Chapter Twenty One

"Run Skylar! Don't look back and run! Find your mom!" Dad shouts at me as he runs towards the rogues and shifts into mid air.

I turn around and run to our house.

I hide behind a tree quickly as I notice wolves guarding the house. No no no.

Where is mom?

Mom? I mindlink her quickly.

Run Skylar. Don't look back. Whatever happens right now, promise me that you will never shift. That you will never show anyone who you really are. There are people out in this world that will kill you for it. Do not shift.

She says to me as a rogue spots me. He growls towards me and I turn around running away just as my mom runs in and around the trees towards the rogues chasing me.

"Mom!" I scream as I see them bite into her leg. Dad jumps out from the bushes and attacks the wolf biting mom.

RUN! They both mindlink me.

I cry as I run quickly and away from them as they protect me.

I jolt up as I open my eyes. Ashton twists in my lap as I feel him wake up too.

I don't know how long we've been out but my stomach groans from being empty.

I feel Ashton move his head closer to me. When I saw Ashton in the light he seemed to be a healthy baby. I don't know how she kept him healthy. No food has been given to me. Nothing for Ashton either. He seemed to look around the 8 month mark.

I feel him move against my body again so I stay still letting him move.

He climbs down from my lap and I hear him crawl away.

Pick him up pick him up pick him up

I move closer to the sound he makes with my jacket scraping against the floor as he crawls. I lift his body up and pull him back towards me.

He starts to cry.

"Please don't cry," I whisper softly trying to rock him back to sleep.

Maybe he's hungry. I don't know what to feed him.

He fidgets in my lap and I try not to scream at the pain it causes my arms to hold him in my lap.

I rock back and forth.

"Shush,"I say quietly as I pull him closer. I let the tears fall down my face.

What am I supposed to do? I'm clueless. I can't mindlink Cole. I don't know if Bethany is fine or not. I don't know when Cole will find me. I don't know anything.

Ashton cries louder just as the lights come on. I blink my eyes as I pull my jacket over Ashton's eyes and cover him up. He quietens down against me.

My eyes widen as I see the men bring the girl back. I don't know how long it's been. Was it yesterday? Was it two days ago that they took her? I don't know. She's silent as she comes back and they throw her in the cell with a man that growls to the them. He picks her up and she whispers something softly to him. I can't hear them.

He shakes his head and turns back to the man that threw her in the cell.

"She needs food!" He shouts at the man.

The man rolls his eyes.

"It'll be here in a minute. If she can survive that long," He says chuckling as he walks away, leaving the light on.

My eyes take in all the people in the opposite cells. Young women and men with little children sit opposite me. They sit up eagerly waiting for food.

I lift up my jacket to look down at Ashton. He looks up at me with his blue eyes. His clothes are covered in blood with little spots of it on his face.

"I'm sorry," I say to him softly as he looks up at me. I cover his head with the jacket as his eyes start to water a little at the light.

He's been born in darkness. Been raised in darkness.

Another man enters the huge hallway with trays full of food. He throws a bottle of water into my cell along with a container of plain white rice. He walks to the other cells.

I hold Ashton tightly next to me as I move to grab the bottle of water. My eyes glance at the spot where Sarah is. Was.

She's not there anymore. Did they take her body away? When? When did they come? I try not to think of it as I grab the box of food and move back to my spot against the wall. I lean against it, ignoring the pain.

Kira? I call out into my mind but I get no answer. She can't heal me.

I open the box of rice as Ashton pushes the jacket away from his head. His eyes water at the light.

"It's okay, it's all yours," I whisper to him as I pull the jacket over his head again. The light hurts his eyes. I lift my knees up so he can rest against them.

They didn't give me a spoon. How am I supposed to feed him? My hands are covered with blood.

I quickly open the water bottle and let a little bit of water fall into my hands. I rub them together and against my shirt gently to get rid of the blood stains.

I pick up a little bit of the rice with my thumb and two fingers and hold it closer to his mouth. He looks at me from under the jacket, confusion clear in his eyes as he opens his mouth and eats the rice from my hands. I hear something being thrown into the cell and I look up to see a diaper and a few paper towels on the floor.

"I took care of your cellmate for you. She was easy to break," The man chuckles at me as he walks away.

I don't let his words affect me. I look down back at Ashton and carry on feeding him the rice. I let him drink the water as well making sure I leave a little for later to clean him up with.

Once a little bit of the rice is left I stop feeding him. Maybe he wants to eat it later. He pouts at me and I shake my head closing the lid on the container. I put it on the floor, ignoring the pain in my neck as the jacket covers my head as well. I make him drink a little bit of the water before I close the lid on it and place it down the floor.

