Chapter 18

A/N: Sorry ya'll I kind of threw that in there randomly about the mom leaving but I did it for a reason. Lol. I'm hoping it all make sense as the story comes together. Also this update is a long one. Almost 2K words. LOL enjoy!  :)

Maya POV

Riley was just as shocked as Lucas and I were to find out Caroline was leaving and not taking Maggie with her. While Riley and Lucas talked I hung out with the girls who seemed to hit it off good even though they are about 5 years a part in age. I was really worried about Maggie. She just wasn't herself and what child would be after finding all of this out. Once Lucas was done the three of us left Riley's. I stopped over at my place to get another over night bag because Lucas wanted me to stay with him again. When we got home to Lucas place Maggie still hadn't said much. She told Lucas she was going to get a bath which gave him and I some alone time to talk. 

"How did it go with Riley?" I asked him as I sat beside him on the couch. 

"It went really good. She is going to get the papers drawn up as soon as possible. I just can't believe this is happening." Lucas replied. "I'm worried about Maggie." 

"I know every emotion she's feeling right now. It is going to be tough especially since she is older but I think she'll be okay." I said to him as I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"Who decides to just up and not want to be a Mom anymore?" Lucas said to me and I could tell he was frustrated. 

"I don't know but as you know my Dad did the same thing. He was always so loving and such a great dad then one day just decided he didn't want to be a Dad anymore." I answered. 

"I should have seen this coming. Lately she hasn't been putting Maggie first at all what so ever. "Lucas said as he looked over at me. 

I placed my hand on his cheek and he looked at me "Stop. I know where this is going and it is not your fault." I said to him then smiled before kissing him softly. 

"Do you really think she's going to be okay?" he sighed. 

"Yes I do. Look at me. I'm fine. Honestly Lucas as blunt as this it might be the best thing for her. You said it yourself Caroline was not putting her first and look how she was getting into Maggie's head about things and causing her stress." 

Lucas started acting nervously and started talking without looking at me "Yeah I guess you are right but what about all the other stuff? She is 10 years old, Maya. In a few years puberty is going to be setting in for her and she's going to have all these questions about periods and stuff that I really don't want to deal with." he said and I laughed. "She needs her Mom." 

"Lucas." I said to him then he looked at me and I looked at him with a big smile on my face. "You know I can handle all of that right?" 

"But what if something happens and we aren't together by then?" he said to me. 

I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him with a lot of force and passion which he fell into right away.  We pulled away and looked at each other.

"You need to get that thought of your head immediately if not sooner. Nothing is going to happen with us. I love you so much and would be so lost without you. If you think I want to raise this baby alone you have lost your fucking mind." I said causing him to crack a smile. 

"I love you Maya and I feel the same way. I don't want to lose you either.  I just hate seeing my little girl so upset." he replied. 

"I totally understand. I hate it too. I thought of going to check on her if that was okay with you?" I said to him. 

"Yeah please do. Maybe you could get her to open up to you again. While you do that I'll call Mom." he said to me. 

"Okay that's what I'll do then. And you best remember what I said about getting that thought of your head about you and I." I said to him. 

"I will. Thank you. You're so amazing Maya. The most amazing thing in my life." he smiled. 

"That's right. I am amazing don't forget that." I chuckled.

Lucas pulled me to him and kissed me softly on the lips once more. I kissed him back this time slipping my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues brushed against each other and we kissed for a few more seconds before pulling away. Lucas placed his hand on my cheek. 

"Thank you for bringing to me my sense." he said to me. 

"Anytime." I said then kissed him quickly before getting up off the couch to go check on Maggie. 

When I got up to her room she was already out of the bath and on her bed. It looked like she was drawing which didn't surprise me as it seems she uses it as an outlet when she's upset.  I knocked lightly on the door frame and she looked up from her sketch book. 

"Can I come in?" I asked her. 

"Yeah." she replied so I walked over and sat beside her on the bed. 

She was in her pajamas and hair was still wet from her bath. "How you doing?" I asked her. 

"I don't know. I feel mad and sad." she answered at least we were getting somewhere. 

