Chris Evans

You were at the hotel getting ready for the premiere of Infinity war, you were nervous as this was your first big film. You didn't want it to flop. Your stomach was acting up, you were also shaking. Chris entered your room "You look stunning" he said "Thanks but I don't think I can go" you replied "why?" He asked "I feel like Crap" you replied.

You checked the time it was 15 minutes before you were due to leave. Your stomach started cramping and churning, you put your arms around your stomach. Kevin came in "the car is here" he said, you dry heaved, you got up "I'll be there in a few" you said running into the bathroom. "Is she okay?" Kevin asked "She said she felt like crap so I'm thinking she's got what people call nervous stomach, I'll sort her out" Chris said.

When Kevin left he opened the bathroom door "Chris I can't do it. I can't go" you said before puking up "(Y/N), you got about 9 minutes okay, just breathe" he said rubbing your back. "I can't, I'll throw up on the red carpet." You said "you're getting yourself worked up which is making you be sick, so just breathe. If you can't go, I'll stay here with you" he said. Lizzie came in "are you read..." she trailed off "I guess not" she said. You looked at them both "I got to go, I'm letting everyone down if I don't" you said getting up shakily. "If you're sure, you not letting anyone down. You've got an extreme upset stomach, I wouldn't blame you for not going" Chris said. "I'll go" you said. You wiped your face and brushed your teeth and had a little bit of water before walking out with Chris.

You both got in the car with Seb "(Y/N), you don't look well." Seb said "I know. I just threw up three times in a row" you replied "we'll look after you" He said "thanks" you replied. When you arrived, they took the photos, you went out to the carpet with Chris and Seb. You went to do an interview.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you?" They asked.

"I'm okay. A little bit under the weather but I couldn't miss this" you said.

"That's very committed of you. Is there anything you can tell us about the film?" They asked.

"I haven't seen it yet. Tonight's the first time" you replied

"Well, we'll let you go see your fans and the film" they said.

You went to sign some autographs and take pictures, you headed to the main stage, Chris and Seb met with you, you stood with them. You were struggling to look up at the crowd of people, Chris held your hand "We can go if you want" he said, you nodded, he gave Seb a nod as the walked you backstage.

Once backstage you sat on the floor "do you need anything?" Seb asked "just time" you replied, they both sat with you "You've done really well tonight" Chris said "I still don't feel great though" you replied. "You will probably till tomorrow" Seb said. The rest of the cast came backstage "Wondered where you three got to" Robert said "(Y/N), are you okay?" Paul asked "Yeah" you replied. "Let's go to the screening, I thinks there's some critics in the there too" Robert said. "C-C-Critics?" You stuttered "Yeah, there normally is" he replied. You froze "Everything okay?" He asked, you shook your head, they saw the colour drain from you face "I think you should go back to the hotel, you look ill" Scarlett said "I've got to do it" you said "No, you don't. Listen to me, everyone gets like this, we don't want to push you and actually make you ill. You let Chris and Sebastian take you back okay? We'll screen the film for you tomorrow, just us no one else" Samuel said "okay" you replied. Chris and Seb helped you up, the took you to the car avoiding all cameras.

You got to the hotel and they took you to your room, you sat on the edge of the bed, slightly hunched over "Do you need the trash can?" Chris asked "No, just can't breathe" you said "Hey, you're okay. You got through most of the night. Take some deep breathes, your panicking" Seb said. Chris started to wipe your make-up off and let your hair down. They helped you out of the dress and into some comfortable clothes "You get a good nights sleep, No one thinks your weak, we don't mind having to do this, someday you'll be helping someone just like you. You'll get to see the film tomorrow" Chris said. 
