~When we met again my sky became brighter~

The long anticipated day is here.
Jinyoung scratched his head in frustration and groaned. He could not decide on an outfit to look presentable infront of daehwi, after one year.
Finally, out of all the choices,
Jinyoung chose a dark blue jeans and a simple top to accompany it.
He also remembered to take his coat.

Meanwhile, Daehwi reached there 2 hours earlier to wait for Jinyoung. He could not wait to see him again.

Jinyoung ran as fast as he could to the venue.
In the crowd, his eyes searched for daehwi and saw daehwi looking at his watch, probably wondering when jinyoung would come.

Jinyoung snuck up quietly behind daehwi and forcefully laid his hands on his shoulders. Daehwi flinched, not expecting that.
He turned around and pulled jinyoung into a tight embrace.

They stayed like this until the lights went on.
Half way through, Jinyoung looked at something even prettier than the lights- Daehwi.

He saw Daehwi's sparkling eyes looking at the lights. Like last time, they held hands.
Jinyoung realised how lucky he was to have met daehwi.

After the best lights went off, Jinyoung remembered that he brought a instant camera.
He took pictures with daehwi.

Sometimes, Daehwi would take a picture of jinyoung and vice versa.

When they stopped taking photos, jinyoung and daehwi shared jokes. Jinyoung would say the joke while daehwi would guess the answer by writing it down, and daehwi would write a joke and show jinyoung.

People stared at them for laughing hysterically late at night but they enjoyed each other's company so much they did not even notice.

After hours of playing, the hour hand striked twelve.

The two knew that they should go home, but didn't want to leave each other. So there was a sudden silence.

Jinyoung was about to leave when daehwi did what he had been wanting to do for the past 365 days- He turned jinyoung around and smacked his lips onto jinyoung's. Jinyoung was shocked at the sudden attack. Daehwi sensed that jinyoung was awkward in this situation, so he decided to pull away.

When he was about the pull away, Jinyoung cupped Daehwi's face and pulled it closer, replying to the kiss. He could not miss this chance.

Their lips moved so smoothly in sync that they didn't realise that a minute has passed.
When they finally pulled out for air, although it was dark, they could see each other's pink cheeks.

[Bye, see you next year!] Daehwi wrote on his sketchpad and ran off.
Jinyoung was excited to see daehwi again next year, but 365 days is too long a time for him.
