9c. Something Borrowed, Something Blue

All the excited talk about the mysterious Stewie had even Elle excited. By midday, all the ladies were looking ravishing, and Bianca was simply divine. Elle excused herself and walked around the chapel, shooting guests who were seating.

She spotted Bonnie by the doorway and motioned to her.

"What's up, Elle?"

"I want you to stay in the chapel now, capture guests and everyone else. I'll cover the bride's entry, then the bridal party." Elle turned to leave but stopped. She slipped Maya's hand into Bonnie's. "Could you please find her a seat?"

Bonnie nodded and headed inside and up the aisle, popping Maya on one of the few cushioned chairs lining the wall. Elle looked at the guests filing in, on the lookout for this elusive Stewie all the ladies had gone gaga over. In the rush of events, Elle saw no man she could say was drop-dead gorgeous. Maybe he wasn't coming, she thought as she positioned herself near the entry.

The ceremony proceeded at quarter past twelve. Conrad stood at the head of the aisle with Jeremy and another young man beside him. Jerry spied Elle skirting the walls, heading up to a perch for the bridal party's entry. He winked, and she smiled back. Perhaps she hadn't made a complete fool of herself the night before.

The music swelled, and she rushed into the aisle and squeezed in next to some guests. She knew Bonnie was at the head, ready to cover the groom and his men and capture the couple, giving Elle enough time to find her next perch. There was a certain zing in the air and Elle knew it was going to be a beautiful ceremony, followed by some heavy partying. She was going to be on the lookout for Kim, whom she thought was a character bound to head into entertaining situations. Bianca might appreciate having evidence of the merry-making. Besides, sticking with Kim may ultimately get her to see this Stewie herself, whoever he was.

As the bride and the groom exchanged vows, Elle fought back tears, remembering her own wedding day. It wasn't long before the crowd swept her away to the marquee with them. Champagne flowed and glasses clinked as they made toasts.

Elle's phone kept vibrating in her pocket, and she finally succumbed. She left Bonnie to handle the floor. Maya was occupied, now playing with two children at the children's table. She slipped out into the garden, wanting a moment to just breathe...

"I'm in the middle of something, Mum. Make it quick."

Inside the marquee, two seats away from the groom, a tall figure with lagoon blue eyes rose to his feet. He raised his glass and smiled at the newlyweds. The guests all hushed, some in awe, some as a courtesy, since he was about to speak.

"Conrad, to think I could have been sitting where you are," he said. "You're a lucky man. And Bianca, darling, you've always wondered why. Why I set you up with Con? Well, I think this is the best place for that. If I had a heart and knew how to use it, I would have snapped you up long ago. But someone else needed you more, who suited you more. I mean, you saved the poor bugger's life. You had him tied so badly," he said and Conrad nodded.

Stewie looked around the room at the listening guests. "In all honesty, darling, you've made my mate the happiest man on Earth, for tonight anyway."

The room burst into laughter. "Love you, Stewie!" yelled someone, and the laughter rolled out again.

"And I couldn't be happier to wish you both a loving, memorable journey ahead. To Conrad and Bianca!" He raised his flute one last time before chugging the rest of his champagne.

"To Conrad and Bianca!" the guests chorused.

Elle snuck back into the marquee and received a flute of champagne from a waitress. She walked up to Bonnie, who was busily snapping away at the dance floor.

"What'd I miss?"

The young woman gave Elle such an incredulous look that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. "You missed him." Bonnie sighed dreamily.

"Missed who?"

"They weren't joking, those girls."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Stewie!" Bonnie breathed heavily. "If I didn't love Lochy, I wouldn't mind flying myself in his direction. You should have seen the face on him!"

Elle's heart chugged like a freight train. This mysterious Stewie was there, and she still hadn't seen him. She scanned the crowd building on the dance floor. "Where is he?"

Bonnie smiled, slinging the camera around her neck, and peered into the crowd. She eyed his tall frame amid the dancers. "There! That tall one there."

Elle peered eagerly, but the crowd was getting thicker, making it impossible to see him.

"What are you waiting for?" Bonnie asked, "Get on the dance floor."

"Take a break. Get some food. Then it's my turn," Elle said before diving headlong into the crowd.

Elle got around the couples, getting deeper into the arena. At the epicentre she snapped the bride-groom happily sharing a dance, laughing at whispered jokes. She couldn't help but notice the way they held one another. To everyone else, they were celebrating with a huge crowd, but something in their eyes said they wanted to run away already.

Elle scanned the dancing couples but couldn't see much further than a few heads. Some days, being petite really sucked. A tap on her shoulder made her turn to Jerry.

"How about a dance, then?" He smiled.

Elle shook her camera at him. "I'm working."

He clicked his tongue, took her by her hand, and pulled her to him. The chunky camera was a wall between them. He took it and slung it over his body, then reclaimed her hand and her hip. "One dance won't hurt. You look beautiful, by the way."

Elle blushed. Her every pore was aware of Jeremy and his touch. Especially his touch. She had forgotten what it felt like, a man's hand resting on the small of her back. How the whoosh of breath felt on her neck. When the music changed, she stopped, separating from him. "I better get back to work."

Jerry kissed her hand like a gentleman and let her go.

