Chapter 14

A/N: Thank you all for the comments and love that you all left for the story! I'm so glad you are liking it. I know I say that every update but its true.

Maya POV

After Lucas packed his things we headed back to my place. I text Riley along the way to see if she was around and she said that she was so I told her that Lucas and I wanted to talk to her. We dropped Lucas things off at my place then walked hand in hand across the hall to Riley's.

"Do you think she'll be able to help us?" he asked me as we waited for someone to answer the door.

"I do! Don't worry about anything." I said as I looked at him with a smile on my face.

Just then the door opened and Bella greeted us excitedly. "Hi Aunt Peaches!" she said then she noticed Lucas standing beside me too. "Oh hi Lucas!".

"Hey kiddo. I miss you." I said before picking her up and giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Bella." Lucas waved.

"I miss you too. Mommy is making our favorite cookies." she said happily as she put her arms around me.

"Your Mommy is the best!" I said as I carried her into the kitchen.

"I really am the best." Riley said as she pulled out a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

"Mommy, Lucas is here too." she said to Riley.

"I know honey. Why don't you go see what Daddy is doing so I can talk to Aunt Peaches and Lucas for a minute." Riley said to her.

I put Bella on the ground the kneeled to her level. "I'll come see you after I talk to Mommy. I promise."

"Okay Aunt Peaches." she said before taking off running out of the kitchen.

I watched as Bella ran off to go see what her Dad was up to then turned to Riley who was putting another tray of cookies in the oven. After she was done she walked over to Lucas and I.

"Come out on the balcony with me and we'll talk." she said as she took off her apron and placed it on the counter.

"Good idea, Riles. The balcony is a perfect place to talk." I replied.

Lucas took my hand and together we followed Riley outside on the balcony. Riley had a nice set of table and chairs out there so that's where we sit at.

"So what is going on?" Riley asked as she sat down at the table.

"I'll let Lucas start off telling you everything." I replied.

Lucas looked at me and smiled then looked at Riley. "My ex-wife Caroline and I were together for 11 years but married 5. Maggie was born a year into our relationship. Everything seemed to be going great but as time went on Caroline just became to much to handle. Always paranoid that I cheating on her when I had no history of that, nagging on me for every little thing which made me moody and caused us to argue. I just wasn't into the relationship with her anymore. When I realized that I didn't love her anymore that is when I said I wanted a divorce. Maggie hasn't been taking it very well at all. She of course wants Mom and Dad together to be a family and Caroline isn't helping the situation at all."

"When you say she's not helping the situation what do you mean by that?" Rilyey asked him.

"Well as you already know Maya and I have been dating for the past 2 months now. One of the times that we were out on a date it just so happened that we ran into Caroline and Maggie. Once Caroline found out I had moved on she has started putting shit into Maggie's head making her think I don't care about her or her Mom, and who knows what else she has said. I'm sure she's said things about Maya to her. Maggie is just now starting to come around and not be as rude to Maya."

"Lucas just worries about emotional abuse going on Riles. Maggie basically cried in my arms today because she feels like her Dad doesn't care about her due to what her Mom is saying to her." I said to Riley as I took Lucas hand in mine.

"I was thinking about going for primary custody of her so that Maggie is with me most of the time." Lucas replied.

"Unfortunately it is hard for Dads to get primary custody over the Mom. I think our first step needs to be counseling for Maggie. Lets see if we can get anymore out of her when it comes to her Mom. What is the custody arrangement right now?" Riley asked.

"It is 50/50. One week on and one week off. Caroline agreed to it this way for Maggie's sake. " Lucas answered.

"Okay so lets keep it at that for now and get her into counseling then we will go from there." Riley replied.

"Do you think you can help us Riles?" I asked her.

"I hope so Peaches. It might be difficult but but we can put up a fight." Riley said with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much Riley. I will get the ball rolling on Monday. I want to get all of this figured out before the baby gets here. I know we have awhile before that but the thing is Maggie doesn't know she's going to be a big sister yet. I'm kind of worried about how she'll take it and what Caroline will say or do when she finds out." Lucas chuckled.

"Exactly and my guess is she probably won't take it well." I replied.

"Probably not but it won't be for long. We'll work on her." Riley said with a smile. "You know I get she's 5 years older than Bella but maybe you guys could do something with the two girls sometime."

"Maya and I will have to take Bella to my moms farm sometime and let her ride one of the horses." Lucas replied.

"Oh my god she would love that." Riley said.

"She'd go nuts over that Huckleberry." I laughed. "Baby girl loves horses."

"She does. In fact she's been begging Daddy for one and he keeps having to tell her no." Riley chuckled.

Riley, Lucas and I continued to chat for awhile longer before going back inside. Lucas left to go to my place and I stayed for a bit. Riley packed up some cookies for me then I went and saw my Bella boo. She was of course hanging out with Daddy. I spent some time with her before deciding to go back over to Lucas. When I got there he was laying on the couch watching TV. I decided to straddle him as he laid there.

"I think it went well don't you?" I said as I looked down at him.

Lucas moved my blonde hair out of my face and smiled "Yeah I think it went really well. I like Riley." he said to me.

"I thought so too." I replied. "So I'm starving. What should we do for dinner?"

"What are you and baby craving?" he asked me with a grin on his face.

"Honestly I could go for a cheese burger." I laughed.

"Lets order cheeseburgers to go from the little diner down the street." Lucas replied.

"Sounds good to me." I answered.

I leaned down and kissed Lucas softly. He gave into my kiss and it deepened. We made out for a few minutes before coming back for air.

"As much as I want to make out with you among other things we should stop otherwise dinner is going to be put off for another hour." He said to me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I agree. Lets order our food." I said as i got up off him.

"I love you Maya." he said to me.

I looked at him and he was smiling at me so I smiled back "I love you too Lucas." I replied.

Lucas and I ordered our dinner then spent the night cuddling and watching movies. I was glad to have this time with him before he had to go tomorrow. When he was away from me it always felt like something was missing. Each and every day I was falling even more in love with Lucas. He really does complete me.
