Hell In A HandBasket

I'm back with another semi-decent chapter. I've decided that after this is done, I will be writing another book. I just have to work out a few more details in the plot line. Anyways let's get this tape rolling.

Deku POV

Eri, had long fallen asleep, but I was wide awake. I couldn't dare close my eyes. I could barely see anything around. I felt like there was someone around me, but i couldn't tell. I was submerged in absolute darkness. I heard my stomach let out a low growl, I hadn't eaten anything since lunch.

I'm not sure what day it is, it feels like I've been here for days, but I knew that wasn't the case. Eri would've eventually woken up. The room was in was so silent you could hear a pin drop. The concrete I was sitting on was cold like ice.

I heard a screeching sound that, sounded like a metal door. The room was very suddenly filled with light, only to be plunged into darkness again. But I could see a figure moving closer to the middle of the light.

Suddenly the room was filled with the pale yellow light from an old lightbulb. The figure, I recognized, from the person outside. This time I could get a better look at his face. His eyes were a bright golden, and he had dark brown hair.

He wore black pants, and a heavy green overcoat with purple feather. But the most noticeable feature was a red and yellow, plague mask. I also noticed he was wearing white gloves. He took a step towards me. I straightened up, against the wall. He continued to slowly walk towards me, I looked around in panic for anything, or anyone. 

My chains started to jiggled loudly, filling the one silent room with sound. He put his fingers to his face, in a silencing motion. I fell still, knowing that I wasn't in the condition to be able to fight back.

"She's sleeping" He said, pointing to the frale girl in my lap. "Now this could either go the easy way or the hard way." He said, removing one of the gloves. His hand hovered over Eri's face. I looked up at him with confusion and panic. 

"Tell me the information I want to know or else." I nodded, my head slowly not sure what he wanted. "Where are the extra weapons stored?" He said, looking at me dead serious. "What weapons..?" I said in obvious confusion.

"The location of the weapon storage from the League of Villains." I gave him another confused look. He sighed loudly, and stood up angrily pacing around the room. "Look kid I know you're giving me the run around, I read you file you have lived with them practically your whole life."

"Well then if you read my file, you should know that I never knew they were villains." I said letting my anger show, admitting my family were villains left a bitter taste in my mouth. "That's obviously just a load of bull." He said slamming his fist against the wall. 

He pinched the bridge of his nose, that wasn't under his mask. He leaned down, staring at me with golden beady eyes. "I need to know the location of these weapons, to put the next stage of my plan in motion."

"I told you I don't know!" I shouted. THe aura in the roo turned dark, and my breath hitched. "So be it." He placed his ungloved hand on Eri's sleeping face. And to my horror, her face started to turn to into bloody dust. SHe let out a high pitched scream. As her body turned to a pile of ahs, blood, and bones.

I looked at the devil himself in front of me. With another swipe of his hand, Eri's bones and blood starting forming into her small crying figure again. I wrapped my arms around her, as I felt her cling to my shirt, tears desperately running down her face.

But I was just glaring at the pure evil in front of me.


This book only has one or two chapters left, I hope that you guys have enjoyed it so far. Now it's time for me to roll out.
