
Anakin was back at the temple in 6 hours. He had taken off his sling, since his arm wasn't hurting anymore and he could not move it in any direction without it hurting. It had healed faster after the healers at the temple had used the force to ease the pain and swelling. But he still had the wrap around his ribs and side. He walked into the chambers with Master Plo-Koon who had just come from a mission in Tatooine and was still quite sandy. "Plo-Koon, you're kind of spreading sand on the floor", remarked Kit-Fisto. "Oh, sorry about that", he quickly patted his robe to only have more come out. "Does not matter sand does, more urgent things to discuss we do", said Yoda tapping his stick on the floor. Everyone took their seat and the room became silent. Everyone was there: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon, Shaak Ti, Kit-Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesse Tiin, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, Pong Krell and of course Yoda and Mace Windu. They started to discuss what had happened. 

"Kill the clone for all I care", spat Pong Krell. "No, we must figure out why he tried to kill Mace first", said Obi-Wan. "Look here Obi-Wan, I don't appreciate your mercy toward this clone. He tried to kill to Windu, so he should be killed as punishment", Pong Krell said angrily. "I agree with Obi-Wan, we need to figure out why", said Mace Windu. "Clone are dispensable soldiers in my opinion", argued Pong Krell. "No they're not", said Anakin. "The clones are good, hardworking and would give their lives for you." Pong Krell stood up and ignited both of his double-sided lightsabers, "You are only a slave Anakin Skywalker, you have no say in this conversation and I will never count you as my equal." He rushed toward Anakin and raised his lightsabers and struck. Several lightsabers blocked the blow and Pong Krell backed away. Now all the Masters had ignited their lightsabers and pointed it toward him. "Stand down Pong Krell", thundered Mace. "I'm surprised at you Mace, you should be on my side, I thought you didn't like Anakin", said Pong Krell. "I may not agree with Anakin, but I would never kill him!", said Mace. "Then you're a fool! The sith will take over one day! And I will help raise it!" At that Prong Krell pushed all the council members against the wall and ran out.

 The temple guards rushed in and helped them up. "Go after him!", shouted Mace. "We must not let him get away!" The temple guards nodded and raced after him. They soon caught him and put him in custody. Obi-Wan knelt near Anakin, "You all right there?" "Yep", Anakin got up. He reached to his side and winced. "Reconvene we will in a hour", said Yoda. Anakin made his way to his room and called Padme. She answered a few seconds later. "Padme I'm afraid I am going to have to be here for awhile. I probably won't be able to come back to Naboo." "It's all right Ani, I'll head back and we can still have time together." They agreed on this and Anakin said goodbye and then they ended the call. 

2 Hours Later

The council had decided to elect Aayla Secura to replace Pong. After that they determined that Pong Krell should be stripped of his rank of Jedi Master and be placed in prison for the rest of his life. They brought Krell in and after reading his judgment he was sent away, but not without a struggle. On his way out he shouted, "The sith will take over and you will be left with nothing." With that the guards pulled him away. The council meeting continued for a few more hours before it finally ended. Anakin made his way to his room and sat on the bed. How was he going to tell Padme about the decision of him going back to the war before he was healed? He was going to her apartment for the evening and he decided to tell her in after dinner.  After awhile he got up and put on is cloak and headed to Padme's apartment. 

Padme was making dinner when he walked in the door. "Padme I'm home." "I'm in the kitchen." Suddenly Ashoka came in the room carrying a plate of bread. "Snips what are you doing here?" "I invited her to dinner", said Padme walking in. "Is that okay?" Anakin smiled, "Of course." "Well dinner is ready if we want to sit down", said Padme. They sat down and began to pass around the food. "So Snips what did you do today?" "Nothing much, studied at the library and talked a bit to Plo-Koon after he got out of the council meeting. I also talked to Master Yoda, he said I would be a good teacher and that he would like me to teach a few classes at the temple and maybe later on get a Padawan of my own." "That's great Ashoka", said Padme. "Yeah, but first they are sending Anakin and I back in a week, so it will have to wait." The room suddenly became silent and Ashoka looked around, "Did I say something wrong?" Padme suddenly got up, "Excuse me but I forgot the butter, I'll be back." She then disappeared into the kitchen. "Snips I hadn't told her yet", Anakin said lowering his voice. "Sorry Anakin, I didn't know." "Well now she knows I guess." Padme came back in with the butter and sat down. There was an awkward silence and they continued eating. "So Anakin when were you going to tell me?" "I'm sorry Padme, I was going to tell you later so you wouldn't worry." Padme felt tears coming, "I need to go on a walk and clear my head", she stood up and walked out closing the door behind her. Anakin stared after her not knowing what to do. Ashoka cleared her throat, "Uh maybe I should go." "No Ashoka it's fine, let's just continue eating." They finished eating and then cleaned up. Then Ashoka left and Anakin sat down on the couch and waited for Padme to return. 

A little later Anakin heard Padme come in the door. A moment later Padme came in and Anakin saw on her face that she had been crying. "Padme can we talk?" Padme sat down next to him and stared off in the distance. "Padme I wish I could stay, but I have to go." "I know, but sometimes it really hard for me...", Padme stopped and Anakin pulled her in a hug. "I love you Padme." "I love you too Ani." 

That week they spent as much time as they could together. The last night they were looking a the stars together when Anakin pulled something out of his pocket." Here,  it's a early birthday present." "Ani my birthday is not even close to now." "Okay well a farewell gift." Padme opened up the small box and pulled a sparkling sapphire ring. "Ani, it's beautiful." "I know I never got you an engagement ring or a wedding ring for that matter. You'll have to wear it on your right hand, but I hoped..." "Anakin it's perfect." She slipped it on her right hand, "I love it." She hesitated hating to ruin the moment, "How long do you think you'll be gone?" "I don't really know, a few months." Padme nodded and turned and leaned over the balcony looking over the city. 

**Hope you like it so far. By the way Ashoka does know about their marriage. If you want me to put something in just tell me below. Thanks!**