"Gonna need the camera back." She smiled, grabbing the camera, then scrambled out of the huddle like a caged bird gone free, out of the tent and into a fast-approaching afternoon.

She sat down on a bench in the garden, catching her breath. There were people all around, chattering, and eating. Why did she do weddings? To go through the anguish of her own every time she witnessed a nuptial. It was wrong to be jealous of other people's happiness. But was she so wrong, wanting that back for herself? Why did she do weddings?

Because it's beautiful, fun, and pays well, she thought cynically.

"Excuse me." A young waitress waited with a flute of champagne and a small bowl of strawberries. "These were sent for you."

Elle looked at the girl, and then the marquee, confused. "Who sent them?"

The girl smiled and set the tray down beside Elle. "A gentleman."

Elle watched the girl leave and stared at the tray. What an odd thing to send? Champagne and strawberries. She grabbed the flute and took a generous sip, then bit into a berry, savouring its tangy sweetness. Must have been Jeremy.

"I'm glad you're enjoying them." The voice that had almost sent her knees caving under her all those weeks earlier spoke kindly. It couldn't be! What was he doing here?

Elle took a deep breath. Get a hold of yourself. Just because Jerry hit on you yesterday doesn't mean everyone thinks you're worth everything. She took a good gulp of her drink to calm her nerves. "Mr Stewart."

"Ellenor," Dean Stewart said, his eyes locked on her face. "May I?" He waved at the other half of the seat.

She nodded and turned to the garden, trying to appear as casual as she could manage. She could feel his gaze on her. "I assume I have you to thank for these," she said, raising a glass at him.

"Watched you run around all afternoon with not a drink in you, or food. Thought you might need some refreshment," he answered.

Elle stiffened. He'd been watching her all day? Why hadn't she noticed that feeling that comes from being watched?

"I'm sorry. I've made you uncomfortable yet again," he muttered apologetically.

She looked around at others, anywhere but him. "You've been following me?"

Dean smiled, understanding that yes, someone watching would concern just about any woman. Scratch that. Just about any woman, he thought, noticing Kim watching him from near the marquee, a cigarette in one hand.

"Forgive me, but when I saw you here, I couldn't help but be on the lookout so I could chat with you alone." He looked around the garden, finished his drink, and then rose to his feet. He handed her one of his cards. "I still haven't heard your decision, so."

She looked at him, puzzled. "I already have one, Mr Stewart."

There, that smile! "I have a sneaky feeling you might have misplaced the other one."

Elle took the card feeling a little guilty. She had indeed misplaced it somewhere in her office or in one of her purses. Dean nodded to her and started towards the marquee and the party. "By the way," he called, "I like what I've seen so far. Do read the card when you get a chance!"

By the time she turned around, he had already disappeared into the half-drunk crowd. She drained her glass, popped the card into her pocket, and got back to work. From there on in, it was impossible to miss the tall, glorious Dean. It wasn't fair, she thought, to get so distracted by one man.

"So, what did he want?" Bonnie asked over the ABBA song, Dancing Queen.

"Who?" Elle yelled.

Bonnie nudged her. "Please, Elle. Stewie! What did he want? I saw you two talking in the garden."

For a moment Elle stood, confused. "Stewie? That was Dean Stewart..." then she had to stop as a loud scream came from the dance floor.

"Oh, come on, Stewie, no fair! You got to dance with all the bridesmaids," chortled Kim, dragging Dean Stewart onto the dance floor by his tie.

Elle's jaw dropped. "Stewie?!" she breathed.

"Yep. I'm guessing the one and only." Bonnie stated, dropping into a chair and biting into her share of the cake. "So, what were you two talking about? You should have seen the faces of some of those women when he went out to see you."

Elle shook her head. "Nothing."

"Oh, come on, Elle. It's me."

Elle sighed. "He wants me to take a job for him. He's been asking for a while and I haven't decided yet."

It was Bonnie's jaw that almost hit the table. "You know him?" Elle shrugged. "What kind of job?"

"I'm not allowed to say."

Bonnie stared at the dance floor, which was clearing slowly. The bride had ducked back into the bridal room to change. They were leaving soon and the party would die after their departure, Elle guessed.

"If you take this gig with him, you gotta promise to let me assist you," Bonnie begged. "Promise me, Elle!"

Elle got up and Bonnie held her back by her arm. "Elle. Promise!"

"Okay, okay. Let go of my arm, Bon. I have to go capture the departure."

"Fine." Bonnie bounced to her feet and followed. "So when is it?"

Elle laughed. Another one bites the dust, she heard Mrs Atkins' voice from earlier that day. "I haven't said yes yet."

"Oh, but you will."

Elle was glad to enter the sanctuary of her hotel room. A warm bath ought to do it, unravel all the tension from the day's work. Thinking about the day and especially about prospective employment with Dean Stewart, she went about getting Maya ready for bed and ran water in the tub for a bath.

What a day, she thought, taking off her clothes and folding them up one by one. She dipped her toe in to check the temperature of the water as a card slipped out of the pants pocket and into the water. She fished it out with agitation and read the script in blue ink.

I'm waiting for your call, Ellenor.

P.S. You looked gorgeous today!

Suddenly weak-kneed, she sat on the edge of the bath, reading and rereading Dean's neat handwriting, her heart slowly but surely thudding.

P.S. You looked gorgeous today!
