Chapter 5

It's been few days after our manager announced the four of us as choreographers.

And I must say it's so tiring!

But I am sure it will be all worth it once we debuted.

Right now, we are working on for our title song.

We already finished the 'Shining Diamond' which we will perform along with 'Adore U'.

Jihoon gave me the guide for the song and we are almost done.

"For the 'adore u' part, let's try this move." Chan said as he demonstrate the step.

We got up and try it out.

And guess what, it turned out well!

Just few more steps and we're done.

"Jeez, didn't know being an offical choreographer would be this tiring." Minghao panted.

"I know.." Jun hyung agreed.

"Come on guys, we already made choreos back then and now is our time to finally prove that we can make one.. don't give up, okay?" I encouraged.

"Hyung is right, thinking about negative thoughts wouldn't help. It'll just bring us down, we can do this if we're together!!" Chan said.

Jun hyung and Minghao nodded as they realize what we meant.

After encouraging them, we got up and decided to finish the dance.

I hope our debut comes out well and wish the fans like our song and dance..

