Chapter 8



Althea pov

He was staring at me.
He tore his gaze from me, and I could see he was embarrassed by the tint on his cheeks.

"Uh nothing... and also I had bought some dresses for you, since I can't let you out alone. They will be in this house." 

How does he know they will fit.

"Don't worry they will fit. You will have to wear certain dresses at certain occasions I will tell you" he speaks.

Yeah fine, unless you make me look like a hoe in them.

Gosh!! This guy even knows what's going on in my head.

Well listen up then, you are a cold hearted, good looking brainless bastard, you hear that. I hate you!!

After I was done screaming at him in my head, I look over at him and find him again busy in his phone.

"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath.And watched through the window, tuning everything out.

I close my eyes, in a moment everything runs through my eyes like a flash, so much..... so much happened in few days. I am miles away from my brother, my mom and dad's grave. My best friend Mel. Also my childhood crush.My Brice.

I hope my life could have been like the people of my age.

I would be free, studying, in love, laughing, care free.

My eyes moisted due to my emotions but I dare not shed a tear. I am strong. A very strong girl. I will get through this.

Though the gloominess is like my shadow,it's follows me. I hate this feeling.

Of loneliness.

The autumn breeze carreses my wavy  hair.And I squint my eyes through the strong air blowing since the car sped up.

The drizzled rain droplets on the flowers enhances their beauty. I have been passing my school life listening how people laugh, talk, taunt about me being an orphan, a bad luck itself.
So instead of shutting myself out, I decided to live through it, to be strong enough, that I don't even care anymore whatever anybody says.

I decided to fight for myself and my brother who was working tooth and nail to survive at such a young age of 16.

I was brought back to reality when the car makes a sudden jolt. It jerks from left to right. I loose my control and fall over to the right.

On Leo.

In pure reflex. My hands curl around his neck, his one hand on the seat the other holding my arm.Me almost on his lap and our noses inches apart.

We both manage to look in front of us, his dark eyes searching mine. Now that we are this close I could clearly see his enticing look. And his scent burning my nostrils.

It's too awkward.

"Don't touch me." I grumbled getting red from the heat, Settling back to my place fixing myself.

"You were the one all over me once you got the chance."he backfires.

"Shut up!" I silenced him. "What happened? " I asked the driver.

"That mindless person was coming over the wrong side in speed. Are you all okay?"

"Yes, Now drive properly!" he spoke.
Rude, so like Leo.

I stiffed my body thought the ride to avoid further accidents. That was too embarrassing.How could I be in top of him. Now that jerk got the wrong idea.

Once the car pulled over to a stop. An amazing house came into the view even better than the previous. It is big, great exterior and a
Swimming Pool!!

I kept my self from not opening my mouth while gaping.

The other car came to a stop too in the parking garage.

Marta, Mason, some other house keeps, 2 bodyguards and the cook step  out from it

Why did I not go with them then?
Why does he only keep them everywhere.
Maybe because they are the only trustable.
And maybe because he thinks I could escape.

Every body went inside and they had umbrellas. I didn't realise when it started raining so heavily. Ughh I am getting wet and it's cold.And this house is so big that it takes many steps to get pass the garage to the house.

Suddenly the rain stopped pouring on me. Leo held a black umbrella on top of me.I looked at him and he smirked looking how my hair now sticked to my face looking and I must have looked weird, I glared at him but still walked with him inside.

We entered the house and everybody went to their places. Of course they had already been here before.

This is his house and he lives alone what about his siblings, parents or even girlfriends?


I am left alone with Leo in the home.
He removed his coat and I stand there awkwardly.

"I will take you to your room." he says.

"No thanks I will find it myself." I say not wanting to be with the hostile hunk.

"Its not a question it's an order."

The nerve

"And why do you think will I follow your orders."

"Because... Your life is in my hands and as well as you brother's" he blurts 

"You-" I angrily blow my fist towards him and he dodges it. He turns me around swiftly and harshly grabs onto my upper arm again dragging me upstairs. "Don't ever try that with me again."  I wiggle but he keeps on dragging me with his fast pace.

He opens the door to a room and brings me in. "The room next to yours is mine, so don't ever try anything."

He releases me. "Fine! I know!" I yell as a matter of fact.
After all I don't have anywhere else to go.

"Better." He gets out the door. I huff, this guy really spoils the mood. I slump on the bed. Oh wait I forgot to admire the bedroom. Wow! It's breath taking.

I really would be sleeping here.
I part the curtains and open the windows. Letting the air circulate.
The view of swimming pool and garage could be seen here. The vanity is amazing. I look over the bathroom and it's quite spacious.

I also remember to see the closet and there were so many clothes, shimmery and fancy.

What am I gonna do with them?
Fine, now I am done admiring. I kick off my shoes and my tummy grumbles. Easy there baby, I am going to fill you. I get down the stairs looking here and there for kitchen.

I found the open kitchen. Now let's see what's in the fridge. Nothing but some vegetables.

The cook in there is cooking something. The smells' well, Nasty.
What is he cooking. I look over and peep on the dish. Eww I can't figure out."What are you making"

"Chicken wings."

I make an oo face.

"I will serve it on the dining table In a bit." I nodded and went out sitting in the dining table.

The food was there. And Marta came too. "Thanks, Marta" I say when she bring me the dishes and sat next to me.

I took one bite of it. Bile rose up my throat I couldn't take it any more.

I threw up. What's wrong with me!


