Chapter 8

A/N: yes... two chapters in one day, I know. writing without not knowing what will happen past the next chapter is a new experience for me, and it makes me want to know what will happen next as well as you lot. so please tell me. I can't write anymore until someone tells me what happens next... ;) (thanks Roseavia3 for the great prompt which made me write over 2000 words today!)


You're in the break room, drinking coffee with your co-workers. You'd been relieved to find the hot drink on your desk this morning; you weren't sure just how upset Loki had been with you yesterday.

Not upset enough to forget your coffee today, apparently.

"Y/N, are you coming?" Kate is asking you. You think about just saying no without finding out what she was talking about, but then you stop yourself. Your social life isn't exactly what you would call... abundant.

"To what, sorry?" you ask politely.

"We're going out tomorrow, you should come." she tells you.

"Yeah. Okay." you smile.

On your way back to your office you pass an ajar door, which you pay no heed to until you hear the word 'Loki' spoken by someone inside the room. You stop, look around, and make a split second decision to eavesdrop.

Simply leaning against the wall outside the room next to the doorway, you pretend to flick through some paperwork that you're holding. Looking nonchalant when you're actually sneaking around is the best way to remain uncaught, you find.

"...saying that he could be a potential asset for SHIELD; that's why they're keeping him here and not sending him back to... what's it called?"


"Right. Thor managed to persuade Stark and Fury that he could be useful, but they haven't got anywhere with him yet. I say it's only a matter of time-"

You listen hard to the hushed conversation which is happening just the other side of the door you're stood next to.


Foolishly, you jump, making yourself look instantly guilty. It's Thor.

"Oh. Hi Thor." you say, plastering a smile on your face.

"Walk with me?" he requests, and you oblige, glancing briefly back at the door you'd been stood outside as you walk away.

"I hear that you've been visiting my brother. Have your... hallucinations stopped?" Thor asks you as you walk.

"I have, and yes. Thank you." you tell him.

"I must ask... do you talk at all? When you visit him, I mean. He will not speak with me, not about anything of importance, anyway."

You feel bad for Thor. It's obvious that he worries for Loki. You want to tell him about what Loki told you yesterday, but that also feels like a betrayal of Loki's trust.

"We just chat. Nothing of importance, as you say." you shrug. Thor glances at you for a second, before nodding solemnly.

"Well, I am glad that he has some company, at least. Maybe in time..." he says, trailing off. You have reached your office.

"Will you... let me know? If he does tell you anything of importance?" Thor asks, turning to you.

"I- yes. Of course." you smile. Thor smiles back at you gratefully.

"Thank you, Y/N." he says, before striding off.

The second you've shut your door, Loki appears. He makes you startle this time, and you curse yourself for it. At least that seems to have put him in a good mood. Relatively.

"So you are corresponding with my brother." Loki says.

"Corresponding," you scoff, dropping the files you'd been carrying on to your desk. "It's called 'having a conversation'."

You're determined to be relaxed around him. Yesterday he'd frightened you, unintentionally, you knew now, and your consequent actions had upset him. Upset? Could Loki even feel such an emotion? You'd settle for annoyed.

"You told me that Thor did not have anything to do with... this." Loki says, pointing between the two of you, a slightly accusatory tone to his voice.

This? To be fair, you can't put a name on the relationship between the two of you either.

"He doesn't. If you'd been listening properly, you would have realised that Thor was asking me to 'correspond' with him for the first time." you reply, sitting down in your chair and turning your computer on.

"I see."

Loki sits down in the chair opposite you.

"And are you planning on 'corresponding' with him?" he asks you. You look up at him as if he's mortally offended you.

"Would I?" you breathe, pretending to be shocked. A hint of a smile crosses his face.


"Hm." you say.

"Listen, about yesterday..." Loki starts.

"Forget it. I need to tell you something," you say, leaning forward in your chair. Loki looks relieved to have gotten out of an apology so easily, whilst also raising an eyebrow at your statement.

You tell him quickly about what you overheard the two agents talking about in the corridor.

"Did you know? That they're planning on... using you eventually?" you ask when you're done. Loki looks thoughtful. You're grateful; you'd wondered if he might get angry again.

"No." he says simply. You watch him, frowning.

"What are you going to do?" you ask him.

"I.. am not sure yet." he muses, rubbing his chin.

"Well... don't do anything stupid, will you?"

Now it's his turn to look at you in mock offense, bringing a hand to his chest.

"Would I?"

"Yes." you say seriously.

"You are right." he nods, dropping his hand. You exhale through your nose, less a laugh and more of an exclamation of disbelief. Loki looks at you quickly, and then away.

"One thing you should do is talk to Thor. Properly." you tell him. Loki pulls a face.

"It might get you out of that cell. Surely you want that." you push.

"I am out of that cell." he says, holding out his arms. You roll your eyes.

"Stop being difficult. Get you out properly, I mean."

"I doubt that will happen."

"And it's not worth a try?"

Loki watches you, clearly thinking. Then a definite smile appears on his face. It's not a nice smile, as such. More of an evil grin.

"I don't know what that smile means, but don't do whatever it is you're thinking about." you stress.

"It will be quite amusing," he says convincingly. "And it will prove that you were not going mad."

"...You're going to tell them that you can leave your cell?" you frown.

"No. I am going to show them." he says, closing his eyes.


He holds up a hand, and you fall silent. After about five seconds, he opens his eyes again.

"What did you..?"

An alarm blares through the building, and you wince at the sound. Shutters slam down on the outside of your windows, and the emergency lights flash on. The sound of people panicking quickly reaches your ears.

Loki is smiling in earnest now. You look at him in exasperation.

"You are no fun." he tells you loudly over the sound of the alarm, catching sight of your expression and standing up. You just shake your head, at a loss.

"You are not even slightly impressed?" he asks.

"If I have to stay here for longer than my normal working day, you'd better watch out." you tell him, half shouting to be heard.

"I am possibly terrified." he grins.

"Talk to Thor." you say seriously. He stares at you for a moment, before nodding.

Then he's gone.

You sigh. You'll definitely be called in for questions once they establish that Loki has actually been leaving his cell. Relief and trepidation are coursing through you in equal measures.

You hope Loki will be okay. 
