24 | Destiny

2412, Strilaxis 04, Kindreth

Xanthy munched on butterbread while she waited for the others, sitting on a bench by the Temple's foyer. Vikara stood beside her. Having bought the satchel filled with butterbread, the woman shook her head when Xanthy offered her some.

Huh. It's her loss. More for Xanthy, then.

Xanthy didn't even know what butterbread looked like until she saw it in her altered memories. Now, it seemed like it's her favorite food.

"Hey," a cheerful voice emanated from the Temple's entrance. June, with his hair fully white and his dark cloak billowing behind him, gave a small wave when he got to Vikara's side. He plopped beside Xanthy and speared for a butterbread. She frowned as he winked at her while he munched on her bread.

She rolled her eyes. Whatever.

The wind shifted to Xanthy's left and Reeca descended. Her soles made a light tap against the floor. "What are we here for?" she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Sorry, I got held up with a potion—" Nyxis gripped the strap of his satchel and exhaled. "Hi," he gave a small wave before turning to Vikara. "You called?"

Xanthy turned to Vikara. The rising sun formed a halo around the woman and stung Xanthy's eyes as she looked up at the woman's face.

"To business, then," Vikara pursed her lips. Reeca trotted to Xanthy's side and sat on the bench. Xanthy swung the sack of butterbread at Reeca. The varichria shook her head. Xanthy shrugged as she ducked her hand inside and took another piece.

Nyxis remained standing but shifted his weight to one foot. "What business are we even talking about?"

VIkara jerked her chin in his direction. "What would you do with your kingdom?"

Nyxis flinched. "Oh," he gave a shaky laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. "I do not want to have anything to do with Palaces, if you know what I mean."

"You are the next in line in the Helgase family," Vikara narrowed his eyes. Xanthy nodded. It would only be natural for him to take over. Inwardly, amusement blossomed in Xanthy's gut. Imagine, being friends with the King of Cardina. How great would that be?

Nyxis shook his head. Xanthy frowned. "I really do not want the throne, Vikara," he tousled his hair.

"But the ceremonies are being prepared as we speak. The ministers, the Temple—"

"I have a better idea," Nyxis's eyes sparkled. He motioned for Vikara to come closer and he whispered something in her ear. The woman's eyebrows raised higher at each second.

Xanthy knitted her eyebrows. What were they talking about?

Finally, Vikara drew away and tapped her chin. "Yes, that could work," she turned to a passing priestess mopping the floor of the foyer. "Tell the High Priestess to find a human named Tobin..."

"Canraren," Nyxis supplied with a nod.

Vikara turned back to the gray-robed priestess. "Tobin Canraren," she patted the priestess's shoulder. "Please let the High Priestess know that the Helgase family sends their regards in the ceremony."

The priestess ducked her head and leaned her mop against the wall before dashing inside the Temple.

"Who in Umazure is this Tobin Canraren?" Xanthy sniffed.

Nyxis stuck his bottom lip out. "He is the real heir to the Cardina throne."

Xanthy frowned as she turned to the human. "You mean you are not a real prince?" she tore another bite out of her butterbread. "What about those stuff you told me?"

"It is...complicated," Nyxis sighed and stuck his hands inside his trousers' pockets. "And probably not the best time to talk about it."

Xanthy rolled her eyes. Yeah, okay. "What are we even doing here?" she turned in askance towards Vikara.

"Let me guess, you are here to recruit us to that organization you are in," Reeca waved her arms. "Synke-something."

"Synketros," Vikara scowled. "And no. I would not pressure you into joining our ranks. That decision rests on you."

"Why would a Human join an organization for fairies, anyway?" June finished his butterbread and dusted his fingers.

"Simple," Vikara grinned. "Because I am not Human."

Xanthy's jaw dropped. What—?

"But you said you are human," Xanthy narrowed her eyes. "Fully human, if I recall correctly."

As an answer, Vikara snapped her fingers. Before Xanthy's eyes, the woman's features shifted and rearranged until they fit into an entirely new being's frame. What...

"The woman on the battlefield," Nyxis breathed. His eyes were as large as gold versallis. "That is you?"

The woman flicked her eyes towards Nyxis. Xanthy squinted. Were those...red pupils?

