Chapter 8. Not TeacherXStudent Material

Skylers P.O.V

[Two Weeks Later]

It's been two weeks since Me and Megan's thing happened, we haven't talked about it since, I guess the deal is off.Tonight I'm suppose to go to some party with my friends. I was thinking of taking Jacob...maybe even Megan.

I get ready for school wearing the clothes I got from Zumiez three days ago. Before leaving I text Megan if she needs a ride,

Skyler: Need a ride?

Megan: yea sure I'm ready , just come over when you are.

Skyler: Okay see you then :)

I drove over to Megan's house, instead of beeping toady I walk up her front door and knock. Some handsome tall muscular guy wearing basketball shorts and a white t-shirt answers the door.

"You are?" He says looking down at me.

"You are???" I say with just a bit rudeness falling out of my mouth.

"Reese Tavern." Oohhh this must her brother or hot cousin , something like that.

"Oh well I'm Megan's friend, Skyler. I'm here to pick her up."

His tough exterior goes down and he smiles warmly, "oh I'm her older brother, She talks a lot of good things about you."

I smile back "That's good."
I felt myself blush at the thought that she talked about me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to print my homework." Megan said behind her brother holding up the papers.

"It okay." I say still smiling thinking about what her brother said.

I walked to English with Megan only to run into Emma.

"Hey Skyler... Megan." she smiled.

"Hey." I greeted. Then she passed.

"Did you guys..??" I mean she did kiss me on accident, she was trying to kiss Megan, so did they have history.


"So is she gay?"

"In denial." Megan said rolling her eyes at the thought.

I leaned against a locker in the hallway and looked at Megan "So I was wondering if you want to go to a party with me tonight."

"Sure, why not." Megan said shrugging her shoulders.

"Cool." without thinking I leaned in and closed the gap between us. She laughed and then continued the kiss.

She pulled away still gripping on to my shirt collar " Come on we're gonna be late."


I sat in English next to Megan when I get a tap on the shoulder by Tom,
"Hey , I need to talk to you a lunch."

"Okay, about?"

He lightly pointed to Megan.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would he want to talk about her! Does he like her or something? I kept my cool even though there were a lot of scenarios going through my head. He was a good looking guy and Megan never told me her sexuality she could be bi or even just straight and just experimenting with me , but I doubt it.

"Miss.Saxon! Stop talking in my class and work on your assignment."

I was over this teacher. "I'll work on my fucking assignment once you stop being a ugly old hag. Oh wait that's never going to happen is it?" I said nonchalantly out loud so whole the class could hear.

Her face looked shocked, I was even shocked with myself. I was usually a able to control my anger and even my wolfs anger.

"Gladly." I showed no emotion and got up from my desk and threw my book-bag over my shoulder. I walked out not before looking back at Megan and winking, which made her smile.


"Miss.Saxon, why did you speak to Ms.McDonald like that? Honestly, I'm quite disappointed." My principal who was also the art teacher at our school (low funds) sighed looking at me across from her desk.

"She needs to stop picking on me then."

"You know I have to give you a detention, right?"

"Mrs.Ross, please this is the first time I've acted out. My mom will flip."

She ran her hand through her hair, "Fine, but I need you to help one of my students."

"Who?" I asked now cautious of my promises.

"Megan Tavern."

I like punishment a little more.
"Yes M'am."

"She needs someone to give feedback on her poems for the poetry slam next Wednesday , and I'm too busy. I think a young mind like you would be better anyway, you could relate more to her poems."

"Sure thing."

She smiled and tilted her head, now realizing she was supposed to punish me. And made a fake frown " Now get out of my office!" She yelled ,chuckling after.

"Yes m'am, thank you." I smiled walking out of her office.
