Chapter 12

You had been drinking your favourite drink together with 049 enjoying each others presence while taking a break. Then the next thing you knew there was something urging you to continue, almost making you storm out the door.

049 had agreed on carrying on, though he didn't have much to say in that matter, since you practically darted off right away. He didn't show any sign of surprise at your sudden ability to walk freely without aid. You hadn't given it much thought anyways. There were other things on your mind. You had to follow the urge.

You had no idea where you suddenly took the impressive orientation skills from, but you were nearly running through the halls. The door in front of you opened by the use of the keycard. That strange urging feeling told you to go there. It almost tucked you into the right direction. With your foot almost through the door you only then noticed the person.

A D-class stood right next to you hidden in the door frame, pressed against the wall. Eyes wide open looking forward. The way the convict tensed up told you that they had noticed your presence from the corner of their eye. They whispered something, too quiet for you to understand, but the urgent gaze spoke for itself. It was eerie how he didn't look at you. A shudder ran down your spine. The door closed in front of you.

"Is there something wrong?"
You yelped in surprise and turned around to see 049, as expected.

He reached out to touch your shoulder apologetically.
"I am sorry, I was not intending to scare you. I would hate to cause another cardiac arrest."

You let out a huff of air.
"I was just startled, don't worry.", you reassured brushing of his hand, lingering on it longer than intended. "Wait what, another?"

"Why did we stop?", he asked instead of answering, his question overpowering yours.

"I stopped because...", you began, index finger high up in the air, having absolutely no idea how to explain to 049 that you did not want to test the possibility of him killing that person outside the door. As you turned around to come up with a lame excuse, you almost jumped out of your shoes at the sight of what was awaiting you at the window.

Scp 173, the statue, stood right at the window.


That was what the D-class was mouthing before.
"Because, of that", you said casually, ignoring the sudden urge to run far, far away.
Play it cool.

"I see..." 049 stared back at the other Scp intently.

"Come on...", you whined, weakly tugging his arm to get him away from the door.
Was this some kind of territory war between 049 and 173 they had to settle in a stare down?

Come to me...

You blinked rapidly and shook your head.
"It can't follow us without a keycard, let it be!", you groaned but it was as if you were talking to a statue.
Hehe Statue.

Listen to my command.

A sudden flinch rattled through your body, then your arms dropped. You turned around and continued down the halls.

Come to me...

There was just one way directly etched into your vision. You followed it with ease.

Through this door...

You listened and went through the door. The room that unfurled itself wasn't very large. A huge glass wall took up most of the space, separating the room into two halves.

A voice spoke from the other side.
"Finally! A human that didn't die on the way." The sound was very charismatic and delighted.

On the floor lay a D-class, sprawled on the dirty ground. Black ooze staining the former orange uniform. But you already knew that. He turned his head and you could see his face. A mask contorted into a strange mixture between sadness and happiness. You felt complete after finally hearing and seeing the voice in person. Well, almost complete...

"Open the door.", the D-class ordered, the joyfulness having left his tone. You turned towards the control panel and mechanically pressed the right buttons.

How did you know all this. A click emitted from the massive steel door. The D-class made no attempts to flee or move. The only signs of life he was giving, were his head movements and commands.

"And now come to me..." The eerily seductive tone enticed you forward. You stumbled towards the unlocked door.

"So we meet again, mask.", another voice interrupted. You hesitated taking another step, but a harsh mental nudge pushed you forward to the D-class again.

"Greetings doctor." The D-classes voice was sharp and crisp in comparison to the other. Edging you forward. It ached being this far away from the mask.

"I am afraid to interrupt you but you can't have this human." Something about him was familiar. A thought swam the surface, but was quickly pushed back aside by an outside force.

"But she wants to come to me. Don't you see her walking towards the door?" A malicious laugh erupted from the D-class body, shaking it.

An arm snaked around your wrist pressing you against the newcomer. "She is mine."
The prisoner laughed harder, head hitting the floor. His limp body trembling from the souns erupting from inside his body.


It felt as if a button switched. Something was almost physically pulling you towards the door. You had to get to the D- class. Your life depended on getting to them. You made a distressed noise, unable to form words, and squirmed in the persons arms.

The door. The door. The door. The door.
The door. The door. The door. The door.
The door. The door. The door. The door.

You struggled but your holders grasp only tightened.
"Getting a little possessive, aren't we doctor?", your goal mocked amused.  You were turned around and now face to face with the masked person holding you captive.

"Snap out of it, (y/n)."

What a soothing voice. Slowly, your hand raised on itself etching towards his face.
The laughter continued snapping you out of your daze.

You squirmed harder in his grip, pushing your hands against his chest.

"I don't have time for your stupid games!", the man growled. Anger radiating off of him in waves.

"Too bad, I have a lot of time to spare!", the D-class snickered.

"What do you want?"

"A human body. As you can see this one is pretty damaged." He shakily lifted a broken arm, the wound continuing to ooze weird black blood. "I thought you were smart enough to have figured that out already.", he pouted faking sadness.

"Alright then." The man hissed. Another person suddenly appeared out of the shadows.

The D-class perked his head up in interest. "You offer me a substitute?"

"Yes", he confirmed. "Leave this human immediately." The deep growling demanding tone in his voice ignited something deep inside of you.

The D-class laughed. It was rich and full, filling up the whole room. "I am honoured to be able to possess something this different...”, more delighted sounds escaped his throat.

Then he stopped suddenly. "...would I say if this object wasn't given to me as an exchange for such a measly human life form." He spat the last three words out disparagingly. "Why would you protect this human? This one won't obey you like your cured ones."

Your captivator remained silent. The zombie like person moved forward in your place to the D-class. Something else inside you moved, moved out of your body. Your hands tried to grasp it. You didn't want to be left alone.

As soon as the D-class took of the mask, you instantly limped, like a marionette which threads had been cut. Your own being that had been pushed far into a corner quickly filled you up again. Thoughts were there again. Your own thoughts. Scp 035 definitely deserved it's title as a Keter. Your mind felt so small once the entity left it.

049 was already having a firm grasp on you so you wouldn't meet the floor today. "How are you feeling?", he murmured.

"Empty." you answered faintly, trying to get a hold of your body functions. You felt like a new-born deer trying to walk for the first time, having lost control of your limbs like this. It was so cold. Your body shivered involuntarily. He pressed you tighter against him. Your face buried itself in his warm shoulder naturally, taking in his body heat. He relaxed and caressed your hair, whispering apologies into your ear. The masks presence forgotten for a short amount of time.

"You have gone... soft", the Keter frowned. He stood there mid raised with his new vessel. Eyeing 049 soothing you with a deeply disgusted look.

049 stayed silent, stroking your back. "I... guess.", he said absently.

"Don't let that softness cloud your vision.", the Scp hissed, raising up to his whole height. The mask stood up, swaying a little but catching himself quickly. With every step his movements became more normal. Just as the Scp was about to leave, he stopped. "The humans are already reforming and planning to strike back. You better hurry.", he mumbled.

Then the mask disappeared, 049 staring after him.
