°✮ 13°✮

I walked into the club, holding sabrina's hand. she's a wild bitch, she goes to to clubs most times, more often than i do atleast. The music blared through the speaker's as me and sab tried to swim through the crowds and reach the bar. 

"2 Margarita's", sabrina ordered. "Awe, beck and trav look so cute together" "Where?", i asked, searching the venue. "there", sabrina pointed. 

I saw them, they looked so carefree and oblivious to anything around them. He leaned in and kissed her, causing beck to grip the back of his neck as they melted into that kiss. "You are in love", i whispered. "What was that?", Sabrina questioned. "Oh nothing", i replied checking my phone. 

"Two Margarita's", the bartender said as he placed them infront of us. "Thank you", sabrina smiled. "Oh, look who's here", she smirked. "Who?" "9 o'clock", she replied, taking a sip of her drink. 

"Oh u have got to be shitting me rn", i replied. And then he saw me. Fuck.

"HIDE ME", i whisper shouted. Sabrina laughed, "HAH, NO, YOU'RE GONNA TALK" "WTF? LIKE A WEEK AGO, U WANTED ME TO FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM HIM AND NOW U WANT ME TO TALK? MAKE UP YOUR MIND" "YOUR 18 NOW..its time for u to hv a little fun", she replied, pushing me into the crowd.

I looked around trying to find sabitch, but she was no where to be found, I was still in the middle of that crowd all alone, when i finally saw a friend of mine. "Oh hey, stell", gigi greeted. "HI GI", i hugged her. "Who are you with?", she asked me. "olivia, sabrina and becky..and jack as well" "Oh cool". 

Kendall waltzed into our conversation and gave me the eye and looked at me with so much disgust that i felt like a troll. "Heyyy gigi, c'mon i hv some ppl who would like to see u" "Oh ok, bye stell!" "bye..."

I managed to get out of that club and got my breath of fresh air as i stepped out side. Since it was past 12, it was so cold. I started to rethink my stupid decision to not bring my jacket and regretted it.

"You alright, Stella?", I heard him say. I turned around. "Yeah, yeah im fine". He tilted his head to the right and smirked. "And thats why you're rubbing your arms with your hands and your nose is red?". I blushed. "Let's go inside, i know a place in their which is more quiet", he responded, offering me his hand.


"how many people know about this place?" "Alot of people actually, no one comes up here cause they all wanna fuck around downstairs". He sat in a sofa infront of me, gesturing me to sit next to him. 

"So, what was that song about", he smiled. shit shit shit.... "It was the heat of the moment" "It was a very pretty song, not gonna lie" "Thank u" 

There was an awkward silence for around 5 minutes. I felt his stare on me for that whole time. "Stella", he said. "Yeah?" "You're so beautiful", he continued, his ice blue eyes looking directly at my brown ones. "Oh", i nervously fidgeted with my rings, "Thank you, that's so sweet of you".

He sighed and leaned back a bit "Do you ever hate how loud these parties are? Or how everyone is always drinking so much?". "sometimes, but i mean, whatever they find fun i guess, its their life" He nodded his head, looking at me "So you're not a drinker then?" "I do have the occasional drink every once or twice, but im new to this, i mean, you know that i just turned 18 like 4 days ago right?" I laughed.

"Well yeah, I remember when i turned 18, life was crazy after that, I had just moved to london, it was a new change you know?" "Tell me about it, I was 14 when i was signed to my label, ever since then, my life has just been planes, hotels, concerts and awards..just not, normal"

He let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel like I'm always on the road now. But then I think about how many people look up to me, and it makes it easier to do what I do... And when I do have time to myself, I'm thankful for what I have"

"I just think of how lucky i am that i get to do the things i love most, writing songs, thats all i've ever wanted to do, and its easier to do it when you love what you do", i smiled, admiring his features. His blonde hair falling into his eyes, his smile, shining and bright, just perfection.

He leaned back more, seemingly enjoying the moment, "..Can I hear you sing?". I went bright red. He smiled to himself, "just any song" "Ok..", i stood up walking to the piano, smirking since i knew exactly what to sing.

I sat on the piano bench and place my fingers on the piano keys. "So this is from my first album, i wrote it as a 16 year old who loved and still loves romance, and it still applies", i laughed as i took a breath.

"There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles, same old tired, lonely place. Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you", i smiled, fully immersed in the moment.

"Your eyes whispered, 'Have we met?' Cross the room your silhouette, starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy. And it was enchanting to meet you, all I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you", i sang, closing my eyes, taking in the moment.

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew. I was enchanted to meet you", I continued playing, feeling him stand and make his way to the piano.

"The lingering question kept me up, 2 AM, who do you love? I wonder 'til I'm wide awake. And now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you would say, 'Hey', It was enchanting to meet you. All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you", i felt myself tearing up as i remembered myself on tour.

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew. That this night is flawless, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you". He stood next to piano, just so that i could see him staring at me.

"This is me praying that, this was the very first page, not where the story line ends, my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again, these are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you", I opened my eyes and for a moment we made i contact.

"Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Ooh...oh.....ohh-ohh. This night is sparkling, don't you let it go, I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home, I'll spend forever wondering if you knew. This night is flawless, don't you let it go, I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone, I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you", I ended, smiling at what i had done.

He stood there in full amazement. He looked speechless. He was too stunned to speak. A soft smile creeped up on his face a he stood there silently. "So now what?", i questioned. 

He looked at me for a second. He looked like he was contemplating what to say. "..Can I tell you something, Stella?" "Sure" "Honestly, you sounded even more amazing than when you record those songs" "That's kind of the point", I laughed. 

"Can i ask you another question?" "Of course" "Are you seeing anyone right now?" "Nope" "..Really?" "Yeah, been single for like a year" ".. Well uh.. Can I say something crazy?.." "Fire away" 

" Well..", he begins. "Well, the crazy thing I was thinking about is..", he pauses. "I'm thinking that I might have fallen in love with someone here..." "You don't mean", i pause out of shock, pointing to myself, unable to control myself. He nods his head with a soft smile, looking at me. "Yeah, I mean you.. It's you.."

"Are you sure about this? I mean we're famous. I'm 18 and you're 23, you sure we'll be fine?", i panicked. He nodded his head with a soft smile, he looked like he didn't care one bit about the fame. Like paps and fame never scared him at all, and he was sure. "I've 100% fallen in love with you, Stella. I do not regret a single bit about what I just said. You're absolutely amazing, and I want to know if.. um.. If you feel the same way about me..." "I wrote a song about you", i replied rolling my eyes sarcastically, "Of course I feel the same way", i blushed. He blinked and looked down for a bit. "Well.. What happens now?" He looked back up at me in confusion. "I mean.. Now that we've both confessed we have feelings for each other.." "I'd like a date or something, something fun" He nodded his head a bit, "So like.. a proper date? With just me and you.."

"Ice skating", i smiled. "I always wanted to go ice skating" He chuckles a bit "You want our first date to be ice skating? Is that what I'm hearing?" "YES" He laughed a bit, and i didnt blame him, it was a crazy idea.  "Okay, okay.. Our first date is going to be at an ice skating rink.." "THANK YOU", i hugged him.

