Elizebeth olsen/scarlett Johansson- mistake

You and Lizzie have been dating for 3 years and you want to propose to her. You and Scarlett have been planning the proposal for weeks now and you are a nervous wreck but you are so excited to propose and spend the rest of your life with her. You have planned the proposal date perfectly with the perfect ring and everything for Lizzie.

S- so are you ready
U- yeh I'm waiting for her to call me when she's heading home at 6 everyday, I'll tell her to come here and we will eat dinner then at the perfect moment I'll propose
S- that sounds amazing y/n she will be so lucky for all this
U- you think so, she's not bored of me?
S- from what I know she isn't but no one could ever be bored of you you're an amazing, brilliant and beautiful and so many other things y/n/n she loves you ok?
U- ok.... Ok now it's nearly 6 so you gotta hide
S- ok can't wait!
She smiles and sits behind a bush where you can see her but when Lizzie comes she can't see Scarlett. It turns to 6 but there was no phone call, 6:30 no phone call.  You and Scarlett have been calling for hours now, you've packed up the stuff and you both went to your place.You are so scared that somethings happened to her then you get a phone call from lizzies sister Ashley.
U- is she ok? Do you know where she is?
A- y/n—
U- I'm going out of my mind here ash do you know anything?
A- shes left
U- w-what?
A- she went back to Robbie... she hasn't told me but it's on the paparazzi news pages and Robbies instagram
U- oh...
A- y/n I'm so sorry I don't know what's wrong with her she's so stupid I know you had a date planned—
U- I was going to propose Ashley
A- Oh my god! Y/n, I'm so sorry liz—
U- it's fine Ashley don't worry, I guess she wasn't happy with me but now she's happy with someone else and that's all I've ever want for her, I want her to be happy and if that isn't with me so  be it
You voice breaks
A- y/n I'm going to kill her you are the best sister in law I could of ever asked for and lizzies the worst leaving you without even telling you, but I hope we can still be close and I know that MK will say the same
U- I'd like that ash I really would you guys are like sisters to me
A- and your like a sister to me and MK
U- well I hope we can still hang out like we do
A- of course just cause of my sisters stupidness doesn't mean we shouldn't hang out with you
U- I'm glad us will never change
A- me too, I'll see you next week
U- obviously
A- ok I love you but I got to go
U- ok me too I think I've left Scarlett sitting down being quiet for too long, love you too bye
A- bye y/n/n
You end the call
S- so...
You break down and Scarlett comforts you
S- shh shh it's ok it's ok, she didn't deserve you she never did, ok? Now let's watch a movie huh? I know that's how you comfort me when Colin left a year ago
U- that would be nice
You smile at her
S- There's that smile I know and love now let's cheer you up huh?
U- yeh ok
You put your favourite movie and you and Scarlett cuddle and fall asleep

Skip four years later
You are over Lizzie and haven't seen her since the morning of the day she left you. You are actually happier than you ever thought you could be. After a year of both you and Scarlett getting over Lizzie and Colin, you both found buried feelings for each other and you have been dating ever since. Today is your three year anniversary and Scarlett knows that you want to propose to her but you're ro scared to since Lizzie basically fled your relationship and life on the day you were going to propose so Scarlett is going to propose to your surprise.
S- hey babe
U- yes love
S- are you free to go on a date tonight
U- of course and even if i didn't I would of made sure I would of been free
S- one of the things I love about you
She kisses you
S- ok so meet here at 7?
U- perfect but now I need to get to work
S- me too, see you tonight dress up
U- ok love you
S- love you too
You both go to work, you get home hours later and you see Scarlett isn't home yet, it's 6pm so you start to get ready and you get changed into this:

Then you hear a knock on the door, you open it and you see Scarlett dressed in this:

U- W-wow scar you look amazing
S- thank you, and you look stunning I mean that dress looks great on you
You blush and smile at her
U- thank you
S- ready to go
U- yeh let's go
You get into Scarletts car and she drives somewhere, she puts a blindfold on you so you can't see where you are going
U- are you going to murder me
S- no sweetheart I love you too much to do that
You get to the destination, out of the car and Scarlett takes off your blindfold and you see this:

