Chapter taken from my other book, but not alot has seen it, so I'll post it here!

Protocol Omega Characters interactions!
(Short chapter, and I apologize for it!)

<I'm still sadly busy with schools, but i still wanted to post a little something!>


Happy valentine's day,
I've heard from Gamma, that this kind of celebration are for couples, or lovers..?

I'm still learning, so I hope you can guide me today.
I hope you are doing well, and...


It's my first time doing so..
Would you like to be my valentine?


You accept?

That's.. Great.
I'm glad you accepted me, to be your valentine, I've heard people go on a date for valentines, how about we go on one aswell? I'll plan everything for you, if you'd like.

I'll make sure that it'll be perfect.

Thank you for believing me.



Hello [F/N]!
You seem rather lonely, why are you alone in such romantic day?


Huh? No valentines? Are you kidding?

How desperate can you be?

People are missing out how amazing you are.
Well, at least I'm here!
So, how about this.

Would you like to be my valentine?


Correct answer.
I can't wait to make you happy, how about you meet me tonight, so I can prepare everything?

Yes? Good.

See you tonight. Oh.
And.. Happy Valentines day.



Happy Valentines day!
What are you planning today?



You can't tell me that nobody has asked you to be their valentines!
You know what?

How about YOU be MY valentine then! We'll make people jealous for not asking you out.


Huh? You prefer to spend time with me?


Why not? I mean, I'd rather be by your side then sticking with the others!

Let's go on date together shall we?

It'll be amazing!


Why are everyone so excited and happy today? I saw soo many couples outside aswell!


Valentine's day?

No wonder there's so many couples outside, well it's not my favorite holiday...

But might aswell try it out like the others!

How about you become my valentine? It'll be less lonely for the both of us!


I thought you'd say that! Nobody can refuse the great Zanark, follow me!

I'll take you on a ride, with my bike!
Don't worry, I won't be going too fast.
No promised though.


[Happy Valentines day!]
