Chapter 5. Locker

Megan and I walked out of the class room in silence after the bell rang from next period. Then when it was clear, me and Megan bursting out laughing.

"Wow, I can't believe- Sam is gonna be pissed at me for saying that." Megan said laughing hard .
Then we both went our separate ways.

I walked to my locker to put my new English book away. I felt arms snake around my waist pulling me into the familiar scent. She then spun me to face her then pinned me against the locker.

"Hey baby." she whispered in my ear.

She started to kiss my neck making my usually blue eyes turn yellow.

Her lips then met mine , sliding her tongue in , i couldn't pull away. "You're so hot when you're showing your wolf." she bit my lip. "You're soo sexy." she looked at my now yellow eyes and went back to kissing me. Her hand traveled inBetween my legs and started rubbing. I let out a moan. I couldn't let this get any further, so i cupped her face then lightly pushing her away. She smiled satisfied with her self by making my eyes turn. She then pecked me on the cheek skipping away.

"Damn." Megan said with her jaw dropped. My face reddened as my head snapped to Megan walking towards me.

"Hey." I said looking everywhere but Megan shamefully.

"I was wondering if you could drive me home,"

"Yea , sure." I was still leaned up against the locker.

"Sooo why are your eyes yellow?"

Shit. "Uhhh, Uumm I'll tell you after school." I quickly walked away to Calculus. I wasn't really planning on telling her, maybe she'll forget.

I walked in being introduce by the teacher as "the new kid."

I scanned the room ,locking eyes with Amy. I teared my eyes away and found Megan who was two seats away from Amy, searching through her bookbag. I decided to sit between Amy and Megan which probably wasn't the best idea, it really wasn't a good idea.
The teacher was explaining the lesson when I get a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to met eyes with a gorgeous blonde, I quickly turn on my charm.
"Hey, I'm Jenna." She bit her lip which didn't really catch my wolfs attention but it was kinda hot.

"Skyler." I smiled.

"I was wondering if you want to sit next to me and my friends at lunch."

I smirked "I'll think about it."

She leaned and whispered in my ear "You're really , really hot." Wow, is everyone here gay or what.

Megan must have saw or heard that because I heard her clear her throat louder in indication.
"Thanks. You're pretty hot yourself."
I quickly turned my back to her facing the front of the class. I glanced at Megan next to me who was drawing in her notebook. Was she jealous ? No, she couldn't be. Soon the bell rang excusing me to lunch. I got up immediately bumping into Megan.

"Sorry." I quickly mumbled before walking to the cafeteria , I kinda felt weird about her seeing me and Amy, I didn't want her to think I was back together with Amy. Cause I wasn't it was just a one time thing , but why would she care, we're just friends anyway.

"Skyler! Over here!" Jenna waved.

I walked over smiling sitting next to her. " Hey." it seemed like her group was the popular crowd, which I was kind of used to.

"Here, I'll introduce you to everyone."

I nodded.

"This is Todd," she pointed to a good looking guy with wavy brown hair and blue eyes who waved. "Sam," the girl who was checking me out in English , she winked. "Carson." a blonde guy who could honestly be a model, why were they all beautiful, he winked at me also then went continuing his conversation with a girl. "Emma." The brunette who kissed me this morning? She looked at me and forced a smile. " And Amy." She smirked at me and got up from her seat, walking over to me and Jenna sitting to the left of me.

"Hey Skyler, i missed you." Amy smiled nonchalantly.

"You two know each other?" Jenna asked with a curious expression.

"Yeah, exes."

"You two dated?" Jenna looked shocked , Amy did seem as straight as a pole, but that was the furthest thing from the truth.

"For a year and a half." Amy answered. Woah, she seemed to be accepting it now, was she trying to prove something to me?


After that awkwardness Carson walked up to me. "Hey, I'm having this party in a couple weeks or so. Wanna come? I'll text you the info. It's gonna be killer" He flashed his perfect white teeth in a smile.

"Yea sure." first day, nice.

"Okay, what's your number?" His red football varsity jacket hung on his linky but buff body.
After giving him my number I had to go find Megan and drive her home.
