Chapter 24



"What the heck is this?" echoed Leo's voice in the vacant restaurant, with deep irritation.

"Why are you here with-"
She looks at me from up till down and raises her eyebrows while scrunching her face in disgust.

It was that same woman I bumped into while looking for Brice and the same woman Layla introduced be to as Leo's friend.

"-her." she continued

"What is wrong with you Dina?"

Ah! Dina it was I remember.

"I mean I heard from uncle you were here, and I didn't know you were having a private dinner with her! What is she doing here with you? When I have been begging to meet with you! "

"Dina Could you please not interrupt us, we are in a middle of a conversation and having lunch. " He tries to calm her down like she is a kid. Seriously! She is around my age I can tell.

"No! I won't let you."
I was standing there dumbfounded drying myself with paper towels while the girl pretended, I don't exist by speaking to Leo.

"You cheap woman, you only are here because of his money" she yelled.

She suddenly grabbed me, holding a handful chunk of my hair in her hands and pulling me out of the chair.

"Dina Stop!" Leo urged her to listen.

I jerked her hand wincing in pain, glaring at this crazy woman.Massaging my scalp with my fingers.

"Brat, you thought you could boss me!"
I grabbed Leo's glass of juice and spilled it on her super stunning, expensive dress.

Not only that I even grabbed the knife placed next to the fork on my plate.

"This time, I am easy, I won't tolerate what you just did to me ontop of that, I am not easy to fool with, got it!"

She flinched when I pointed the knife towards her direction ; threatening her. Even though she behaved like a minx but she was easy to deal with. I guess I have handled even more baddies in my school.

"OK enough you both! " interrupted Leo.

He grabbed the knife slowly from my hands and kept it on the table.

Dina was looking stupefied and mad.

"Althea stay here I am going to have a word with Dina.Dont move! "

He held Dina and took her a bit aside so I can't hear them.

And then returned after a minute.

I can't believe she soaked all my delicious pancakes into water.

My food, I feel like crying!!

"Hey, are you crying?" asked Dina, with her single eyebrow raised and her arms crossed below her chest.

"Am I?... Nuh uh I am not."  I said wiping eyes.

Did I actually cry I don't know. I am sensitive for food, you know. I mean 99 percent of the girls are, but this brat right here was the one percent which always remains in either
life buoy or detol. Heartless creature.

Today was not a good day, first burnt toasts and now soaked pancakes.

"Hey? Dina I will see you tomorrow than alright? We will be leaving now!"
Leo initiated to get outside before another brawl takes place leaving me making her bald this time.

"Alright then, don't forget!  She screeches in a high pitched voice,while Leo drags me outside.

"Sure!" He acceded and hoped on the bike with me.

"Can I ask? What is wrong with her!Is she crazy" I blurted.

"That was harsh back there I know, but she is really sensitive, and didn't appreciate when I didn't meet up with her when she asked. So that turned her mad" 

He is actually calling her fine. FINE!

"Wow! You all really have a unique way of showing how sweet you are."
I rolled my eyes in sarcasm.

Leo just showed his scary eyes to me at that moment, which did actually shut me up.

I arrived home with Leo and he went to his office for some work stuff. But he completely failed to think about our unfinished breakfast.

As I got closer to the kitchen a very satisfying smell drew more closer to me.

"Hello dear, I wondered you might take long outside and return back tired so I made lunch incase-"

I cut her off with a hug.

"Marta you are such a blessing for a living soul. I really needed that"

"It's all fine" she huffed back laughing.

I ate the food she made. And took some chocolate bars into my room for myself to enjoy my peace with chocolate bars and a novel.


The next day I woke up and Fynn, his guard, appeared in front of me outside the door of my room.

"Good morning!, what's the matter?" I ask him

"I had to keep an eye on you as much as it sounds like your dad, Boss ordered me to, until he comes back"
He ends his sentence in a light laugh.

"From where?"

"Madam's house" he replied momentarily.

"His mom?" I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Yes, where his mother, miss Dina, and miss dina's parents live."

"Well I usually wonder why he lives alone in such a huge house and not with his mother " I popped my question in.

"He is a grown up businessman from a young age and travels around the globe, I guess he is responsible for himself"

"What about girls, he must have a lot of them hiding in other rooms of this house."

*Gasps* Speaking of girls, I haven't checked each room in this place, could he be hiding innocent girls like me in here all for his fun or is he a vampire who needs blood of different woman each night and my turn Is about to come which is why he uses the same excuse to manipulate them into staying here.

That's horrifying.
My insanely smart thoughts are interjected by Fynn's tiny chuckle.

"Sir is a lonely person, I guess introverted might be the word, he usually meets with many different people but prefers to stay alone in his peace and likes it that way, speaking about girls I have been with him since he was a young teenager and so I have never seen him have a girlfriend. "

So why me!! What If I annoy him so much he actually releases me.

"He even dodges this topic Infront of his mother"

Oh! That's weird, guess his heart has been broken once because how in the world a guy of 21st century remain single his whole life.

Speaking of that I need to investigate this house after this conversation ends.

"Thanks for sharing things with me, people have been very secretive ever since I came here"I explain.

"Yes, but please don't tell -"

He was interrupted by Leo's sharp voice.

"Don't tell what Fynn?"

Let me know what you think about this chapter?
