Chapter 3

Your P.O.V

I woke up to light screaming in through the open curtains on the window. 'I'm still tired, why?' I sat up slowly as my head pounded, slowly getting out of bed and walking towards the living room not seeing Gray lying on the couch.

"Oh! I was just about to come and wake you" Gray yelled peaking from the kitchen. I groaned and held my head as a wave of pain shot through my head from his yelling. "Ah you alright" I could here the concern in his voice, I smiled to myself and nodded my head slightly "Just a headache, nothing big" I muttered quietly.

Sitting at the table, he sat the food down with a smile. My stomach rumbled as a plate was sat in front of me "Looks delicious!" I couldn't help but shout, I looked down with a red face as he chuckled to himself.

'He's always been there hasn't he?' I start to drift into my thoughts, back to when we were kids 'Now that I actually think about it didn't I have a crush on Gray a long time ago?'

Thinking back to such a long time ago made my head hurt even more. 'Great' I thought with a small frown on my face. I sighed quietly finishing my coffee and set my dishes in the sink. "You ok?" I looked over at Gray and nodded my head slightly "Why?" I questioned quietly.

He sighed to himself and turned towards me "You've been frowning for the last few minutes" I looked down, I didn't think he noticed but then again we had already been friends for years, 9 years in fact so I'm not sure why I was surprised he did notice. Looking back at Gray I saw him smiling to himself "You look much prettier when your smiling" I found myself blushing as the words left his mouth.

'How could he say that with a straight face?' blushing more as I processed his words farther I felt as if my face would catch on fire. He chuckled to himself before standing up and walking towards the door "I'm heading to the guild" he glanced back at me with a wink "You look super cute when you're blushing!" He shouting grinning to himself as he ran out of the house, shutting the door behind him.

Sighing I lay down on the couch with a red face so sure that a tomato would be ashamed, and closed my eyes as my thoughts started to wonder off.
