C4. A Tyrant's Day





"kukukuku kukukuku"


"kuku kuku kuku kuku kuku"




What a joke. 

Ever since I first stepped foot into this school, not once have I taken it seriously. 

This so-called 'school for the elites' seemed like nothing but a fraud to me. My 'classmates' and the rest of this damn school were a bunch of maggots that wouldn't survive a day in the real world. And so, I decided to show it to them. 

The first to learn, of course, would be my very own class. Class C.

They were exactly what the school set them out to be: Outcasts.

They weren't defectives, no. Those had the privilege to go straight into Class D.

"kuk kuk kuk" 

But if those who are allotted into Class C have one thing in common, is that they would never fit in a group of honors students or shit.

And so, seeing nothing better to do with my time, I decided to give this school a big 'go fuck yourself'. I would use those wimps from Class C and climb all the way to Class A. That way, this fucking charade would be exposed.


It took me no more than 6 days to make Class C kneel at my feet. I would say that they put up a good fight but, in truth, it wasn't even fun. Maggots through and through they were.

I then spent the rest of the first month assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Class C. Once I was done evaluating them, I assembled a team with the right people I deemed capable enough and made them gather information about the other classes. My job would be a little more complicated, though... 

I wanted to uncover the true nature of ANHS.

By the time May 1st came, I was ready to make my first move in a game that would extend for about three years. 

And I was excited.  

"kuku kukuk"

Excited because that little test of mine would determine just how easy it would be for me to reach my objective... Just how easy it would be for me to reign absolute in this place.

Class B would be my first target, that was dead set. Then I would give the defectives a bit of my attention.


Ichinose was barely even able to keep up with what was happening. She was just living in her damn fairytale land with her 'precious classmates' when hell knocked at her door. But interestingly enough, someone from Class D was able to counter my strategy. 

With a simple trick, my plan fell short and I was 'defeated'. 

Oh, well... Whatever. 

I never cared about that red monkey in the first place, so I just took it as a lesson and turned my attention back to my own class. Another opportunity to strike would come in the future, after all. And I knew that that time was coming near.

"kukuku *cough* *cough* ku."

I mean, who the hell is dumb enough to think that this darned school would give us vacation on a cruise ship without any catch? Bullshit, I say!


In the Island Exam, I learned that everything I thought about everyone else was indeed true. Katsuragi was easily fooled. He is so focused on thinking about how to defend himself, that he is unable to imagine how others will use that against him. What a fool.

Ichinose was again stuck in her damn fairytale land full of friendships and shit with her damn classmates. 

Fuck that. She is no fun to play with.

And Class D... They were, as you would expect, defectives. I didn't even need to do anything before they started to self-destruct.

"kukuk uku uku uku"

Except they didn't... And a bastard lurking in the shadows figured out my plans and launched the perfect counterattack.

It was another simple trick but, when a mastermind is the one making them, the simplest of tricks can become the most powerful ones.

This is where we are now.

That bastard just pulled another trick, I'm sure of it.

One that changed everything.


"...Ryuuen-san, are you ok?"

"huh?" I raised an eyebrow at this tissue sucker's question.

"I-it's just that... Y-you've been laughing..."



hmph. The idiot just prostrated in front of me. Can you believe that?

"Just tell those useless fuckers to meet me at Nishino's room. Say that anyone who isn't there by the time I arrive will be considered guilty."

"ahn. Yes. Right away, sir."

I couldn't help but sigh.

The Zodiac Exam has just ended and Ichinose's class emerged as the victor.

I'm not so naive as to think that they would achieve such results without external help. There is no way that Ichinose would figure out the pattern with only three names, no. Someone, from another class, provided the means for her victory. And I believe this person to also be the one who's been a pain in my ass since the start of the year. 

Before, everything led me to believe that he was from Class D. But I'm not so certain about that anymore. It could very well be someone who is in a privileged position, Class A, and decided to stick their nose where they don't belong.

Or maybe the bastard truly is from Class D and he just wants to divert my attention.

hmph. He and his damn tricks.

"kuku kuku" *chough*

Ishizaki dared to give me a worried look... I kicked his butt in response.

"Argh," he blurted.

If 'X' truly is from Class D, then he is someone who holds no attachments with his class. Someone who is willing to sacrifice Class Points and even help another class for his own self-benefit. To summarize, he is a selfish bastard.

This scenario isn't so bad. If I find out who he is, It'll be piece of cake to turn his own class against him. 


Kikyo told me that there is no one in Class D that is capable of that, though. But she is a dumb bitch, no different from Suzune. I don't trust her. Her social network is valuable indeed, but what is the use of giving a Formula 1 car to a damn chimpanzee? 

