The movie and the flame

Skye p.o.v

I'm setting up the movie in the garage I hope Chase likes the movie.I also popped some popcorn."Chase!Do you want to watch a movie with me?"I ask Chase.He responds with."Sure Skye what are we watching?""A comedy/romance movie!"i reply.

1 hour later
Chase p.o.v

I'm really liking the movie Skye picked I love the comedy parts"Chase,Rocky and Marshall can you guys come to the look out for a mission!"Ryder says on my pup tag."Sorry Skye maybe we can finish the movie a um...other time"I say to Skye while running to the elevator."go get em Tiger!"Skye tells me while I start blushing a bit.I feel really bad about missing the movie with Skye but I had to miss it for what ever Ryder needs my help for."Ready for action Ryder sir but where are you?"I say."I'm at Katie's but Pups KATIES IS ON FIRE!!!yells Ryder "guys you have to go fast me and Katie can't get out.All the exits are blocked!Chase clear everyone away from the building Marshall ta-"are pup tags cut off."What are you guys waiting for we have to save Ryder and Katie from the big fire!"I tell Marshall and Rocky.""got it!"they both say as all of us sprint to our vehicles.Marshall sprays water on the slide so we could go down faster and it worked we all drove to the fire but there was a giant sink hole on the road so I launched a bunch of my nets and we got across.We drove and Drove and then we got to Katie's and the fire was really big."Chase this fire is able to come back easily."Marshall tells me."I know but we have to try and take out the fire so we can save Katie and Ryder".I say sweating because of the heat.
