Funeral And An Ex-Boyfriend

Padme knelt near the coffin and laid her flower on top it. She felt tears coming and she shut her eyes tight to keep them from spilling. She got up and went to stand near Bail Organa. Bail gave her a sad smile, "I know how close you were to him." Padme nodded not trusting herself to speak. A figure in a brown cloak stood up after placing his flower on the coffin as well. He walked over and nodded to Padme and Bail. "Senator Organa, Senator Amidala." "Anakin, I didn't know you were back on Coruscant", said Bail. "I'm here on a meditative retreat." "Well it's good to see you Anakin, would you like to join me for lunch? Padme you are invited as well." "I would be honored to Senator", Anakin said. "Me as well Bail", Padme answered. "Ah, good. Shall we go?", Bail said turning. They decided to go to Dex's diner for lunch and to see Dex since they hadn't seen him in awhile. 

"Thank you Bail for lunch", said Anakin. "Senator Amidala, may I have the pleasure of walking you to your speeder." "Thank you Anakin", Padme said. They said goodbye to Bail and started off to the speeder. They were almost to the speeder when suddenly someone shouted, "Padme! Padme! Wait up!" They turned around and Padme groaned. "Padme who is that?", Anakin said. "Do you remember Palo?" "You mean the artist who never was considerate to your opinions" "Yes. I haven't seen him since...that day" She groaned again and then put on a serious face. "Palo, what are you doing here?" "I came here to find you." He then looked at Anakin and looked at him with suspicion. "And who is your friend Padme?" "This is Anakin, we are very good friends." "I see, if you don't mind I would like to talk to you privately." "Of course, let's go to that bench." Padme sat down and Palo sat down next her. "What do you want Palo?" "I wanted to apologize about that incident years ago." "Well you could've said that earlier." "Look Padme, I'm sorry. Can we be friends?" "Palo, you hurt me a lot, you don't know how much." "Padme I came here to see you and apologize." "I don't want to see you, you remind of-of...", Padme stood up and walked away. "Padme please." "Stop Palo, you are reminding me of things I don't want to think about, ever want to think about again." She quickly walked to her speeder and started the engine. "Anakin I'll see you later." Anakin looked on and turned to Palo. "What did you say?" "I was just trying to apologize about an incident that happened...years ago." Palo turned around and walked away. 

Anakin got a speeder and headed to Padme's apartment. He walked in and went to find Padme. She was curled up in a ball and hugging a pillow close to her chest on the bed. He sat on the bed and rubbed her back to comfort her. "Padme you going to be okay?" "I just want to be alone right now Ani, if that's okay?" He stood up, "Just call if you need anything."

Anakin collapsed on the couch and stared out at the city. He was interrupted by the beeping of his commlink. "General Anakin Skywalker here." "Anakin, we need you at the Temple, to discuss your Padawan's trials", said Obi-Wan. "I'll be there soon." He disconnected the call and went to tell Padme he was going to the temple for a couple of hours. Padme had sat up and was writing something in a book. "Uh, Padme I have to go the Temple for a few hours. Do you want me to get anything?" She looked up, "No thank you Ani." She went back to her writing and Anakin felt as if it wasn't appropriate to say anything at the time. He walked out meeting Dorme at the door. "Dorme, call if anything is wrong." Anakin then headed to the temple. 
