Chapter Twenty Two

I open the door. Men and women look at me as I enter a room full of people sat in lab coats.

I let the flame burn brighter as I place my hand on the wall closer to me. I let the room burn and watch people scream.

"Quickly!" I say to the people behind me. The man that claimed to know the way runs first and people follow him. They run through the small passage I kept clear and head to another door. I look behind me and notice no one there so I follow them all.

Ashton stays quiet as I hold him tightly and run after them all.

I smile a little as the pain disappears with every movement I make. I'm healing.

The man at the front opens the door and enters another empty room.

A house. We're at a house I notice as he heads to the front door. They don't bother stopping as they run faster following the man to the world outside. My flame follows them all, keeping them safe from the outsiders.

I step outside onto the grass and I smile at the bright sun glaring down at us.

I can go home.

Cole? I try to mindlink him.

I'm too tired. I can't keep up my strength to keep a mindlink open, Kira says when I don't get an answer from him.

It's okay. I reply back to her as I hear shouting inside the house. I don't lower the fire wall behind me as I run faster and keep up with the people ahead of me.

Ashton giggles as he bounces in my hands and we carry on running with the others.

"Faster!" I shout to them and they all speed up somehow.

I know there all ignoring the pain because they can taste freedom. It's a fingertip away.

We run faster for minutes or hours until we reach a hill.

"Run down quickly. It'll lead to an open forest!" He shouts so everyone can hear.

Open forest meaning it could lead to any pack. Any pack Alpha could be there hunting and Jack wouldn't dare enter a place where he could get killed.

I run forward as people hesitate on top of the hill.

I turn to them.

"I'm going to go down and with me will all the flames around us. If you choose to follow me, you will be protected, but I can't protect you if you go your own way," I say to them truthfully.

They all nod and quietly say they will all go. I smile at them a little as I turn around and tighten my hold on Ashton as I run down the hill carefully making sure I don't fall.

I reach the bottom of the hill and everyone follows me. The moment the last man stops near us, we run further away from the hill.

I feel the flames flickering for a bit as a sudden tiredness feeling surrounds me.

We've been running for hours it seems like.

I slow my steps when I can't hear anyone behind us.

They all stop around me.

"What's wrong?"

"Are they here?"

"Are they going to kill us?"

"I don't want to die."

They all ask questions as I lean against a tree and the flames disappear.

I slide down the tree and close my eyes, every inch of me tired.

Open forest. I send one message through my mind to Cole before I feel the darkness take over me. Hoping it's sent to him.

Cole's pov.

"WHERE THE FUCK CAN SHE BE?" I shout angrily at my pack as we stop near the river. I bought ten of my most powerful wolves with me to search for my mate and I still couldn't find her. Her scent had disappeared.

That was 5 days ago.

A whole week nearly. I couldn't hear her. I could feel her presence. I didn't know where the fuck she was.

"Alpha, Bethany is crying at home," Jason mumbles quietly.

I sigh as I nod at him.

Bethany has been going crazy out of the mind. It rains every second around our pack house. It's annoying but I'm worried about her. She sleeps with me in my room now but every second of the day she's worried about Skylar. I leave her with Carter until I get home. I ignore everyone and pick her up and we head back go my room. To silence.

I can't find my mate.

Everyday I want to kill someone when I don't find her. When I come to a dead end.

"Alpha, it's raining there again," Jason says to me and I nod.

"I'll he-"

Open forest.

Two words come through our bond which makes me jolt away from the tree.

She's alive. The fear inside of me disappears.

I'm coming baby.

We're not that far away.

"Open forest. Now. She's there. Split up and let's go," I tell them and start running. I jump in mid air shifting into my wolf as I run faster. I hold a pair of shorts in my mouth.

In ten minutes, after splitting up with my pack, I find a bunch of people surrounding a tree.

I run towards them, my mate bond getting stronger and stronger.

I shift on my way there and pull my shorts on as people gasp and scream at me.

"Don't kill us please!" They plead as I run closer to them.

"Skylar?!" I call out ignoring the rest of them. I push my way through the people screaming as they look at me. A man stands in front of a group of people surrounding someone.

"I-I ca-can't.." He gulps as he stares at me, "I can't let you in Alpha," He says lowering his eyes.

"Move," I growl at him and he shakes in his spot but doesn't move.

I growl louder and push him away. I push people away as I see Skylar laying on the floor with a baby on her stomach wrapped in a jacket. Her hands tightly wrapped around the baby but her eyes are closed.

"Skylar?" I whisper in shock noticing the bruises on her face. I kneel down near her and touch her face softly. I close my eyes, letting my heart absorb the sparks.

I place a hand on her face gently.

"Wake up baby," I mumble quietly to her.

She doesn't wake up. I frown.

"Who's baby is this?" I ask the people.

Nobody replies.

The baby looks at me as I try to lift it up from her chest. He's going to hurt her.

He crawls away from me and starts to cry as he lays his head on her chest.

"You're hurting her," I growl at the baby as I try to lift it up. I feel her tighten her arms around the baby as she opens her eyes. They shine a bright blue as she smiles at the baby softly.

She looks up and me and a sob leaves her lips.

"It's okay. I'm here now,"I lift her up as she wraps her hands around my neck, crying on my shoulder.

"I'm here, baby. I'm sorry for leaving you," I whisper to her as she tightens her hands around me and cries.

I run my hand over her hair whispering that she's safe now. I ignore the people staring at us or the baby crying as he sits against her legs.

She's my girl. Not the baby's.

"I love you," She whispers to me and I smile despite everything.

"I love you too," I say as I hear my pack running towards us. They sit near the tree lowering their heads to their Luna.

To my girl. To my mate. To my Luna.

"Lets go home," I lift her head up and wipe her tears away. She nods as she moves away and lifts the baby up.

"Shush," She rocks him back and forth. He quietens down.

Questions later.

I stand up and help her as well. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.

"They were all there with me," She mumbles quietly to me at the people staring at us in awe.

"I can take you back to my pack if you would like. If you have family or belong to a different pack that still exists, I would still suggest you come to my pack until I can get someone to escort you back home safely," I offer them and they nod, quickly mumbling their thank you.

I turn back to Skylar who stares at the ground quietly.

"I love you," I whisper to her as I place a kiss on her head.

"I love you too," She whispers back softly but doesn't look up at me.

I want a mate.