If 'X' is from Class A, however, then he is hiding behind an impenetrable fortress while playing with the lower classes as if we are puppets...




"Hey, Ishizaki. Am I a puppet?"

"Ww-w-w-what???! Of course not, Ryuuen-san!"


"I AM NO GODDAMN PUPPET, DAMN IT!" I asserted, repeatedly punching those damn ship walls.

That is why, as of now, I've made it my first priority - and everyone else's - to find him.

There are those who are the main suspects... 

And there are those who've made direct contact with him.

Someone from Class C or, more specifically, someone from the Tiger Group certainly had direct contact with 'X'.

Who exactly? That's what I'm going to find out.

"kuk kuk"


Finally arriving at Nishino's room, I kicked the door open. 

"You listen to me now, you bunch of good-for-nothing rat eaters, cuz I'm only asking this once. Which of you was dumb enough to send a name behind my back? Raise your hand now and we can end this quickly." I intimidated them, releasing my classical smirk.

Good thing everyone was already inside, it wouldn't've had the same effect if they weren't.

hmph. All four of them only averted their gaze while pissing on their pants.

One particular girl, though, was trembling noticeably more than the rest of them.

Morofuji Rika, huh?

I mean... If you are going to tremble that much, why make me lose the time? Is she trying to make a fool out of me?

I sighed. "Ishizaki, check their phones." I commanded.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-..... NO! Y-y-y-y-you d-on't ha-a-ve to d-do th-a-t!"

What an incredible display of willpower I've just witnessed. 

"kukuku. Alright. The rest of you, get lost." I saw the three of them sigh in relief as soon as I gave permission to leave. Hmph, cowards.

I wonder what is that they are hiding ...

"So? Ready to speak now?"

She nodded.







"M-Manabe-san a-asked for m-my phone j-just bef-fore the la-last mee-ting."

"What? And you gave it to her? Are you dumb?!" I kindly asked.

She shook her head.


Looking at Ishizaki, I told him through head gestures what he should do.

Ishizaki, on his part, merely looked at me in confusion while raising his hands.

"M-Manabe-san wa-"


Rika jumped from her seat, startled. 

I mean, seriously? Maybe they should really have been placed in Class D.

"So, you were saying?" I indulged her to continue, as Ishizaki stormed out of the room.

"ehm... S-she was being th-threatened by so-something s-she did for m-me. So, I-I gave it to-to her."

A threat, huh. I wonder just how much these girls have been fooling around to be that vulnerable. 

It seems that I have no choice but to keep them on a tighter leash from now on.

"Do you know who was it that threatened her? Do you know his name?" I questioned.

"H-he ju-just sent her an e-mail with a ph-photo. He didn't s-say his n-name." Replied Rika.

Well duh. 

An anonymous threat, then... Another dead end. How great. 

Depending on what is that they have been threatened with, I might be able to do something. But if that's not the case, I'll have no choice but sacrifice Manabe and whoever else that was involved.

On top of 250 cp, to also lose a few members of my class would be a hard blow on us. But that's still better than having Class C be perpetually kept in check by that bastard.

"Ryuuen-san, Manabe-san is here." 

By the time I finished thinking of different possibilities, Ishizaki had already brought that gyaru bitch to me.

Manabe then stepped inside the room and saw Rika. That should be enough for her to understand the situation.

"You really did something funny now, didn't ya?" I smirked.

She could only look down in shame.

"I-I'm sorry, okay!? I had no choice!" she cried.

"What happened exactly? Start from the beginning."

"...Back in school, some gyaru bitch from Class D bumped into Rika and was pretty rude about it. We asked her to apologize but she kept saying that it wasn't her. We knew she was lying, though. I just thought of teaching her a lesson, you know? That's whe-"

"ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB?!" I spat. "No one ever taught you that before bullying someone you should make sure that no one is watching!?" I asked the obvious.

"I know that now, damn it!" she hung her head.

I sighed. "Did you see anyone who was around at the time?"

She nodded. "When we cornered Karuizawa, Ayanokouji-kun and Yukimura-kun were there."

That Ayanokouji guy again, huh. Well, that doesn't mean much, but still.

"About the picture... do you still have it?"

"I was afraid someone might see it, so I deleted it." She shook her head. "There is something else, though."

She gave me her phone, not daring to look me in the eye.

"There was this Anon who sent me messages offering to help us settle things with Karuizawa."

When I opened the chat app and scrolled down, something quite interesting appeared before my eyes.

[Hey, you got a minute?]

[Who is this?]

[Is there anyone with you right now?]

[I'm alone, but who are you?]

[Don't show this to anyone. For your own sake.] 

[Look, who are you?]

[Let's just say that I hate the same person you do.]




