Chapter 15

Perhaps it is the Yunling Great Line. With his sensitive five senses, he should have noticed Sima Li's gaze from time to time, but this one was a little embarrassed that he was drunk and troubled Sima Li all night, all Yunling who patronized Yunling thinking about things. I didn't notice it at all.

After the two men changed their clothes, they were still the same, Yunling did morning class, and Sima Li did breakfast! It feels quite like an old couple!

When Yunling sat next to the stone table in the courtyard, he found that there was one more thing on the table today than yesterday. Yunling looked at the dark drink in front of him. He didn't know what it was made of, but he could smell the aroma of beans. Sima Li probably also saw the doubt in Yunling's eyes, and directly said, "This is black bean juice, add some milk, you can taste it, it is very nutritious!" He took the cup beside his hand and drank it.

Yunling saw that Sima Li drank it himself, and was too embarrassed not to drink it, so he just ate the crab buns made this morning. Although the color of this black bean juice is not very good, Sima Li is delicious, and even the crab buns are full of flavor. The Yunling exercise had been hungry in the morning without paying too much attention. One person ate four-cage steamed buns, three omelets with vegetables, two large cups of soy juice, and a large bowl of white porridge. Sima Li who looked aside was smacking his tongue, this is too edible.

When the two of them finished eating, Yunling realized that he had eaten so much for breakfast. When did his appetite become so big, Yunling was a little puzzled. In fact, it's not that he has a big appetite. With the proficiency of the exercises, what he eats in the future will be digested by the spiritual energy in the body to replenish the energy needed by the body. Therefore, Yunling's appetite will increase in the future. The bigger, no one who is proficient in culinary arts is waiting around, it is really inconvenient!

After Yunling consciously washed the pots and bowls, he saw Sima Li carefully watering the flowers and plants in the garden. The sun shining on his face also increased the temperature of his otherwise deserted face. Looking at this kind of scene, Yunling suddenly felt that this kind of life was also good, and he felt like home.

'In the future, you can invite more Sima to come back, so that you don't have to worry about eating, and you won't feel lonely or noisy when the two get along. It's really good! Thinking of these, Yunling simply leaned on the door frame and looked at the scenery outside!

Sima Li carefully watered the flowers and plants in the courtyard, and when he turned around, he saw Yunling leaning on the door frame, looking at himself with his hands on his chest, raising his eyebrows, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you again!" The joking tone was very sincere to people's ears. Sima couldn't help being a little shy, and lowered his head too busy to trace. Later, he lifted his body and asked faintly, "It's not a beauty, what's so beautiful!"

When Yunling heard this, he only smiled and said, "Sima, can I continue to invite you to my house in the future? I find that we live together very well!"

"Yeah!" A short word showed Sima Li's agreement. Yunling was also very happy to hear this answer, and then said today's arrangements. "Today is the first day of National Day. Let's go for a walk." !"

Seeing Yunling's happy look, Sima Li was also a little happy in his heart, "Have you planned?" Although it was a question, it was in a positive tone, which shows that Sima Li still knows his roommate very well.

"Well, we are at the foot of the M mountain range. If you drive there, it will take less than an hour. At this time, there are many good things in the mountains. It is also the most fun time. Let me take you to see it today!" Yun Ling turned around and took the backpack that was on the sofa, put it on his back, and took two hats. One was worn by himself, and the other was worn by Yunling himself for Sima Li. Then he pulled Sima Li out.

Sima Li took a look at his outfit today when being pulled by Yunling. It was okay and more suitable for going out. So let Yunling take his hand. When I walked next door to Yunling's house, I realized that this house turned out to be a garage! I have never noticed it. When Yunling came out of the car in reverse, Sima Li directly sat in the passenger seat. Neither of them spoke. Yunling opened the window of the car, chose a disc, and set it aside.

With the cool breeze and classical music along the way, Yunling also took out some snacks specially, but Sima Li didn't like snacks very much.

When Yunling parked the car, I discovered that there are many tourists today. Sima Li carried the backpack in the back seat on his body. Yunling looked a little embarrassed, but didn't say much.

Then the two began to climb the mountain. Because it is autumn, many orchards at the roots of the mountain have already begun to bear fruit, and hanging on the branches one by one is very festive. Because Sima didn't like crowded places, Yunling had to take him along some little-known trails. The trails in the mountains were still a bit chilly in the morning. Fortunately, Er had good health and wore long-sleeved trousers. It doesn't feel so cold either. There are lush forests on both sides of the trail, and various wild flowers and weeds grow on the ground. There are wild jujubes and wild chestnuts growing in the nearby woods, and Yunling can't help but drool out.

On the other hand, Sima Li saw some small animals passing through the forest from time to time, and there were also wild vegetables and fungi growing on the ground. As the height rose, Sima Li also saw herbs growing in the woods. The melodious birdsong kept ringing in my ears, and the air became fresher and fresher. Even the noise that could have been heard from time to time was gone. The whole person seemed to be integrated into nature. The trail began to be slowly covered by fallen leaves of various colors, Sima Li stepped on it, creaking straight. A gust of wind blows, and the forest is also the sound of rustling among the leaves.