"Well taking out your frustrations in your art is a good thing." I replied. 

"What did I do to make her not want to be my mom anymore?" she asked me and as she looked up I saw tear running down her cheek.

"Honey you didn't do anything. I know its hard to understand but none of this is your fault." I replied as I wiped her tear away. 

"All  my friends from school have Moms who do stuff with them like host sleep overs for their birthday, go shopping, and in Girl Scouts we have Mom and daughter things." she cried. "I can't take Dad to those things." 

I sighed and grabbed Maggie into a hug "I don't want you to think I'm trying to take your mom's place by saying all of this but you know Maggie I love doing those things." I replied. "We can have fun girls days out and go for mani and pedis. I bet even Riley and Bella would join us." 

Maggie lifted her head up off my chest and looked at me "Really you would do that with me?" she asked me. 

"Yeah of course. Maybe we could even trick your Dad into getting them done with us." I said which actually caused her laugh. 

"Can we make him get his toenails painted?" she said with a smile. 

"We so will do that." I said with a chuckle.

"I think not." Lucas said causing both of us to look up. I looked over at him and tried so hard not to laugh. 

"Hi Daddy." Maggie said as she looked up him. 

"Hey squirt, you okay?" he asked as he walked over. 

"Yeah I'm okay for now." she replied. "But it hurts so much." 

"I know it does but one thing I want to make clear to you cause I'm worried about it is that it's not your fault. None of this is your fault at all." he said as he sat down beside her. 

"It feels like it Daddy." she replied. 

"I know but it's not." he replied. 

"Dad I have a question." Maggie sniffled. 

"Sure, whats up?" he asked. 

"Will you tell me more about Maya's baby." she asked. 

"Yeah of course.  What do you want know? Ask me anything." Lucas asked her and I couldn't help but smile. 

"When will the baby be here and is it going to be a boy or a girl?" she asked. 

"Maya won't have the baby until around March 10." Lucas answered. "And we don't know if its a boy or a girl yet." 

"When will you know?" she asked. 

"Actually Lucas I've been meaning to talk to you. At my next appointment they said if we wanted to know if the baby is a girl or a boy we can find out via a blood test that they do." I replied. "That appointment is this coming Thursday." 

"I guess we got a decision to make then." Lucas replied.

"Please Dad can you find out?" Maggie asked him and there was a little hint of excitement there. 

I looked at Lucas and he looked at me "What do you think Maya?" he asked me. 

"I think it would be a great idea." I said with a smile. 

I turned to Maggie and looked at her "Maggie can I show you something?" I asked her. 

Maggie nodded, "Yeah." she replied. "And yay can I go the appointment too" Maggie exclaimed.

I lifted up my shirt to reveal my baby bump. This was the first time she got to see it. "The baby is getting bigger." I smiled. 

Maggie reached out her hand and placed it on my stomach. "Awe, it's so cute." she said as she looked up at me with a smile. 

I watched as Lucas smiled at the interaction. Maggie pulled her hand away and I put my shirt down.

Lucas looked over at Maggie "It's amazing isn't it? he said to Maggie. "And I think we can arrange for you to go the appointment." he said with a smile. 

"Yeah I don't think that should be a problem at all." I replied.

Maggie nearly tackled Lucas into a hug "Thank you thank you thank you Daddy." she replied as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"You're welcome squirt. How about we all go watch a movie?" he suggested.  

"I'm down for that." I replied. 

"Yeah let me grab my pillow, blanket, and sketch book." Maggie said as she let go of Lucas. 

I'm so glad Maggie agreed to the movie. Lucas had a great idea there with it because it would be a great distraction for her right now which she needs.  Maggie and I outvoted Lucas on picking out the movie. We settled on Twilight which made me happy because I love some Edward Cullen. After the movie Lucas tucked Maggie into bed and then joined me in his room. We cuddled for awhile before we both drifted off to sleep. I'm so happy Maggie is warming up to me now and I'll be for her every step of the way as she overcomes the emotions of not being able to see her Mom anymore. 