It just so happens that someone induced Manabe into making a mistake, huh? There is no way that he is not behind this too.

It's safe to assume that 'X' also has evidence of this event, but he won't use it because he knows that the contents of this conversation would be sent to the school as a result. I wouldn't want a video of Manabe bullying Karuizawa to surface either, so I can't use these messages to lure him out. 

Class C would be the one to suffer the most we were to start trading pieces now. A couple of stupid messages is nothing close to what he has on us.

Still, if he is someone who is willing to let that Karuizawa girl get bullied, then the possibility of him being from Class A also grows. In that case, It could be that she never even heard of his existence.

That doesn't mean I have no movements left, though.

"Is it true? That this Karuizawa girl got bullied in middle school?"

"Hah! That's true indeed." Manabe grinned. "That tough act of hers is just that: an act. You just had to see her face when we were kicking h-"

"Shut up." I interrupted her. I have no time to hear her babbling. "Ishizaki, go find Kinoshita and bring her to me."

"Yes, sir!"

If Karuizawa made contact with 'X', then all I need to do is extract a name out of her. It'll require some preparations but, if a trauma really runs deeply into her, things couldn't be easier.

If she never made contact with 'X', though, I'll just have to make her my pawn.

Nothing of that will delete all the evidence from his damn phone, though. Which means that he can still attack Class C at any time.


Damn bastard. 

Thinking about my next movement, I copied X's e-mail and sent it to my own phone.

Then I decided to write him a message of my own.

[Delete it and I'll let you go, bastard.]

"If he ever gets in contact again, you inform me first. Got it?" I spoke, returning Manabe's phone back to her. 

They both nodded. "Good. Now get lost." 

Feeling tired, I decided to seat on a chair nearby. 

"hah." I sighed.

'X' should understand the meaning of my message. Right now, I have no choice but to try to negotiate with him.

 Since he showed himself to be quite greedy, and he doesn't want any of this to actually come to light, we should be able to come to an agreement.

Just then, my phone rang. Looking at it, I saw a new message.

[5 million.]

[Son of a bitch]

[I don't have a mother.]

"Damn right you don't." I muttered.

hmph. He'll probably lower the price... Right? 

Since there is no point in negotiating now, I turned off my phone. 

Right now, I have nowhere near the amount of private points that he'll be asking for, so I'll save this conversation for later.

As I was about to close my eyes, someone knocked on the door.

"Just come in already." 

A girl then opened the door and entered the room.

Kinoshita Minori, huh? She certainly is a beautiful girl. Perhaps the most beautiful in Class C. She also showed herself to have some nice athletic abilities during PE.

But is that really the reason why that Ayanokouji guy mentioned her name before?

Does he have a crush on her...? Or is it because she was the VIP from the Snake group?

...If it is the latter, then why would he draw attention to himself now?

"What did call me for, Ryuuen-kun?"

"Have you ever heard of someone named Ayanokouji?"

"huh? Wh-"

"Just forget it." I grinned. "I'll explain everything later, but for now I'll need you to assemble 'Team S'  and keep tabs on a few people."

"Keep tabs... Hey! I have something to say now. You've promised us a lot of things and-"


"As I said, I'll explain everything later. If anyone else has any complaints about the job, tell them to come to me personally. Do you have a problem with that?" I smirked.

"...As long as you give us a good explanation."

"Now, make sure to get the names right. There are a few of them. Ichinose Honami. Horikita Suzune. Karuizawa Kei. Yukimura Teruhiko. Koenji Rokusuke. Hirata Yousuke. Kanzaki Ryuji. Hashimoto Masayoshi. Nishikawa Ryouko. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Ten people." I grinned. 

"Make sure to get the girls to follow girls and boys to follow boys, as usual. I want you to focus your attention on Ayanokouji, though."

"Alright, I guess..."

"When I tell you guys everything that happened, I'll also point out what you should be looking for. For now, just keep notice of everything they do. Don't miss a single detail."

"Ok... I'll go inform everyone." She sighed and then left, while I decided to send one last message.

[1 mi and don't you dare ask for more]

Just wait for me, 'X'. I'm coming for you. 

"ku kuku ku"


The picture of "Kinoshita Minori" is not mine, you can find the author on Twitter: @enaa97

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, thanks for reading until the end.

This is my first author's note for this book, and I'm writing it mainly because of how unusual this chapter was for me.

Honestly, I have some mixed feelings about it. I needed this chapter to be about Ryuuen, but once I started writing it seemed too different from what I wrote before and what I have planned. But it so happened that I was having fun, so I kept writing.

I posted it because maybe some of you will also have fun while reading it.

I don't know If I'll keep this chapter up, I just might delete it later and rewrite it differently.

That's it for the warning. Thanks

Seya next time