"Yes," she ducked her head at Nyxis's direction. "My name is Elred Valkalin."

"No way," Reeca shook her head as she shot up. "There is no way you are the Helinfirth heir!"

The woman, Elred, turned to Reeca with a raised eyebrow. The wind shuffled long strands of pale blond hair. Xanthy leaned over and blood drained from her face. Wings as smooth as glass reflected sunlight off of the woman's back, painting rainbows on the floor.

Helinfirth? What was that?

"Unfortunately, I am," Elred rolled her eyes.

Xanthy swept her arms with a scoff. "Hold on," she wagged a finger at Elred. "What are you? Who are you? What happened to VIkara Sandiega? Was that all a lie?"

Elred inclined her head to one side. "Shard fairies are not liars, Xanthy. We merely let people see what they want to see with our glamors," she explained. "Vikara Sandiega should be back in her estate with no memory of the past two months that I have been taking over her life."

"So you are a spy?" Xanthy narrowed her eyes.

"I work for the Synketros," Elred said like it explained everything. "I am anyone they require me to be."

"What are you really doing here, Elred?" Xanthy fished another butterbread from the satchel. Ah, she wasn't even half-full after six pieces. "Synketros is not all about ending purges, right?"

Xanthy met Elred's hard, scarlet eyes. She expected the shard fairy to demand where she got that information. Instead, Elred clasped her hands together. "No," she shifted. "Although, it came with the plan when we saw the state of things around here. It helped with recruiting people to join our cause. But no, that is not why I was sent here."

"Then what are you sent here for?" Nyxis blinked.

Elred sighed. "I suppose I could tell you since you helped us in the battle. Fine," she met Nyxis's demanding stare. "I am here to retrieve Cardina's throne."

Nyxis's eyes widened. Xanthy whipped from Elred to Nyxis and back. "Throne?" she swallowed the butterbread in her mouth. "Nyxis just gave it to this Tobin person."

"No, Xanthy. No," Nyxis splayed his palm to Xanthy's direction. "A throne is what makes a race what it is. It is not a position of power. It is a symbol of what a race stood for," he whipped back to Elred. "What would Synketros do with it?"

Elred pursed her lips. "For safekeeping, of course. Synketros is not the only one after the thrones."

"Is this where Cardovia comes in?" Xanthy rolled her hand.

"Yes," Elred answered. She clenched her jaw. "The Heiress is bent on collecting the thrones to harness their power for something."

"Which is?" June prodded.

"We do not know that," Elred wrinkled her nose..

"Would collecting it give Cardovia more advantage?" Reeca tapped her chin then scratched her eyebrow. "They would just attack Synketros and take the thrones from you."

Elred scowled. "If there is anyone who can go against Cardovia, it is Synketros," she baerd her teeth. "At least, we know who we are dealing with."

"What are we dealing with?" Nyxis shoved his hand inside his satchel. "Just what is this Synketros and Cardovia stuff I keep hearing?"

June clicked his tongue. He braced his elbow on his knee as he turned to the human. "Upon context clues—Synketros, good. Cardovia, bad."

Nyxis rolled his eyes. Xanthy massaged the bridge of her nose.

"Did you find the throne here in Cardina, then?" Nyxis shifted to Elred.

Elred shook her head. Nyxis's shoulders slumped. Realization dawned on Xanthy. Oh. So that's what he was looking for back at the Palace.

Xanthy took another piece of butterbread. June blinked at her. Ugh. She stuck her tongue out at him. Why does butterbread take too fast to vanish? She wanted more!

"Is Synketros after the Virtakios, too?" Xanthy jumbled the butterbread in her mouth as she chewed. She rubbed her nose using her forefinger. "I mean, I get why Cardovia would be after it. But is Synketros?"

Elred rolled her shoulders. "It would be at our advantage if you could help us," she said. "Cardovia is not exactly on the sane levels of magic usage."

"You mean...they cheat magic?" Reeca sniffed, the bridge of her nose bunching up.

"Let us just say they are willing to do what they can to get what they want," Elred tucked a strand of hair behind an ear. A pointy ear. "Even to destroy a world."

Cold dread settled in Xanthy's stomach.

"So, do you have no more questions?" Elred spread her arms in an invitation. Xanthy pursed her lips. "Well," Elred brought her hands together. "This is where I take my leave."