U- wow I'm speechless I love it the whole set up and the view! I'm speechless I absolutely love it
S- you do? You don't think it's too much or—
You cut her off by kissing her
U- not at all but what's with all the secrecy is there something wrong
S- no no nothings wrong, there's something I want to tell you later but do you want to eat first
U- please I'm starving
S- I guessed that much
She takes your hand and you both sit down and eat. It was the perfect date, you and Scarlett talked about everything, laughed and enjoyed everything in every moment, once you finished the meal Scarlett takes your hand and walks away from the set up, turns around and looks at you and it is visible that's she's nervous
U- hey, what's up you seem nervous, you can tell me anything, I won't judge or leave you or do whatever your worried about that I'd do
S- there's something I've wanted to ask you for a while and I don't really know how to form the words so I'm just gonna say it
U- say what?
S- willyoumarryme?
U- sorry i didn't catch what you said what did you say
She gets on one knee and you gasp

S- y/n y/m/n y/l/n will...will you marry me? And please say yes I can loose you, I can't think of anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with so please will you marry me
U- Scarlett ingrid Johansson I will marry you
S- I knew you would say n— wait what? Yes?
U- yes
She stands up and practically jumps into your arms and you hold her up
S- you said yes
U- and I would of never said any different, scar I love you, we've been together for 3 years why would you ever think I'd say no
S- I just didn't think you like proposals since you know...
U- Lizzie?
S- yeh
U- I was always scared to propose to you cause of what happened but it would of never stopped me from doing so or say yes to you so please don't think I would rather be without you or with Lizzie or anyone, it's you , it's always been you even if I didn't see it all that time ago
S- it's always been you too
You kiss her passionately and put her down but she's still hugging you
U- so can I have the ring or?...
S- right yeh
She puts the ring on you
U- oh that reminds me
You pull out your engagement ring for her
U- I was gonna propose at some point, you beat me to it so will you marry me
S- yes I'll marry you doofus
She kisses you
S- can I have my ring please
U- yeh
You put the ring on her
S- it's beautiful
U- it really is
S- wanna get out of here and celebrate our engagement
U- I'd like nothing more
You guys leave and ✨celebrate✨

9 months later
It's now your wedding day, it's been most of the ceremony we are at the part where:
Minister- if anyone wishes for this couple to not be together please speak now or forever hold your peace
The door opens and you see Lizzie, you look at Scarlett
U- did you invite her?
S- defiantly not
U- ash?
A- I didn't even tell her where it was so I have no clue
U- lizzie what are you doing here
L- I made a mistake 4 years ago I shouldn't of ran away to Robbie
U- but you did... and I got over it
L- y/n please, you always said that you'll love me forever no matter what
U- well that was before you left me on the night I was gonna propose with no ways to figure out where you were until I called Ashley and she told me everything, so that was a long time ago I said those words, our forever ended when you left so I suggest that you leave now so I can marry the love of my life or I will get security to kick your ass to the curb!
Lizzie looks at Ashley and MK
L- why did you let this happen
MK- she was perfect for you lizzie and you fucked it up
A- you two might not be married but she is our sister either way
L- I'm your little sister
MK- who made the worst mistake of her life so leave Lizzie, stop making more of a fool of yourself
A- we will talk soon liz but we have a perfect wedding to continue cause you interrupted it
L- y/n seriously? Her? What is so special about her that I didn't do or I don't have?
U- so many things are special about her Lizzie? Some of the things are she actually went through with our relationship and didn't abandon it, she cares for me more and so much more Lizzie I can list for hours but you're ruining the best day of my life so leave before I call security and have the satisfaction seeing you being dragged away
L- fine y/n I'll leave but you will never love Scarlett the way you love me
U- that's true, I love her more and don't love you so it isn't hard, bu-bye now
Lizzie angrily and teary leaves the wedding setting
Minister- can we continue
S- yes
Minister- do you Scarlett ingrid Johansson take the y/n y/m/n y/l/n as your lawfully wedded wife
S- I do
She smiles at you
Minister- and do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take the Scarlett ingrid Johansson as your lawfully wedded wife
U- I do
Minister- with the power invested in me I pronounce you wife and wife you may now kiss the bride
Scarlett pulls you in for a passionate and loving kiss
S- I love you
U- I love you more
You both walk back down the aisle hand in hand smiling, once you both left the wedding location she stops and looks at you
S- you don't regret being with me do you
U- if I did I wouldn't of married you, I love you, I choose you, youre the love of my life I'm afraid your stuck with me
S- wouldn't have it any other way
You both get into the car to drive away to the after party for the wedding
