Eye contact makes things . . Worse? Or perfect?

12:46 / Lunch Time

"How did your classes go so far?" Lucas smiled over at Kevin, seeing him finally at rest sitting at the table, joining with the others. " it was good for the start of it honestly, " he chuckled grabbed out his notebook, and his pencil sketching a few things going into his mini world. The rest of them started to munch on their food. " hey bitch pass the ketchup." Chanhee said with a laugh. Changmin passing him the ketchup, they all began to munch on their food more drinking a bit in between, mostly Kevin was focused on sketching Jacob from memory. Meanwhile, coming behind from Kevin's back it was a group of boys. Lucas munched on his food as he almost choked on his food , seeing that the group of boys was Jacob & his gang. Changmin raised his eyebrow looking at Lucas then Chanhee as well. " wh-" before Chanhee asked,

he covered his mouth pointing his fingers at the group getting their food and sitting across from them. Kevin looking up confused at them. " what?" Kevin spoke, holding the pencil in his hand Changmin gulped his food and smiled nervously. " oh! just whatever you do don't turn around . ." Chanhee & Lucas rolled their eyes. " could've said it a better way " they chuckled a bit. Kevin questioned them why, before turning back making a small eye contact with Jacob. Quickly embarrassingly Kevin turned back to grab his notebook & sketches. " uh!! im going to class early oh ,!! The earlier the better right? Practice makes perfect." Kevin chuckled trying to leave as he left within a second before any of them could stop him. " crazy boy when he's in love " Lucas spoke. " say that for yourself you dweeb, i see you checking out that girl." Chanhee said toughened, Changmin giggling a bit. " I-" Lucas stopped his words before making his eyes checking out minjae.
