~ Nine - Reunion - Obi-Wan ~


Her Force presence is unmistakable, and I know that both me and Master Plo noticed it. She has become much stronger than before, the blast enough to put the both of us on the floor of the barracks, but not our men. Focused only on those who were in pursuit of her. 

"Little Soka." Hearing Master Plo verbally utter the name of my former grandpadawan makes the situation seem that much more real. Captain Rex springs at the name of his former Commander, and although his training is in place, his mind is reeling. Thoughts of happiness and urgency swirling through his consciousness. Even Cody is urgent to go after her. 

"Permission to speak freely sir?" A small smile graces my lips. "You always have permission Captain. And that goes the same towards you as well Cody." He hasn't changed with that, his training ingrained within him to always request the right to speak freely. It never crossed my mind until after Anakin and Ahsoka left how disheartening it is. Not having the ability to speak one's mind without retribution if not having asked first. In the end, it is almost inhumane. 

"What are we going to do about this sir? Commander Tano wouldn't be here, sneaking around the ventilation system unless there was an important reason." He's right. But the words of Senator Amidala...Skywalker ring in my mind, reminding me that there is a plan behind the scenes that the Jedi Order cannot interfere with. I glance down at the comm, the strange symbol staring back at me. "There are matters we are not able to interfere with Captain." Master Plo nods in agreement. 

"Little Soka must have a reason, we all know she wouldn't do anything without a plan in motion. Even an improvised one like Skywalker was famous for." A small smile cracks as I remember all of the improvised plans Anakin always had. Most of them required falling. Swirling of the Force seems to pull me towards the direction Ahsoka took. I glance over at Master Plo to notice his masked gaze on me already. "I feel a pull of the Force to go after her. Do you feel it Master Plo." He nods, and we both start heading out, our men following suit. 


I am sorry this one is so short! There have been complications and this chapter is kind of a filler to give you some insight on Obi-Wan's side of things again. Next week will be a normally sized chapter with action I promise! The holidays just happened to take up a lot of my time since I was with family. See you all next week!
