Creepy caves creepy caverns

Chase p.o.v

I'm really glad that I have my memories back it just felt weird but I'm back"Skye thank you so much."I say."It wasn't me Chase,It was you."says Skye.What does she mean that it was me?"Hey Chase do you wanna explore a cavern"Skye asks"Sure sounds fun.We both walk to the Cavern we do some conversation as we Walk."Skye do you actually love me?"I ask."Skye starts blushing."Well yes!"Says Skye she then kisses me.I start to remember the crystal Cavern because when I was a little pup I fell into the cavern and was really injured after Ryder found me"We're here."says Skye with a smile on her face
"Come on this is gonna be fun.I gulp and walk in.

Skye p.o.v

Me and Chase walk in the Cavern I see a bunch of crystals mostly Blue and pink ones"Hey Skye I found something!"says Chase I walk to him and can not believe my eyes I see a floor that has a bunch of colored crystals In rows of row has pink and blue and another row has red and cyan and finally Green and a blackish grey for some reason"Chase look it's literary a honeymoon because it's moon shaped honey!"I tell Chase"Would this be a good spot for our honeymoon"Says Chase"oh stop Chase your making me blush."I say.

Chase p.o.v

I see a crystal that's glowing and sparkling all at the same time so I ask"Skye do you think it's a good idea to touch this?"I ask Skye."Sure maybe it will give you super powers."Skye responds I then touch it and the whole cavern starts to collapse in on its self."Skye this is not good what can we do to stop the rocks?"I ask Skye."RUNNN!!!"Skye replies we run until a large rock falls on Skye."Help Chase I'm stuck!"says Skye I attempt to lift it but I just can't lift it."go without me!"says Skye"No I won't I don't want to lose you.You said to believe that the people I care about are gonna be okay you said I gotta follow my heart!"I respond.I start to lift again but then Rock hits me.I start to think about Ryder,Rocky,Everyone I care about I then Get up and make my last attempt to lift the rock."I'm...Not...Leaving you...I...I Love you."I say I then free Skye but we are now trapped together"I love you too."says Skye we thought it was the end but then rubble uses his bulldozer to break in the cave."Get in...NOW!!"says rubble me and Skye get in and we drive out of the collapsing cavern and we are relieved we got out alive I then kiss Skye for real she then puts her Paws on my shoulder and kisses me for real too.I was thinking about those last few days they were just you know cool humdinger is gone do a bit and I have a girlfriend I wonder what's in store for us next.