She flapped her crystalline wings. Sharp, tinkling sounds rang through the early morning air. "I hope to see you lot, again."

Xanthy shielded her face as the wind stirred by Elred's wings flapping hit her skin. The shard fairy rose to the air. In a few seconds, she was just a speck in the sky.

June whistled. "Well, that sure is educational."

"Shut up, June," all three of them snapped.

Nyxis chuckled. "So, what do we do now?"

Reeca planted her feet on the ground and slapped her knees. "Well, I am going to go back to Narfalk to take care of some, ah...things," she stood up and extended her hand towards Xanthy. "I hope to see you around."

Xanthy took her hand and shook it. "Count on it," she smiled.

Reeca gave Nyxis a pat in the shoulder. "Nice job on the battlefield, soldier," she stepped back. "Keep at it."

Nyxis snorted. "I prefer to see less battles from now," he shrugged.

"This is just the beginning," Reeca said with a wink. She turned to go.

June spread his arms. "What, nothing for me, mothbrain?"

"I hope to never see you again, peahead," Reeca scowled.

"Aw, I will miss you, too," June mocked.

Reeca narrowed her eyes. "That tongue will someday cost you something."

"I am counting on it," June sneered. "I love paying prices!"

Reeca scoffed and rolled her eyes. She flapped her wings. "Well, I have to go, too," she gave them a small wave before launching herself into the air. "Take care."

"You too," Xanthy answered.

Like Elred, Reeca, too, disappeared into the sky.

"Must be nice to have wings," Xanthy sighed and tied her sack of butterbread. She's going to need it on the journey.

Nyxis took Reeca's seat with a shrug. "Eh, you could do it with magic," he swung his satchel to rest on his legs. "Where are you off to, now?"

Xanthy exhaled through her nose. A smile played on her lips. Never in her whole life did she think that she would be saying these things. "To Alkara," she met Nyxis's eyes. "It is time to look for answers in my race's territory, do you not think so?"

"So you figured out your race, huh?" June cocked his head.

Xanthy chuckled. "Yes, I did."

June stretched. "So, you are not going back to your Disfavored lot," his grin stretched wide. "Does that mean my debt is cancelled?"

Nyxis looked at Xanthy incredulously. Xanthy laughed with a shake of her head. "Of course not," she covered her mouth. "You still owe me a thousand versallis."

"Wh—you said it was five hundred!" June's eyes widened.

"Well, you butchered your chance to teach me magic," Xanthy wagged a finger in June's face. What was this tingly feeling at the base of her gut? Well, whatever it was, she liked it. "You could make up for it by coming with me to Alkara, though. I am sure as hell that I cannot go there on my own."

June pouted. "If I go with you, five hundred?"

"No. Seven hundred."

"Six hundred?"

"Six-fifty," Xanthy frowned. "Take it or leave it."

June blew a breath. "Six-fifty, it is," he punched her lightly in the shoulder. "You drive a hard bargain, miss."

Xanthy winked. "That is what I do," she allowed another bout of laughs before turning to Nyxis. "How about you? You sure you do not want to spend your days being king?"

Nyxis shook his head. "Who would want to rule over these boorish clerets in britches anyway?" he chuckled. "No, I need to find where I truly belong."

"You could come with me," Xanthy extended her hand towards him. "We can find where we belong together."

Nyxis laid his palm over hers. "I would like that," his eyes crinkled in a soft smile.

"Hey, what about me?" June popped from Xanthy's side like an errant arm. Xanthy whirled to him.

"Of course," Xanthy extended her other arm to him. He took it. Blood rushed to her face as she tried to ignore the warmth seeping from his skin and into hers.

Instead, she looked at the glistening sky, at the clouds peppering the vast expanse. In the course of a few weeks, she had aimed to find ways to change herself, to get rid of certain parts of her, to save her friends, to honor promises she uttered.

Now, she glanced at her two companions, her friends, and aimed for another thing. Perhaps, the road she was meant to travel wasn't the one marred with duty and loss.

Rather, it was the road to who she was. To what she was fighting for. To her fate.

Xanthy tightened her grip on her friends' hands. "Well, then," she stood and turned to Nyxis and June with a smile. "Let us find our destiny."
