Chapter 2


I had my head down at the bar table holding in my tears when he ran into the guild sweating and out of breath.

He looked around the guild until I felt his gaze land on me, he slowly started to walk towards me before Gray tackled him to the floor and started to punch him repeatedly in the face "THE NERVE YOU HAVE SHOWING UP HERE" punch........"YOU'VE HURT HER AND ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED!"......two punch......"YOUR SCUM! HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON HER?!?!"......three punch.......Elfman had finally managed to get Gray off of him with the help of Erza and Mira.

I stood up calmly and slowly walked over to him "What is it that you want?" my question came off as hollow and cold but I didn't care especially if my tone was towards him, he looked hesitant before he finally opened his mouth and he muttered two words I didn't want to here "I'm sorry."

I clenched my fist tightly "sorry?"  I muttered quietly but everyone in the guild knew what I said "SORRY?!?!?" I shouted as he shrunk back in fear I stared at him before my whole body ignited into flames.

"AFTER WHAT YOU DID ALL I GET IS A SORRY?!?! I SHOULD KILL YOU AND THAT LITTLE WHORE YOU HAD SEX WITH!! I SHOULD KILL YOU BOTH!!!" by now the whole guild was slowly starting to back away, I snarled in anger before kicking him out of the guild doors with tears streaming down my face "TWO YEARS NATSU YOU THREW AWAY TWO YEARS OF LOVE AND TRUST FOR SOME SLUT!!"

I kicked him up into the air appearing in front of him only to slam him to the ground with a kick to his gut "TWO FUCKING YEARS NATSU AND YOU THREW AWAY EVERYTHING" he landed on the ground as a crater formed underneath him, I slowly  breathed in and out as the flames disappeared.

I started to walk into the guild stopping in front of the doors I looked back "Hope you and that slut is happy in life you fucking liar" turning around and walking into the guild all was silent until I sat at the bar.Mira walked over and sat a hand on my shoulder "{Y/N} are you ok?" she asked quietly and kindly, all I could manage was a nod before I lay my head the on my arms listening as the guild went back to being crazy but it was all faint it was all numb.

I slowly started to drift off into my own thoughts when I felt a hand on my back that made me jump and let out a yelp. Turning back I saw Gray smiling sadly at me "{Y/N} you won't have to worry about that idiot, you can come stay with me till you feel like being on your own again" he said it slowly letting me comprehend what he said before I nodded my head with a small fake smile "Thanks Gray" I muttered quietly, I saw him frown before it was replaced with another sad smile "Anytime {Y/N} i'm always here to help ya" he rubbed my head before walking away with a small wave.

I sighed quietly to myself when I saw Erza stand up and walk over to me with a slice of strawberry cake "{Y/N} this is for you" she hesitantly handed the plate to me with a smile, I tilted my head to the side "For me?" I managed to say. She nodded her head before setting it gently in front of me and sitting next to me "I just want you to know that everyone is here for you....and if you need anything please tell us we don't want you to suffer alone"

I nodded my head and thought about what she said as I slowly started to eat the piece of cake she gave me "Tell you huh? well that's easier said than done" I finally finished the cake when Gray walked over to me "It's late so you ready to go....home?"

He hesitated on saying home, I smiled slightly and nodded "Yah I'm ready" I muttered quietly. He nodded his head and gently took my hand in his and I couldn't help but blush at the contact, he didn't seem to notice so I acted as if nothing happened. "Sorry if it's a little messy" he said as we stopped outside his door.

"Nah it's fine I'm just happy you let me stay here" he smiled and opened his door, from what he said I was expecting a pig sty{?} but it was actually really clean except a few things out of place here and there "I'll take the couch and you can have my bed" before he could say more I cut in "No, no, no I can't just take your bed I'm intruding after all"

He covered my mouth before I could say more "You right you are my guest and as my guest you'll take my bed while I sleep on the couch understand?" I hesitantly nodded and he patted my head with a smile "Good girl, now go sleep" he said as he gently pushed me towards what I could assume to be his room.

I sighed to myself as he left the room before I could say anything, I slowly climbed into his bed feeling myself doze off 'Home sweet home I least for now' being my last thought I finally let the darkness take me whole.


HI!!! my adorable pandas I know I know I haven't been updating but here's your chapter!!! I really hope you enjoyed cause I worked hard as fuck on it.....anyway until next time bye bye my.......FANTABULOUS PANDAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
