome and intimidating.

Taehyung jerked his head and grabbed the new file to do his work while Jungkook kept doing his own.

The next few days passed like that and Taehyung was feeling much better than before. He did have a good talk with Euni as well. Little sister was excited for some reason and Taehyung felt so relieved to hear her happy chirping after so long. He had no idea, why she stopped talking to him abruptly, but now he was just happy as she was back.




"Morning Sir." The brunet greeted his boss who just entered his office and nodded his head.

Taehyung had a professional smile on his lips as Jungkook made himself comfortable on his chair after removing his coat.

There was very comfortable silence in the room until the phone rang on the table, and Jungkook quickly received it. His calm expression sort of turned a bit bitter hearing the words.

"Fine." That's all he said before slamming the receiver back. Taehyung's tongue was itching to ask but he bit it to remain silent.


"Yes Sir?" Taehyung quickly replied, on his feet already to have his work done.

"Get out." Taehyung frowned at the sudden rude words.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook slammed his hands over his table, which left the other flinching.

"I said get out. You're done here. Go back to your department." Taehyung's lips turned down at the rude behavior but he just inhaled sharply before nodding his head.

"You could've said that nicely." He mumbled under his breath, and silently grabbed his things to leave the office. He lastly glanced over at the male who was now busy with his work, not even sparing a look.

"Rude." Taehyung snorted, finally closed the door behind himself, and left the department for good. 


"Come in," Park beamed and Taehyung entered his office.

"Finally. My crew is here." Mr. Park joked and Taehyung just smiled as he took the chair.

"So, as you may know, we got a new project and we definitely need our designers back, the reason you're back here." Taehyung smiled.

"You're working alone on one batch of designs while others will work on their own. We don't have much time and also, the design should be unique." Taehyung nodded in understanding. Mr. Park gave him more instructions before giving him the file that he had to use for the project.

"I'm repeating again, the designs are like a treasure for us ok? Keep them safe." Taehyung nodded enthusiastically and left the office.

He happily returned to his cabin and threw flying kisses to his computer and desk. Others were looking at him weirdly while some smiled.

"Let's get it." He said to himself and popped his knuckles before starting his computer.

He worked hard till the evening on the designs, wanting to make his work really unique and attractive.

The whole day passed quickly while he kept himself busy until something unexpected happened. He felt a hand over his shoulder and when he turned back, his breath hitched because there was standing Seoyun with her charming smile.

"Seoyun?" Taehyung mumbled in disbelief. The girl, who was avoiding him like a plague was now standing there as if nothing happened.

"Hi, Tae." Oh lord, how much he missed her voice. An adorable smile formed on his lips as he quickly got up.

"H- hi. How are you? Look I'm sorry for whatever happened. Please, forgive me this last time. I promise I'll never doubt you again in any way. I-" He was shut up by a finger over his lips.

"Forget about that, Tae. In the past few days, I realized that I really like you. I can't stay mad at you. Let's forget it all, hm?" Taehyung nodded dumbfounded, while his heart was beating crazily. He just heard a confession from his crush.

"Let's get some coffee. I miss that taste with you." Taehyung felt his cheeks heating up when her finger traveled down his skin to his neck.

He quickly looked around to find the cabins empty already.

"It's 8 pm Tae. They all left already. You're so immersed in your work." She giggled at his awestruck face. Taehyung sheepishly smiled and turned off the computer, not before saving his hard work. Grabbing his things, he happily left the office with the girl of his dreams.

On his way, his heart was beating loudly because Seoyun had her hand in his. She was silent but stared at him from time to time which left the brunet all shy.

"You're so cute Tae, just like a baby." She pinched his cheeks before entering the cafe while Taehyung stood there with red cheeks and ears.

"Baby?" He muttered to himself but was brought out of his trance when she called him inside.

They quickly found a table while Seoyun ordered the drinks for both of them. She was now talking about her visits to different cafes and the taste while Taehyung was just looking at her like a love-sick boy.

Their drinks were served shortly and they definitely enjoyed the moment, especially Taehyung. He felt on cloud nine just by the presence of the beautiful girl.

"Oh, excuse me." She excused herself when her phone rang and she left the hall.

Taehyung sat there looking out of the big glass window while sipping on his chocolate milk instead of coffee when he felt someone sitting in front of him. He whipped his neck to see the girl but to his dismay, someone else was there.

"Were you just waiting for that?" Jungkook said calmly as he leaned over the table.

"What do you mean?"

"Waiting to leave the department, so you can roam around with her?" Taehyung felt his anger again bubbling up on the words. The devil was back again.

"I told you before and I'm repeating it. It's none of your business, Mr. Jeon. Please, don't make me say something inappropriate." Taehyung replied, keeping his calm.

Jungkook snorted and smirked.

"Kim, how many times do I have to repeat,

She isn't yours."


Assalam o Alaikum. I know I'm late with a boring chapter. But hey! Get ready for a major drama and the real plot 😁 *trust your author*
