i arrived at my new school, phoenix drop high. it's much bigger than my old school. my last school had only one floor. i took a shaky breath and walked inside. i arrived in the middle of the year, what a convenient time to join a new school.

i arrived at the front desk to retrieve my schedule. "hello, my name is caroline hellan. i'm the new transfer student. i'm here to get my schedule and locker combination." i told the lady at the front desk.

"of course, dear." she reached for two pieces of paper and handed it to me. "welcome to phoenix drop."

i smiled a little half smile and walk out of the room. i take a peep at my schedule so i could find homeroom. "room 121" i muttered quietly to myself. "wonder where that is..." i suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder and i turned around.

"hello! im teony. i was assigned to help you out and show you around the school, since your new here." the girl smiled at me. "the lady at front desk directed me to you."

"oh well, hi. im caroline." i replied. "here's my schedule." i showed her my schedule.

"oh great, you got one of the worst teachers for homeroom ever. luckily you're skipping the next few periods so i can show you around." teony told me.

"lucky me..." i murmured.

teony let out a small laugh. "c'mon. i have you till lunch." she gestured me to follow her. "and.." she peeped at my schedule. "we have the same lunch period! you can sit with me and my friends if you'd like."

"oh, um, thanks! i hope your friends aren't annoying." i replied as i started following her.

"depends on your definition of annoying." she turned the corner and began introducing me to the classrooms.

~time skip~

a bell rang.

"lunch time!" teony grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cafeteria. her brown eyes lit up as she spotted her friends. she began dragging me to the table her friends were at. "hey guys! this is the new student i was talking about."

they all said their forms of hello at the same time. "im caroline." i said. i pushed my white hair which was tied up in a high ponytail by a royal blue scrunchie, off my shoulder.

one of teony's friends spoke up. she had black hair and bright brown eyes. "hey, caroline, im aphmau!" and with that it seemed as the others finally had confidence to speak.

"new student, huh? did you move or something?" one girl who had orange hair and red eyes asked as she began to eat her lunch.

"lucinda, dont interrogate her!" teony replied and she sat down and motioned for me to sit down as well. i did.

"it's fine, teony." i turned to the orange haired girl. "i didn't move. i actually got expelled from my old school and decided to transfer here."

"oh." she said.

"i hope you don't mind me asking, but what did you get expelled for?" a blue haired girl asked.

"it's not important." i replied and i took out my lunch from my lunchbox. it was just filled with junk food. some oreos and european chocolates my dad got for me from a business trip. i rolled my eyes. i can't believe i was so tired last night that i forgot to pack an actual meal. i shut my lunchbox. "im suddenly not hungry. are we allowed to go outside?" i asked.

i saw aphmau cringe. "no. and if we were, you wouldn't want to go outside anyways. trust me."

"im intrigued. but i can't risk it. my mom said that if i got detention within my first week id be grounded for a month." i told them. "so anyways...you guys haven't fully introduced yourselves yet."

"oh." teony let out a light chuckle. she pointed to aphmau. "that's aphmau."

"i know." i replied.

i could see teony roll her eyes. she pointed to the blue haired girl. "that's katelyn."

"that's lucinda." she pointed to the orange hair girl.

"and last but not least, that's kawaii~chan." she pointed to a pink haired meifwa.

"interesting." i said. "is it your real name?"

kawaii~chan nodded. "kawaii~chan loves your makeup!" she remarked. "winged liner is very hard for her to do."

"Ooh, third person speech. i like it. gives you character." i told her. "Anyways, i have literally nothing good in my lunchbox, so i'm just going to walk around the school, you know, explore all the parts teony didn't get to show me."

"I got to show you all of it." teony started.

"i know." i flashed the group of girls a wink and grabbed my lunchbox and strolled off. i take out my locker combination. locker 452...thank god teony told me which hall my locker was on. as i get to the correct hallway, i recited my locker number while looking at the lockers and i suddenly found it. i spun the dial on the correct numbers to open it and the locker clicked open. i took my bag off my shoulder and shoved it in. i took a look at my schedule and i saw my next class. "chemistry...fun." i hated chemistry with my whole heart. i put my schedule in my bag and i took out the things i needed for chemistry, and slammed my locker door shut.

the bell rang.

i rolled my eyes and i turned the corner towards the chemistry lab. i heard shouting arise near another hall of lockers. i stop out of curiosity and look down the hallway. i see a group of three surrounding a small guy with glasses.

"please leave me alone." the kid whimpered.

"shut it, four eyes!" one of the three said. he had dark brown hair, and he was quite short compared to the one in the middle, who had black hair. The other one next to them was a girl with long white hair, like mine.

i burst out laughing and the three whip around and stare at me.

"what are you laughing at?" the brown haired guy asked, quite annoyed. the kid they were bullying took this time to run off.

"four eyes? what are you? a middle schooler?" i replied. "you must be dumb if you actually think that's a good insult, you sound pathetic."

he rolled his eyes. "Do you know who you're talking to?"

"yeah. a guy who uses middle school level insults and thinks he's clever'." i sneered. "maybe you should let those two do the talking next time." i gestured to the tall one and the white haired one.

another bell rang.

"aw shit. i'm gonna be late." i murmured and dashed off to chemistry.

~gene's pov~

"what a bitch." zenix muttered under his breath.

"bitch or not, she's right, zenix." i told him. "let me and sasha do the talking next."

zenix groaned.

"hey, she could be that new girl aphmau told you to leave alone yesterday." sasha said. "she clearly had no idea who we were."

i smirked. "we'll have to let her know next time."
