Family (Dinner)

Hello I'm back. I didn't post yesterday, because I was writing a one shot. Also suicide warning and manga spoiler for this chapter. Anyways let's get this tape rolling.

Izuku POV

I was getting dressed on Saturday morning. I was alone in my dorm, putting on a red shirt. Today was the day I visited the league. I had slept in Hitoshi's room every night, but just for the sleep though.  

To say I was nervous was an understatement, I felt like I wanted to puke up my breakfast. But I continued getting ready as I headed out my dorm. I walked to the elevator, it was pretty early so no one else was up. 

The common room was deserted. I looked outside to see gray clouds hovering overhead. I don't think it was going to rain, a sprinkle at most. I continued walking towards the prison to make my visiting hours.

I walked into the prison waiting room, everyone there were adults, I was a bit intimidated. I straightened my back, and put on a brave face. Visiting hours were to start in thirty minutes. My family knew Saturday was the only day I could visit them, other than holidays of course.

I was allowed to bring other people, but I didn't feel like it. It has only been a week, but I miss them a lot. I got used to seeing all of them on a daily basis. I was all alone. I had to take care of myself.

Mamagiri wasn't there to make me cookies when I was sad. Toga wasn't there to watch Harry Potter with me. Tomura wasn't there to tell me not to eat cupcakes for breakfast. Dabi wasn't there for me to play basketball with. Twice wasn't there to talk about Star Wars with me. 

I had to do it all by myself. At least the other kids in school have families, after graduation I'm out on my bum. Maybe UA will even kick me out before graduation, I mean my quirk isn't really flashy or anything.

I was dragged out of my spiral, by everyone in the waiting room standing up. They were all signing the paperwork required for them to visit. I walked in and they said they would bring the villains out, one by one. 

I sat down on the stool and waited. Eventually they brought Toga out, for a second I didn't recognize her. She had her hair down, and it was knotted and dirty. She had bags under her eyes, her usually happy smile had turned into a pierced frown. She had her head down.

She was wearing an orange jump suit, and had quirk cancelling cuffs on. The prison guard sat her down, and went back to door. I picked up the phone used to communicate. "H-hey Izu." Her voice sounded low and broken. 

She sounded like she was trying to put fake happiness in her voice. It broke my heart. I was informed of her murderous side. But she was still like a sister to me. And now I can only see her through glass.

"How are you doing Himiko?" I asked her, trying to stir up some conversation. "Oh it's cool, my roommates not the talkative type, but at least she's nice." She paused trying to think of something else to day. "I see Tomura and Dabi during lunch, and free time. But sadly Twice has been taken to another section of the hospital."

"Oh." I said. "You'll be able to visit him soon, but they need him to be mentally stable first." She looked down. This wasn't the Himiko Toga I knew. "Is the food really that bad, like in the movies?" I asked, trying to make a joke.

She laughed a bit, but it sounded forced. "No, not really. Not the mush in the movies. More like cafeteria food." I cringed, cafeteria food sucked. A guard came by and told me, that he was going to bring Dabi out. Toga walked away, looking at the ground. 

She gave me a fake smile over her shoulder. Then a few minutes later. Dabi came up to the booth. He looked a bit different, he had red hair coming in. But apparently they told me he was Touya Todoroki. So he was related to one of my classmates and Endeavor. 

So the bit of red hair didn't surprise me. He looked defeated, and he looked like he wanted to punch something. But most of all, his face looked ashamed. I picked up the phone. "H-hey." I stuttered. "Hello, Izuku." He said after that.

After that it was an awkward silence. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry we lied to you. We all are, but I'm saying it for all us." I know I should be mad at him, but ever time I look at him. I see the same big brother who would give me piggy back rides. 

I held back tears. I just wished I could go back, back when I didn't know anything. It might seem stupid to want to go back to a time when people lied to you. But it's easier than facing the cruel reality. "How's school." He asked, after yet another awkward silence. 

