

June 12, 2015 - West Hollywood

Stella Monroe, the pop sensation who has been no stranger to the spotlight, was recently seen in West Hollywood, heading to a local gym. The sighting, which occurred on June 12th, has ignited a fresh wave of rumors and speculations about the singer's personal life, particularly surrounding a possible pregnancy.

In the exclusive photos obtained by Gossip Central, Stella was seen in athletic wear, consisting of a grey sports bra and black leggings, paired with a casual black jacket tied around her waist. As she sipped on a smoothie and scrolled through her phone, it wasn't her stylish gym outfit that caught the public's attention but rather a noticeable increase in her belly size. This observation has led to rampant speculation about whether the star might be expecting.

Is Stella Monroe Pregnant?

The pregnancy rumors have taken the media by storm, with fans and critics alike dissecting every detail of Stella's recent appearances. Observers have pointed out that her choice of a smoothie and her overall demeanor suggest she might be adopting a healthier lifestyle, which many are interpreting as a sign of impending motherhood.

The timing of these rumors is particularly intriguing given Stella's recent reconnection with ex-boyfriend Austin Butler. The two have a history marked by public scrutiny and drama, dating from March to August 2014 before Butler's infidelity ended their relationship. Despite their tumultuous past, the pair has been seen together at various social gatherings recently, leading many to wonder if they might be rekindling their romance.

Stella's romantic history has been anything but smooth. After her breakup with Butler, she swiftly moved on to British actor Nicholas Galitzine in October 2014. Their whirlwind romance captured the media's attention, but it ended abruptly in December following Galitzine's infidelity. These back-to-back heartbreaks have kept Stella in the limelight, with every aspect of her personal life being closely scrutinized by the public.

Adding another layer to Stella's already dramatic life is her ongoing feud with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. This feud has been a recurring theme in the media, beginning in April 2014 after Stella released her EP "Treacherous," which detailed her romance with Austin Butler. Kim Kardashian, unimpressed with the EP, took to Twitter to throw shade, sparking a highly publicized conflict.

The feud escalated dramatically in December 2014 when Kanye West released a remix of his song "I Won," featuring derogatory lyrics about Stella. Despite West's claims that Stella was aware of the lyrics, a secretly recorded and edited conversation posted by Kim on Instagram made it seem like Stella was complicit. This incident led to the #stellamonroeisOVERparty and #kimEXPOSEDstella hashtags trending on Twitter, cementing Stella's controversial image.

Public Reactions and Speculations?

As the pregnancy rumors continue to swirl, public reactions have been mixed. While some fans express excitement and support for Stella, others remain skeptical, given her tumultuous personal life and the ongoing feud with Kim and Kanye. The snake emoji has become a ubiquitous symbol associated with Stella, reflecting the divided public opinion.

As Stella Monroe navigates these new rumors and the relentless scrutiny of the public eye, one question remains on everyone's mind: Is Stella Monroe pregnant? And if so, who is the father? Whether these speculations hold any truth or not, Stella Monroe continues to be a figure of intense fascination and endless speculation.

For now, all eyes remain on Stella as she faces the latest chapter in her storied and scandal-filled career.


Sabrina Carpenter|💋|                                                                    Following

Are yall fucking kidding me? its 2015..and we're still commenting on women's bodies like this? Grow the fuck up! what is this bullshit? Pregnant or not - its never right to comment on woman's bodies, whether they're famous or not. 

#disappointed #respectwoman #mindyourownbody

Becky Carolina-Kelce|💖|                                                                Following

Ewww...im pretty sure, the ppl who made this article were 40 year old dudes who don't have anything better to do..if yall think this is ok, get fucking help..we love you @stellamonroe 💖

|| ShadowHunt3r • @kimswifeyy • 16m

   haha, no we don't..🐍😂

||| tahlia monroe • @tahliii • 18m

    @kimswifeyy fuck off girliepop, you're embarrassing yourself

"IM A FUCKING VIRGIN!", i sobbed into my hands, trying to control the tears that gushed out of my face. Lucy rubbed my back as she whispered words of comfort into my ear. "It doesn't matter baby, none of this matters, all that matters is that we love you, and we know you, if we don't here it from you first, then the news doesn't exist to us"

I sighed loudly. "I have to call austin. I can't let him deal with all this, all my drama", i spoke, clicking his contact. 

"Hello?", austin's voice rang through my ear. "Hey could you meet me tonight?" "Oh yeah, sure, your house?" "Yeah", i replied. "Ok sure, whats wrong?" "Can't say over the phone" "Oh, oh ok then, bye angel". I felt myself smile hearing that pet name. I hadn't heard him say it in so long. "Bye austin"


my feet padded on the carpeted floor of my apartment as i paced around in the golden light. it was currently 6:32 pm and the sky was blue with hints of some gold. 2 wine glasses were still on my dining table since lucy came over and left 30 minutes ago.

"Ok, you're just gonna say 'austin, i wanna break up', and then he'll say, 'why?', and i'll tell him that he doesn't deserve the hate. Not that hard right?", i mumbled to myself. I let out a hitched breath when the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, i saw austin standing there with his hands in his pockets. I moved aside to let him in, which he did, and i closed the door.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?", he calmly questioned walking around my apartment. "Oh well i was thinking", i paused, picking on my fingernails. "Well, you know, the media, is like super invasive and, and they invade our privacy and-" "Stell, angel i love you, but get to the point", he smirked walking in my direction. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"I want to break up", i quickly admitted, my eyes shut, as if when i opened them, austin would be gone. But i opened them, and he was still there.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes. "No", he scoffed. "Stella, no", he repeated. "Excuse me?", i sassily responded. "No Stella, we're not breaking up" "But i want to" "I don't care", he fired back. "I just got you back, im not losing you again", he continued.

Before i knew it, a single tear ran down. "Baby, what made you want to do this?", he asked me sweetly, wrapping his arms around my fragile body, which hiccupped everytime a tear exited my eye.

"The media, they say so many bad things, gross ones, about my body. The though, they thought i was pregnant", i whimpered. "Oh angel", he sympathetically whispered, running his hand through my hair. "no, no love you're not what they call you, you're so much more than just a body", he whispered.

He continued whispering 'i love you's and 'you're so much better than them's, and it did make me feel much much better. 

It kind of pissed me off at how it was so easy for him to say the right things. But he said them anyway.
