XANA and Family

♦♣♠♥♠♣♦~CHAPTER 12: JEREMY~♦♣♠♥♠♣♦

"It's alright. I got the program up in time. I'll be right back. I'm going to check the scanners." I said. I jumped up, setting my earpiece onto the side of the keyboard and headed for the scanner rooms.

Two were open. One held two packages that had arrived instead of Frans Hopper, one in all pink and one in purple with a silver bow. The other held a girl laying curled on the bottom. With shiny silvery purple hair in pigtails I knew it was Coda. She was in black boots (a lot like Yumi's), purple capris, silver tip-less gloves that reached about mid-forearm, a silver bag on her hip, a black tank-top, purple button-up shirt with only two buttons done (the third and fourth from the top), and a pair of purple oval motorcycle goggles with dark silver lenses. They were obviously an accessory, not for actually wearing.

Coda sat up and I knelt down in front of her. "Welcome to our world, Coda." I said. She rubbed her head then smiled at me. My mouth fell open and my eyes bugged out when I saw the mark on her neck. It was XANA's mark in red. She looked at me and touched the spot: obviously she knew it was there.

She gasped when she realized I could see it. "Jeremy, please. You can't tell the others. I'n not bad, XANA put it there. When I said I was created by Fanz I wasn't lying. I just didn't mention that he hadn't fully completed my programming and XANA did. That's the only reason I have this mark." She said.

I took a breath. I knew Coda was on our side, she wasn't bad. "If you're truly on our side, tell me how to tell if you're under XANA's control as well as what he wants." I ordered. Coda took a breath and let it out.

"How you can tell is easy. The others a little harder, but I'll do my best. Let me start at the beginning." Coda said.

"Fans Hopper created me as a balance against XANA, but he also gave me the codes to change Lyoko if needed as well and all the backup data for Lyoko. He started me only days before he was taken by XANA so he didn't get finish my programming. XANA did. Throughout the time you fought him and before he was programming me. The Kolossus was a cover up. XANA actually used that power to wake me up." Coda explained.

"So, the mark?" I asked.

"Put there by XANA. He needs me. His plan is to destroy me, Lyoko's backup, and the core at the same time. But he doesn't want to really destroy me. I'm telling you now. If Xana ever touches this mark, especially in Sector 5, you have to pull the others out. The reason is I won't be in control. My 'other half', if you will, will take control. Instead of silver she wears red. XANA created her. She's 100% obedient to him, trusts him completely, and hates the Lyoko warriors.

"Until XANA touches the mark however, I'm in total control. The only exception is when XANA tries to take control. That's what he did last time we were in Sector 5. His voice calls to my 'Red Side', his side, and pulls her to the surface. She can never full take control, but can somewhat do it. She's dangerous, Jeremy. You have to be careful if she ever awakens." Coda finished.

I blink, took off my glasses, cleaned them, and put them back on. Throughout the process Coda had remained silent, waiting for me to say something. I stood up. "That scanner floor can't be all that comfortable. Why don't we head up to the super computer?" I suggested. Coda smiled and stood up.

"Okay. Thank you, Jeremy. You can't tell the others. Please." Coda begged. I thought about it.

"Alright. For now, it's our secret." I said. Coda jumped forward and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks so much. Now, what's in there?" Coda suddenly noticed the other opened scanner.

"That's what came when I Materialized Franz Hopper." I said. I knelt down and picked them up. "I believe this ones for you." I handed her the silver and purple one.

"For me? I wonder what it is?" Coda took it gently.

"Open it up in the other room." I said. I moved to the elevator and Coda joined me. I hit the button and Coda looked around in wonder. When we got into the super computer room, Coda stopped at the sight of the hologram.

"I've seen this." She muttered. I didn't ask where. Instead I jumped up into my chair.

"Guys, it's all good. Coda's here." I said.

"Thank goodness. Now get us out!" Ulrich shouted.

"On it." I devirtualized the girls and Odd first. I glanced behind me to see Coda sitting on the floor, the lid for the box was beside her. She pulled a silvery purple velvet choker from the box. I watched as she put it on. It completely covered XANA's symbol.

"Looks like Franz is watching out for you." I said. Coda smiled.

"Can't see it?" She asked.

"Not at all." I answered. Coda stood, stuck the box and paper in her pocket, and then the door to the elevator opened. All five of the Lyoko warriors appeared.

"Coda?" Yumi asked. Coda smiled.

"What'cha think?" She asked, looking down at her new outfit.

"Love it." Aelita said. Coda smiled.

"So, first things first, Coda?" I said. She looked at me. "We need your back story." I said. Coda smiled and thought about it.

"You'll have to find out. All, but Aelita since I need your help." Coda said. I scowled, but they were all smiling at Coda.

"If only they knew." I thought. "But that's exactly why she doesn't tell them." I reasoned. "But, what if she's dangerous, maybe not willingly, but she did say XANA had control over her." My other side argued. "You know what, I trust her. And for now, that's enough. If she causes trouble, we'll deal with it, but for now; Coda stays." I nodded once to myself.

"You okay, Jeremy?" Aelita asked. I nodded.

"Just fine, Aelita. Sorry about your dad." I said. Aelita shrugged.

"At least I know he's still alive out there." Aelita replied.

"That reminds me. I found this in the scanners. I think it belongs to you." I handed her the pink package.