"You have to close your eyes now, okay? I'm going to change your diaper and the light is still on. So close your eyes," I say to him quietly. He stares at me.

I close my eyes and then open them again to show him what to do. His eyes are closed.

I smile softly.

I remove the jacket from us as he places his hands on his eyes to keep the light out. I place him on the ground gently making sure I don't hit his head on the ground. I crawl towards the diaper and paper towels and sit next to him.

I look at the diaper in my hand and then at Ashton. I've never done this before.

I take a deep breathe and let it out as I start. I take his dirty diaper off and wipe him with the paper towels. I use a little bit of the water and clean him up again before I put the other diaper onto him.  Try. I struggle with it for a few minutes before I put it on. I use the remaining water to clean the blood from his hands and face. When I remove his hands from his eyes, he frowns with his eyes still closed. I quickly clean his hands and let them go and he covers his eyes again. I lift him back up and wrap the jacket over his eyes as he lays his head on my shoulder.

I turn my back to the wall again and lean against it as he yawns against my shoulder.

We stay silent for a while. The lights haven't been switched off.

I glance at the people in the other cells and watch as they eat their food and whisper to themselves.

I look at the rice left in the container. My stomach growls. I turn away from it. Ashton can eat it later when he gets hungry.

I hear a door open and I lift my head as I see two men enter the hallway. Everyone goes silent as we watch them stop outside my cell.

Please no. I can't take anymore.

They open the cell and I pull Ashton away from my shoulder and hold him in a secure position against my chest.

"Time to hand him over," one of them men smirks as he opens the cell door and steps inside.

I look at the quiet Ashton who stares up at me from the jacket. The water fills his eyes as if he's about to cry again. I cover his head with the jacket and shake my head.

"He's a baby," I say to them and the man chuckles.

"And? It's the reason he's here. He needs to be tested for any magic in his bloodline. Why do you think we took that bitch? She had magic inside of her. A tiny drop of air magic. Hand him over," the man holds his hands out.

"No." I glare at them holding Ashton tightly.

"Bitch," He mutters as they both walk into my cell. The tallest man grabs my arm and holds it above my head.

Ashton starts to cry as the other man tries to grab him.

"He's a baby! Leave him!" I shout as I try to kick him in the legs. The man grabs my other arm and takes Ashton away from me. I scream at them to let him go as he cries.

"HE'S CRYING!" I scream loudly at them as they scoff at him. The jacket falls to the floor and Ashton cries harder as he covers his eyes with his hands.

"YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I scream at them as the man drops my arms.

I stand up on my weak legs as they turn around to walk out of the cell. I grab a hold of the man holding Ashton before he can leave.

I feel it. I I feel the flame coursing through my veins as it swirls up and up my arm. He gasps at me as my touch burns his arm.

"I said, you're hurting him," I feel my eyes shine a bright blue.

The man let's go of Ashton and I quickly grab him before he can fall to the floor. I hold Ashton close to myself, my body no longer boiling.

My heart boils with rage though as I feel Kira wake up slowly.

I missed you, I whisper into my mind as both of the men gape at me.

"You didn't drink the water?" They both say together.

The water is filled with a drop of blugasm. You didn't drink it so I woke up. Kira explains tiredly.

Ashton. I gave it to Ashton but it won't affect a wolf. Only wolfsbane affects them.

Can we escape? I ask her and she nods her big white head at me, giving me a big tiger smile.

Ashton looks up at me and my blue eyes. I smile at him softly as I fist my left hand and watch as the two men in front is us drop down the floor dead.

I'm healing you as I speak, Kira says and I smile as I take a steady step out of the cell. I pick up the jacket from the floor behind me and cover Ashton with it. He quietens down as I step out into the long hallway. Cells after cells are in every corner.

"Please save us," a little boy whispers to me from his cell. I nod my head quickly as I place one hand on Ashton and stretch the other one in front of me. I think of keys made of fire fitting into each lock. I twist my hand and the locks come undone. People gasp as the doors open and I smile softly as Ashton looks up at me again.

"I know the way out," a man says as he steps out of the last cell near the door.

"You do?" I ask and he nods.

"I came in yesterday. They were a little drunk so they were talking about the waterfall and how they'll piss in it," He mumbles a blushing coming on his face as people step out of the cells slowly and carefully.

"I can try my best to get out of this place," He says and I nod.

"Lead the way please," I say when I notice everyone is out of the cells. I'm never leaving anyone behind now. Some people lean on others as I walk towards the young man. I step in front of them, my hand aching but burning with a bright orange flame.

"Ready?" I ask them all behind me.

Question- What's one thing on your bucket list?
