2. I want to go home

Blaze whispered, "I hope she isn't trying to get me scolded by the old man once more." It had been a month since the accident with his parents. 

Suddenly, the rustling of bushes caught Blaze's attention as horses approached him. "Run, boy!" one of the creatures nearby said.

Blaze was surprised that it was the horse who spoke to him and not a human. He swiftly ran towards the exit of the mountains but was stopped by Joyce. She held his collar and threw him to the ground.

Blaze grew fearful. This was not the first time she played tricks on him. She was angry with him because she wanted her husband's favor and wealth. One time, she even tried to burn him with boiling water while he was sleeping. Mr. John, the farmer, caught her in the act and punched her for her actions.

Joyce asked the leader to throw Blaze away, and he complied. Blaze was shocked to see her sister's look as he was taken away.

"I can't move," Blaze whimpered, his ankle being spun by the sudden push Joyce gave him. "I don't care; you could have been dying. I don't care," the ganger replied. He grabbed Blaze's arm and threw him into the carriage. 

They moved deeper into the mountains, passing the second and third breakage points. Blaze lost consciousness after trying to escape. He was knocked out by the leader. They arrived at the Jungle of Lost Bones.

"Are you getting cold feet now? It's a little late for that. We are already in the Jungle of Lost Bones. It's either you drop the boy or I leave you both here," the leader said without any remorse or pity.

"Have it your way," the second-in-command, Ben, said. He continued to walk deeper into the jungle, holding the unconscious Blaze in his arms. He had a son the same age as Blaze. His heart burned with regret, but he couldn't do anything but watch.

"Hey child, I left a bag of food and water for you for two days. When you wake up, find your way out before the first day, please," he pleaded.

A few minutes later, Blaze woke up in the Jungle of Lost Bones. "Why do I have to end up in such places? This is a punishment from my parents for not being a good son. If only I had listened to them, this wouldn't have happened. 

I would be left stranded in this place. I want to go home."

"I feel you, kid. I was left here by my master," a creature in the bushes said. 

Blaze turned his head towards the direction of the sound. At first, he assumed it was the bushes moving, but then he realized that he might have lost his mind due to the unexpected turn of events. His heart started beating faster as panic set in.

 He frantically looked around for a way to escape, fearing that the creature might harm him, just like the people who had abandoned him there. As he surveyed his surroundings, he spotted a bag of food lying right next to him.
