Not a Kill

♦♣♠♥♠♣♦~CHAPTER 5: YUMI~♦♣♠♥♠♣♦

I waited with Ulrich, Odd, and William for Aelita and Coda to arrive. I saw them in the distance exiting a tower. "There!" I pointed them out and we took off running.

Aelita waved at me to show she saw. Suddenly XANA came out of the tower and swung his sword, creating the arch of energy. We all kept running, not expecting it to hit any of us. Aelita and Coda weren't so lucky. Aelita was instantly devirtualized, but Coda was sent flying.

She landed in front of us and slid a little. "Coda!" I jumped forward as Coda stumbled to her feet. She swayed and Odd grabbed her, keeping her from falling.

"Coda, one life point left." Jeremy warned.

"I know." Coda answered. "XANA can't kill me. Literally can't. It's part of the programming. But his monsters can. He doesn't want to kill me though." Coda muttered.

"Yumi, looked out!" Ulrich shouted. I twisted and flipped away as XANA swung at me. I landed past his sword, not getting hit thankfully.

"XANA give up now. You're not getting Coda today or any other time." William held his sword out and XANA simply smiled. He shimmered and suddenly he was in front of William, his sword through William's stomach.

"I have to disagree. When I want something, I get it." XANA said just as William was devirtualized. I pulled my fans out from their resting place on my back. Ulrich pulled out his swords and Odd cocked his glove guns.

"Sorry XANA, but not always." I said. XANA swung his sword at me and a blast of energy came out going up and down, moving to fast for me to avoid. Suddenly someone hit me, knocking me of of the way and was sent flying back. I realized it was Coda as she slid on the ground.

She ended on her stomach and started to get up, but collapsed. Ulrich pulled me up as Odd approached XANA. I headed over to Coda and helped her up. She fell into my side, using me completely to stay up right. I realized that she wasn't kidding. Even with only 1 health point left an attack that would have devirutalized any of the others at full HP didn't do anything to her.

"Ulrich. You're going to have to take her to the nearest tower. Jeremy, we need our rides." I said. Odd suddenly flew at us. He didn't devirtualize, but I guessed he didn't have many life points left.

"Coming up. And Yumi's right, Ulrich. You've got to take Coda, she'll fall off the Overboard or Overwing." Jeremy advised. Our three vehicles appeared in front of us. Odd jumped on the Overboard and shot back towards XANA and his monsters. I helped Coda get on Ulrich's Overbike, him sitting in front with her behind.

"You take her to the nearest tower. I'll go help Odd then we'll join you." I said. Ulrich nodded.

"No. We'll meet in...oh wait. You can't get there yet. Never mind. Tower is good." Coda muttered. She looked like she was fading between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"Alright. Hurry up." Jeremy said. Ulrich nodded and kissed my cheek before racing off. I smiled and jumped onto the Overwing, pulling one of my fans out from their resting place at my back. I got closer before throwing it, aiming for the two Crabs.

My fan boomeranged and cut them both before coming back to me. I caught it easy just in time to see Odd get sent flying, right at the edge of the platform. I swooped down and caught him, heading back up.

"Yumi, drop me off close to XANA. I've got a a little matter to deal with." Odd said. I followed his instructions and he tackled XANA, leaping off the Overboard as he did, and they both went flying. Odd shot the Manta and flipped, landing easily on his feet.

I twisted and aimed at the monsters. They started shooting. I blocked three of them, but one hit me in the arm and the other hit the Overwing. It disintegrated under my feet and I flipped in the air, throwing my fan as I did, and landed with my leg out to the side. My fan hit my target: a Manta.

It didn't take me long to take care of the rest of the monsters. I turned to see Odd and XANA fighting at the edge of the platform. I threw my fan, hoping Odd would duck in time. I got lucky: not only did Odd duck but Xana had swung his sword so he wouldn't be able to deflect my fan.

It hit him right in the chest and knocked him over the edge into the digital sea. Odd stood up and we shared a smiled. "Alright Jeremy, where should we go to meet Coda and Ulrich?" I asked, jumping to catch my fan and snapping it closed as I did.

"Hang on. Wasn't there another monster?" I asked Odd.

"Yeah, it was a ..." We shared a look.

"SCYPHOZOA!" We shouted to each other.
