Haizaki Ryouhei

Request by @life-is-bad-ok hope you enjoy!

[Past/6 years old]

"Akane!" Exclaimed Haizaki, as he was going towards his new friend.

Akane. A new neighbor.

I see him a lot hanging out with her, so I just assumed he really liked her, Akane is nice and very clever too. I understand clearly why Haizaki liked her.

[Your room]

"[F/N]! Haizaki is here!" My mom opened the door of my room and Haizaki was right behind her.

"Come in. Thanks mom!" I said.

My mom left to bring cookies and juice, meanwhile Haizaki sat next to me with a nervous face.

"Is something wrong Haizaki?" I tilt my head looking at him, he blushed for few seconds and shook his head.

"I.. Uh.." He looks away avoiding the eye contact, boys of my age does this reaction because... Oh !

"Is it about Akane?" I asked him.

"Wha-?! No way! I.." His face expression showed panick.

I knew it. It is about Akane.

"Just spit it out! I'm not gonna tell anyone." I smiled and pat his shoulders.

"Well... Do you know... What girls like?" He asked nervously.

"Hm..." I started to think, he needed to gift something to Akane? I thought he'd already figure it out by hanging out with her.

"How about a Kumazou Teddy? I see girls with those a lot!" I suggested to Haizaki.

"Kumazou..? I see these a lot on claw machines." He said and started to think aswell.

"You're right. But I suggest you buy one instead of getting one, it may look cheap, but if you have struggles, it may go over the budget." I chuckled.

"You're right !" He left my room. "Thank you alot!" he exclaimed while leaving.

"Eh? He already left??" My mom, who brought in the cookies and juice, notice Haizaki leaving.

"He had a urgent thing to do!" I told my mom.

After that day, I didn't see Haizaki for 2 days, and I never saw him gift the Teddy to Akane. Maybe he gave it to her in private?


Few months after that. Akane has gone to a school named Ares.

It went badly, Akane has lost total emotions, willing of speaking and... She forgot about us too.

Haizaki was frustrated, he couldn't believe that someone would hurt a kind person like Akane, even though we weren't close. Akane and I.

I wanted to help Haizaki pursue his revenge for Akane, by supporting him at all cost.


After that Seishou Gakuen lost against Outei Tsukinomiya, Haizaki announced me that he will be going to Inakuni Raimon.

"What?" My hand frozen, I was crouching, petting a cat that me and Haizaki were taking care of, outside of the school.

"I'm transferring to Raimon." He repeated himself.

"..." I looked at the kitty, it looked at me with a worried face.

"I know you're probably against it and i-" Haizaki spoke but I stopped him.

"You don't need to explain yourself." I simply said.

"I don't...?" He seemed surprised for an instant.

"Of course not. You want to defeat Ares, to avenge Akane. I followed you. Played soccer. Just to avenge aswell." I smiled and stood up.

"Thank you. [F/N]." Haizaki lowered his head.

"Good luck. Ryouhei." I smiled at him.

So my mission to support him, is over..?



"Watch me win against Ares! I'll win. No matter what." He exclaimed at me. Was that an invitation for me to watch the match against Ares?

I smiled. "Of course. I will come." That was my answer.

Inakuni Raimon has won against Outei Tsukinomiya, the truth has been revealed and Ares has been stopped.

Akane has actually recovered a long time ago, but she kept the secret to stop Ares.
[Seishou Gakuen's field]

I looked around the field and saw no one, weird...

"Ryouhei... Where are you?" I mumbled, holding my phone. That had a text from Ryouhei that he needed to talk to me on this field.

"[F/N]!" Ryouhei shouted behind me, I turned to him.

"Ryouhei! I saw you won!" I went up to him with a excited face.

"Yeah... Well-"

"How's Akane?" I asked.

"She's fine, but I need to tell you something." He answered.

"Sure! Shoot!" I exclaimed.

"..." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, he then took out a teddy Kumazou.

"Hm?" I tilt my head at the Teddy... Isn't that... Akane's gift?

"I wanted to give it to you.. For a long time. But I think. This is the perfect timing." He said and slowly hand the Teddy to me.

"Huh?" My eyes widen.

"[F/N] [L/N]. I like you." He went straight forward, he told me his feelings to me.

I was on disbelief... Few years ago.

He asked me what does girls like.. I thought it was for Akane.

But it was actually for me.

All those years, thinking he liked Akane. And I was supporting him... Was just a misunderstanding.

"Ryouhei... I'm.." My emotions got over me, I was overjoyed.

"If you don't like me, I'll understand and-"

I quickly went for a hug.

"I like you too!" I smiled.

"..." Ryouhei smiled and hugged me back.

"I love you [F/N]. Thank you for everything."