"Oh good, but I already know everything. Mamagiri was a great teacher." I said with a little laugh at the end. We both knew it was forced. "Well that's good to hear." After another awkward silence he stood up.

"I'm sure Mamagiri would like to see you." He said walked towards the door. I put the phone down and waited for Mamagiri to come out. After a few minutes he walked out.

I nearly cringed at the sight. Mamagiri who had always worn a suit, now wore a baggy orange jumpsuit, and instead of quirk cancelling handcuffs, he had an neck brace. Probably, because he didn't have physical hands. 

His eyes were less shiny and looked dark. I knew he wasn't really Mamagiri. After they captured the villains they did a DNA test, and found out he was a Nomu made from the corpse of Oboro.

I never found out about the Nomu until the LOV was captured, they kept the Nomu in a different facility that I never saw. Once Mamagiri sat down I picked up the phone. "How are you doing?" I asked, genuine concern lacing into my voice.

I heard him sigh. "I'm doing as well as I can, Izuku. Have you made any new friends?" He said. I smiled a bit, Mamagiri always cared about me. "Oh, I'm doing well I met Hitoshi in real life, and reunited with Kacchan." 

I saw him smile behind the mist, it was hard to see. But not impossible. "Would you still like me to call you Mamagiri?" He sighed again tiredly. "That would be lovely, Izuku." There were a few silent moments. A guard came and took Mamagiri, said I should wait for Tomura.

When they brought out Tomura he looked just like I thought he would. He had on three finger gloves, along with quirk cancelling cuffs. He was scowling, and his eyes held hate and anger. He was glaring at the guard by the door, as he walked to me.

He sat down with a huff. But when he looked up, his eyes held sadness and pain. "Hello, Izuku." I smiled. "Hello, Tommy." He smiled a bit. But his eyes still held anger and pain. "How have you been?" I said, trying to stir up, some kind of conversation.

"My bunkmate is Dabi." He groaned. Dabi and Tomura were like the twin brothers who always fought. "That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen." I said, with a small laugh. "Yeah, yeah it is." He said distantly. 

After a few moments of him looking at the wall, he turned to me with a determined look. "Izuku, I-I," He stuttered. He stood up. "Am going to go rest in my room." He got up and left, leaving me alone.

I put down the telephone. I could feel tears in my eyes, as I walked out of the prison. That's not what I wanted to hear. This is my life now, just awkward conversation between glass. Tears rolled down my face, as I sniffled.

I just wanted someone to tell me everything is going to work out. Everything will be okay. I'm all alone. I don't want this to be my life. Everything that happened as a child came rushing back, the bullying, and my mother's death.

I continued walking to UA. No one would really care if I died right? My family are behind bars and I can only see each of them for thirty minutes a week. It wouldn't make much of a difference to them, right? Kacchan had Kirishima and his other friends. So what did it matter? Hitoshi had only known me in real life for a week?

I'm just another student to all the teachers. And I'd be joking myself, if I said I could be a hero. I thought of a plan. As I walked to UA. I wouldn't write any letters, because the only way to get anything to the villains is to give it to the police to look through. And they would stop me.

Other than them, I barely know anyone. My long lost best friend, and my crush. No, I've only known either of them a week. I walked up the stairs of UA in a trance. It was still early morning, no one around to stop me.

Honestly no one would really be surprised I'm just that charity case kid, that they took pity on. I stepped over the railing, and looked down.

Below me was the pavement. I wasn't that important. Just a blip, I would just be a speck of dust disappearing. No one really pays attention to the kid in the back of the class anyway. I let go of the railing, and leaned forward.

'No one will really care.' That was my last thought, as I felt the wind rush past me on my way down.

Author Chan

This chapter was sad, and it was a lot longer then I though it would be. But I think it was a pretty good chapter. I actually wasn't looking forward to writing this chapter, but I had fun writing it. I will update tomorrow. Anyways it's time for me to roll out.
