Chapter 5 - Date!!

Raven: Where are we going?
Joseph: Hhhhmmmm... maybe we can go to the nearby theme park?
Raven: Sure!

I looked at my outfit again. It was a loose tank top with leggings. I grabbed my small backpack and checked that everything was in there. I didn't do my makeup because I didn't want him to be suddenly frightened if my makeup came off. My hair was loose and my shoes were sneakers. I walked out of the door with a 'Good luck!' from Isla. I waited outside the apartment building for him to come and he did, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I hopped in to his car and we drove there in guess what? Awkward silence. When we got there I started warming up, and not feeling awkward anymore. We talked and laughed and screamed as we went on scary roller coasters. It was six o'clock when I suggested that we eat dinner. We decided on Chinese food, I ordered a big bowl of noodles and he ordered rice with meat. The lines were long so it was 6:45 before we managed to start eating our food.

It was nearing seven o'clock at night when I decided we leave.

"It's only 7PM!" Joseph looked at me, bewildered.

"We've done everything here, we've eaten dinner, gone on all the rides etc. What else can we do? Besides, I'm tired. I need to rest." I flexed my right arm and winced. The pain on my hand and upper arm hadn't gone away yet. It was healing, slowly. 

"Alright." Joseph looked disappointed and we didn't speak for the ride back to my apartment.

"Bye!" I grabbed my bag and hurried to the door of the apartment building. 

Joseph just drove off and I rolled my eyes. He was tantruming. Well, if he acts like that every time he doesn't get what he wants I'll never accept another date invite with him.

I walked in to the apartment to see Isla sitting up, waiting for me with a phone in her hands ordering banana splits. I dumped my bag on the floor as she looked up and smiled.

"I'd figured you would've had dinner, so I decided to order dessert instead!" Isla moved her thigh gingerly and pulled a face. 

"Is it any better?" I started unbandaging my hand and upper arm.

"A bit, I just get to hobble around here. By the way, I ordered some furniture for our cats! They now have a proper litter box and food bowls!" Isla brightened up.

I laughed as I noticed our cats sitting on my bed. "Did you clean your wound yet? And rebandage it?" I checked.

Isla nodded and hobbled to the cabinet to get some of the cleansing liquid and more bandages. I rinsed both of the wounds with water and got ready to take a shower. Afterwards, I slowly cleaned out my wounds with the liquid and rebandaged them. Isla helped me gingerly get my arm through my hoodie sleeve. By that time, our banana splits had arrived and I went to get two forks and spoons. We dug in and chatted about life, because we're interesting like that. Afterwards, we cleaned up and relaxed with our cats on our computers until 10PM. We could go to bed late because our boss told us because of our injuries, we could take the week off so it could heal.


I woke up feeling like my upper arm and shoulder was burning. It was burning with pain. I gasped and sweated for five minutes hoping that the pain would go away. It didn't. I got up and stumbled to my phone in the dark. I was about to press call for the ambulance before I fell to the floor with a crash.


I woke up with my eyes blurry. My night lenses had been taken out and my glasses were beside me on an unfamiliar bed. I saw a doctor talking to Isla quietly with a concerned look on his face. My upper arm had an IV drip in it, with some weird liquid. Isla saw that I woke up and hurried over.

"Are you okay? Oh my goodness Raven! I couldn't believe it when I saw you on the floor with a person from the hospital speaking!" Isla sat down on the stool beside the bed.

"How is your leg?" I asked as I put on my nerd glasses. "What happened? What's wrong with my arm?" 

"Unfortunately, the infection has spread from your upper arm to your shoulder and has a danger of reaching your lungs." The doctor butted in.

Isla gasped as I was suddenly thrown back in to memories: Lying sick in a hospital bed coughing every five seconds, being woken up at 2AM to be given medicine. I shook my head, "But... I might die, my pneumonia might come back!"

"We know... and we will need you to be kept here for a few days till the infection is banished from your body. That IV drip will have to stay in." The doctor scribbled something on his board and walked away.

"How is your leg?" I asked Isla.

"It's doing fine, clean and no infection." Isla replied.

"I'm going to be fine." Tears pricked my eyes. "I'm not going to leave you by yourself to defeat the bad guys!" I squeezed her hand as tears fell slowly down my cheeks. The truth was, was the I was scared. What if I did die?
