Chyler Leigh- its your birthday?

It's your birthday but your long term girlfriend of 2 years Chyler Leigh and all of our friends forget it. You wake up and you don't see chyler, so you go downstairs and you see chyler and some of the supergirl cast (all the girls apart from Katie)
U- morning babe, do you know what day it is today?
C- morning, I think it's Thursday today why do you ask?
U- n-no no reason
C- ok
She leans into kiss your lips but you move your head so she kisses your cheek, leaving a confused chyler, you make yourself some breakfast and you sit with the cast but distancing yourself
M- are you ok y/n? You seem off?
U- im fine Melissa
M- are you sure cause you usually call me Mel
U- I'm fine
N- do you know why katie is so late?
M- I have no clue she said she had to get something a surprise of some sort
While they are having a convocation you phone starts blowing up with messages of happy birthday and you smile while replying to them
C- why are you smiling love?
U- just people cheering me up making me happy
C- why do you need cheering me up
U- it's nothing babe forget about it
M- if you need cheering up it's not nothing
U- it's nothing now leave it
N- y/n you can tell us if somethings wrong
U- mhm
You stick glued onto your phone while they take then you go to your shared room to get changed as Katie text you to get changed. 10 minutes later Katie bursts into chylers house with presents for you
K- hey girls
N- hey Katie what's with the presents
M- and why are you so dressed up
K- Y/N!!
You hear her shout and go downstairs in a beautiful black dress with high heels
K- tou look stunning y/n/n, I know I said dress up but wow
U- thanks katie you look amazing, is this for me?
K- of course it is what type of person would I be if I didn't get my best friend a birthday present well three
U- you're the best Katie
You hug her
K- right so we will open these later but now we are going out and having fun
C- it's your birthday?
K- she forgot?
U- yep but let's go
You link arms and leave yours and chylers house
C- shit i forgot her birthday
M- we all did
N- apart from Katie
C- fuck I've messed up big time
N- we all have chyler
C- you're not her girlfriend Nicole your her friends so you haven't messed up like I have
M- how can we help to fix this
C- I don't know how you can help but I have an idea
N- what is it
C- I was thinking that I can get away from the set for the week next week and take y/n on holiday as on of her birthday presents and an apology
M- where has she always wanted to go
C- she's never been to Paris, so we can do romantic things and she loves Disney so we can go Disneyland
N- sounds perfect now what other present are you going to get her
C- I'm thinking I'll propose at the top of the Eiffel Tower
C- I've been wanting to do it for a while but I've never done it... so what do you think?
M- I think she'll love it
N- and she will say yes so you will have a lifetime of birthdays to make up to her
C- ok so let's book it
(Skip until you get home)
U- thanks Katie I loved tonight
K- your welcome
She hugs you
K- I have to go good luck with the apologies
U- thank you, love you see you soon
K- love you too, see you later
Katie leaves and you turn around and see chyler, Melissa and Nicole went home as it was late.
U- hey...
C- hey babe
You put your keys and purse on a table
C- y/n love, I'm so sorry I forgot, I've been beating my self up over forgetting, like how could I forget about the most important person in my life I mean how could I of been so stupid, I mean that was so stupid of me. I love you so much I don't want this to burden or ruin what we have. I want to make it up to you I—
You cut her off by kissing her cause she was rambling and starting not to make sense
C- y-you're not mad
U- I was, for a bit, all I wanted to do today was just have a lazy day and cuddle with the love of my life watching movies but, you forgot and it's fine we have many birthdays in the future where you won't forget and I won't forget yours. I'm here for the long run just because you forgot one thing doesn't mean that this will burden and ruin this relationship. I love you chyler and just because of one little thing doesn't mean I will ever stop loving you.
C- I still want to make it up to you
U- you don't have to but if you do I will love anything
C- well do you love a week long Paris trip with me next week to make it up to you
U- W-what?
C- I feel so bad so I booked your dream vacation to make it up to you
U- babe I love it, but this is too much
C- nothing is too much when it comes to you
U- very cheesy... I love you
C- love you too
You kiss her
C- so I'm forgiven
U- your already forgiven
