Chapter 7

I open my eyes and saw everything painted in white.

I explore the room and when I saw Seungcheol hyung, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Soonyoung! Thank goodness you're okay!"

Hyung pulled out his ohone and texted someone, must be our manager or the members.

"Hyung.. what happened?" I asked.

I tried to sit up until I noticed my leg.

My eyes widen as I felt it watered up.

"You fell down the stairs, the doctor said you overwork your body that's why you fainted. Unfortunately.. it injured your leg." Hyung explained.

"Manager-nim told me to tell you that.. you have to rest for a week for your leg to heal.." he added.

"But hyung... I still need to finish the dance for our new song.."

"No, Soonyoung. You're not allowed to dance until your leg is better. Besides, Chan already volunteered to be the one taking the responsibily. Just take care of yourself for now.."

I lowered down my head as I let the tears fall down.


Few days after the accident, I am finally discharged from the hospital.

Unfortunately, I still can't dance..

Chan, Jun hyung and Minghao already finished the dance and they just need to practice it.

I am currently watching them now with the others.

They all told me to take care and be careful next time.

I can't help but to feel useless right now..

I felt weak.. ashamed..

I am the performance team leader yet I can't even lead them properly.

"Hey, Soonyoung hyung.."

I looked up seeing Seungkwan in front of me.

"What's with the sad face?"

I let out a force smile and just shook my head.

"Don't feel down hyung, you've done enough.. you're still a human who gets tired too.."

"You just need to rest.."

He gave me an assuring smile before getting up and continue practicing

